


1. 糊 [hū]2. 糊 [hú]3. 糊 [hù]糊 [hū]涂抹或粘合使封闭起来:~了一层泥。糊 [hú]粘合,涂附:裱~。~墙。~窗户。粥类:~口。〔~涂〕a.不明事理;认识模糊混乱,如“他太~~了”;b.内容混乱的,如“~~账”。……


1. 弄 [nòng]2. 弄 [lòng]弄 [nòng]玩耍,把玩:摆~。玩~。~臣(帝王所亲近狎昵的臣子)。~潮儿。戏~。~瓦(“瓦”是原始的纺锤,古代把它给女孩子玩,意为生女儿)。~璋(“璋”是一种玉器,古代把它给男孩子玩。意为生儿……



汉语拼音:hù nong









  1. 将就。

    《儿女英雄传》第十五回:“文章呢,倒糊弄着作上了。” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第七段:“大伙只得把裤子褪下点,打个结,包住脚,大衣往头上一蒙,背贴着背,腿插着腿,糊弄着睡下去了。”

  2. 欺骗;蒙混。

    洪深 《歌女红牡丹》第十七本:“你啊,糊弄朋友,把我的女孩子也偷卖啦。” 毕方 锺涛 《千重浪》第四章二:“种庄稼是实打实凿的事,掺不得半点虚假,你要糊弄它一下,它就能糊弄你一年。”



  1. If one of his teams wasn't delivering, there was no confusion around it.


  2. That's not true at all, she said. You tease me because you think I'm a silly girl.


  3. Betty bought a bit of better butter, but said she, this butter is bitter, it'll make my batter bitter.


  4. Most people also lie to themselves about what they're spending, just as they lie to themselves about how much they're eating.


  5. No one is accepting these studies as the last word, and there is no evidence that the White House is being dishonest.


  6. Ieva's mother had her eye on her daughter but Ieva she managed to fool her, you know.


  7. Your right face continuously walks, the movie theater. must be correct in side, do not deceive me, otherwise you die! ! !


  8. "You know what you are doing? You are delaying your dependence on China, not escaping it, " he says. "You're also kidding yourself. "


  9. Please do not fob me off with the explanation that the applause is thanks for an excellent performance.


  1. 你在糊弄我!

    You gotta be kidding me!

  2. 你别糊弄我。

    Don't try to fool me.

  3. 别想糊弄我。

    That's not good enough.

  4. 糊弄人的问题

    a captious question.

  5. 我还要糊弄糊弄他。

    I'll fool him yet.

  6. 别糊弄我,帕克!

    Do not jerk me around.Parker!

  7. 别糊弄我,帕克!

    Do not jerk me around. Parker!

  8. 你别想糊弄过去!

    You don't have shit!

  9. 你别想糊弄过去!

    You don't have shit!

  10. 粗茶淡饭,糊弄着吃吧。

    It's just simple fare, but I hope it will do.

  11. 你糊弄老子,他吼道。

    You could have fooled me, he snarled.

  12. 胡说八道!你休想糊弄我。

    Stuff and nonsense! Don't try to make a fool of me.

  13. “你糊弄老子”,他吼道。

    "You could have fooled me," he snarled.

  14. 他爱编造谎言糊弄我。

    He loves to make up lies to fool me with.

  15. 别糊弄我, 我可不是小孩。

    I was born, but I wasn't born yesterday, son.

  16. 电视糊弄人的浅薄无聊。

    The mesmerizing inanity of television.

  17. 你在糊弄我还是在嘲笑我?

    Are you making fun of me? Or are you mocking me?

  18. 给教材糊弄上些新内容

    to whistle up some new ideas for lessons

  19. 你可以看到我可以糊弄它。

    You can see when I psych it out, it gets fooled.

  20. 但母亲就不太好糊弄了。

    The mother would be much harder to fool.

  21. 他们中哪一个糊弄了我呢?

    Which one of them screwed me?

  22. 当心点,他早就会糊弄人了。

    Be careful. He already knows how to bluff.

  23. 唉, 原来这一切都是糊弄人的。

    Alas, this turns out to be balls.

  24. 这次你不可能轻易糊弄过去的。

    You cannot fence your way out of this one.

  25. 这可是细活,不能瞎糊弄。

    This is a delicate job. It mustn't be done carelessly.

  26. 如果想糊弄我不是你想象那样容易。

    So messing me up may not be as easy as you think.

  27. 首先,美国财政部应该停止搪塞和糊弄。

    Treasury Department must stop fudging and obfuscating.

  28. 他是这么说的吗?你别糊弄我了。

    He said that? You're kidding me.

  29. 你别做一道题就走形式做样子糊弄我!

    You don't become a problem to go form what fool me!

  30. 你不是准备背个假包去糊弄人吧。

    You won't fool anyone with a phony.


  1. 问:糊弄拼音怎么拼?糊弄的读音是什么?糊弄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:糊弄的读音是hùnong,糊弄翻译成英文是 fool; make do with