




用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……



汉语拼音:sān bāo







  1. 唐 代诗人 包融 与其子 何 、 佶 并以诗名,时号“三包”。

    元 辛文房 《唐才子传·包融》:“ 融 , 延陵 人。 开元 间,仕歷大理司直,与参军 殷遥 、 孟浩然 交厚,工为诗。二子 何 、 佶 纵声雅道,齐名,当时号‘三 包 ’。”

  2. 产品销售后的一定期限内,由供方承担维修、更换、退赔等责任,即包修、包换、包退,合称“三包”。




  1. He assured himself of the existence of his three separate parcels of matches, though he did not stop to count them.


  2. I smoke three packs a day, drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods and never, ever exercise.


  3. Jian-Rui microwave products and a "three guarantees" , the warranty period for two years, life-long technical services.


  4. MIKE: One now, more later. Before you know it, you're smoking three packs a day.


  5. The company's products at reasonable prices, keeping promises, tracking services, implementation of Three Guarantees, Daipei operators.


  6. He became so addicted that he would smoke up to three packs of Marlboros a day.


  7. Three packs a day. I'm never going to smoke that much again. And I'm only going to smoke one this afternoon.


  8. the contents of three packs of the certificate and identification of goods in kind or not altered, missing.


  9. He smoked three packs a day, subsisted on hamburgers, and often worked around the clock.


  1. 产品实行三包

    three guarantees for products.

  2. 本产品实行三包。

    We have three guarantees for this product.

  3. 大约两到三包烟。

    About two to three packs.

  4. 给我三包香烟, 谢谢!

    Give me three packets please.

  5. 给我三包香烟,谢谢!

    Give me three packets please.

  6. 再来三包炸薯条。

    And three French fries, please.

  7. 他已经吸光三包香烟。

    He has gone through three packs of cigarettes.

  8. 严格按国家规定实行三包。

    We carry out The Three Guarantees strictly according to national regulation.

  9. 好的, 请给我三包番茄酱。

    OK, and please give me three packs of ketchup.

  10. 最后, 提供优质服务, 即三包政策。

    Finally, the provision of quality services, that is, three packs of policy.

  11. 曾几何时,我一天抽了三包烟。

    Not long since, I took out three packs of smokes for a day.

  12. 我公司承诺对产品实行质量三包。

    Our company promises to implement the promise to three types of service to ensure the quality of products.

  13. 我公司承诺对产品实行质量三包。

    Our company promises to implement the"promise to three types of service" to ensure the quality of products.

  14. 产品实行三包,是对工厂的最基本的要求。

    Application of three guarantees to its products is the most fundamental requirement for a factory to meet.

  15. 未经厂家授权的经销商不宜直接处理三包事件。

    The dealer with no attorney of power should not deal with problems concerning quality three guarantees.

  16. 深受顾客欢迎的商品中,商家实行三包的商品最受欢迎。

    Among the commodities highly praised By customers, those to which shops apply three guarantees are most popular.

  17. 深受顾客欢迎得商品中,商家实行三包得商品最受欢迎。

    Among the commodities highly praised By customers, those to which shops apply three guarantees are most popular.

  18. 我在等待的时候吃了三包炸薯片,现在我不饿了!

    I ate three bags of chips while I was waiting and now I'm not hungry!

  19. 你们要严格按照门前三包的有关规定,搞好自己单位门前的三项工作。

    You should firmly follow related prescriptions about"three pieces of duty to the administration of resident's front land", and do a good job of managing the front land of your own company.

  20. 这三个包是我的。

    These three hand bags are mine.

  21. 这三个包是我得。

    These three hand bags are mine.

  22. 所有鞋鞋都是正品外贸原单, 三大优点包您满意!

    All shoes are come from foreign trad oreder balance, three advantages satisfied your requirement.

  23. 这是我女儿的包,三年级都用这种。

    Well, it's my daughter's. The whole junior class has them.

  24. 出售之日起三个月内包换。

    Replaceable within three months from the date of sale.

  25. 拿一碟凤爪两笼虾饺和三个叉烧包。

    Take a dish of chicken legs, shrimp dumplings and two three bun cage.

  26. 三个家伙往运动包里装钱然后离开。

    Three guys are stuffing a gym bag and take off.

  27. 看,我还买了三大包薯条,每包九十九分。

    And look I got three extra large packages of potato chips for 99 cents each.

  28. 她背着包, 爬了三个小时的山。

    Shouldering her pack, she climbed up the hill for three hours.

  29. 她背着包,爬了三个小时的山。

    Shouldering her pack, she climbed up the hill for three hours.

  30. 锅炉汽包三冲量调节系统的设计

    Design of Level Control System of Boiler Barrel


  1. 问:三包拼音怎么拼?三包的读音是什么?三包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三包的读音是sānbāo,三包翻译成英文是 The three guarantees; the service measure; the re...