


1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……





汉语拼音:tí gāng







  1. 提举网的总绳,举网。

    唐 杜甫 《又观打鱼》诗:“苍江渔子清晨集,设网提纲万鱼急。”

  2. 比喻抓住大的或主要的。


  3. 指写作、发言、学习、研究、讨论等的内容要点。

    浩然 《艳阳天》第六三章:“她这会儿坐在草地上,考虑着发言提纲。”

  4. 唐 宋 称总领提运财物至京。当时谓成批运送货物为纲。

    唐 方干 《送婺州许录事》诗:“曙星没尽提纲去,暝角吹残锁印归。” 宋 梅尧臣 《依韵和许待制病起偶书》:“提纲勿用銖銖较,列局缘从物物监。”



  1. Regardless of whether or not your meeting is remote, it's always a good practice to send out a numbered agenda with your meeting invitation.


  2. Mine is often making a cup of green tea and sipping it while I outline whatever I'm going to work on.


  3. When a story presents itself and I catch a glimpse of what I have, I capture it in a swift, skeletal draft.


  4. our experience mentioned towards the end of your outline are well written, but I suggest you consider adding one or two more.


  5. When you run out of ideas for the checklist, put the pad at the side of your desk.


  6. If you're just reading through in one sitting you might not catch all this, so I've made the outline and I'll talk you through it.


  7. The translated XLIFF must now be merged with the skeleton file to produce a translated document in the desired output format.


  8. The key to both outlining and summarizing is being able to distinguish between the main ideas and the supporting ideas and examples.


  9. Plenty of good writers don't use outlines at all but discover ordering principles as they write.


  1. 太阴病提纲

    outline of TAI YIN syndrome.

  2. 写发言提纲

    make an outline for a speech.

  3. 为。拟出提纲

    To make an outline of

  4. 少阴病提纲

    outline of SHAO YIN syndrome.

  5. 可维护性提纲

    maintainability program.

  6. 电影剧本。剧本提纲。

    Scenario n. A written outline of a film, play, etc.

  7. 列文章的提纲

    make an outline of the article.

  8. 提纲式询问

    skeletal query.

  9. 写作讲稿的提纲

    to skeletonize a lecture

  10. 法学学士课程提纲

    Bachelor of Laws degree Syllabus

  11. 费尔巴哈提纲

    On the Outline of Feuerbach.

  12. 可行性研究报告提纲

    Outline of a Feasibility Research Report

  13. 图书馆工作汇报提纲

    Outline of the Report on Library Service

  14. 我只是交了提纲。

    I only submit a skeleton draft.

  15. 计划, 建议等的提纲

    the broad outline of a plan, proposal, etc

  16. 提纲设计和实际操作

    Syllabus design and classroom processes

  17. 这个提纲要仔细拟订。

    This outline must be carefully worked out.

  18. 你首先要写出提纲。

    You should skeletonize first.

  19. 他写下演讲的提纲。

    He wrote down the outline of his lecture.

  20. 我来提纲挈领地谈一谈。

    I'll just touch briefly on the essentials.

  21. 关于提纲的第一次报告。

    First report on outline.

  22. 报告书内容的详细提纲

    detailed outline of the contents of the official report

  23. 你先拟个提纲再写。

    Make an outline before you start writing.

  24. 这个提纲写得太略了。

    This outline is rather too sketchy.

  25. 我已准备了我的发言提纲。

    I have prepared my speech in outline.

  26. 写作文之前先写个提纲。

    Make an outline before trying to write a composition.

  27. 请按提纲讲出课文大意。

    Please give the general idea of the lesson according to the outline.

  28. 作者写出了他的书的提纲。

    The author abstracted his book.

  29. 概要是著作简明扼要的提纲。

    Capsules are brief, concise outlines of written works.

  30. 概要是著作简明扼要的提纲。

    Capsules are brief, concise outlines of written works.


  1. 问:提纲拼音怎么拼?提纲的读音是什么?提纲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提纲的读音是tígāng,提纲翻译成英文是 synopsis

  2. 问:提纲拼音怎么拼?提纲的读音是什么?提纲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提纲的读音是tígāng,提纲翻译成英文是 outline plan

  3. 问:提纲挈领拼音怎么拼?提纲挈领的读音是什么?提纲挈领翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提纲挈领的读音是tígāngqièlǐng,提纲挈领翻译成英文是 bring out the essential points



提纲,是一种概括地叙述纲目、要点的公文。它不把全文的所有内容写出来,只把那些主要内容,提纲挈领式地写出来。 提纲使用于汇报工作、传达会议精神和讲话发言。因为有些情况、材料很繁杂,又很具体,而且本人对它也特别熟悉,这些具体材料都装在脑海里,用不着一一写出来,只需把纲目列出,就可把有关材料串联起来。