







汉语拼音:rào rào







  1. 纠缠貌。

    《后汉书·仲长统传》:“古来绕绕,委曲如琐。” 南朝 齐 谢朓 《思归赋》:“夜索綯而绕绕,旦乘屋而芃芃。” 宋 梅尧臣 《水苔》诗:“绕绕水仙髮,茸茸蛟客髯。”

  2. 回环旋转貌。

    南朝 梁 江淹 《水上神女赋》:“綵霞绕绕,卿云縵縵。” 唐 罗邺 《夏日题远公北阁》诗:“人烟纷绕绕,诸树共苍苍。”《西游记》第十一回:“那鬼使领命,即将 刘全 夫妻二人还魂。带定出了阴司,那阴风绕绕,径到了 长安 大国。”



  1. So many gods, so many creeds, So many paths that wind and wind, While just the art of being kind, Is all the sad world needs.


  2. Let's take a turn about the room.


  3. and i run around, round, round, round this town town


  1. 盘绕绕成同心环或螺旋线

    To wind in concentric rings or spirals.

  2. 这就是我们这样绕绕圈得道理。

    This is the reason why we wind the coils this way.

  3. 您要我带您绕一绕吗?

    Would you like me to show you around?

  4. 小径在岩石间绕来绕去。

    The path twists in and out among the rocks.

  5. 小汽车在楼房之间绕来绕去。

    The car is winding among the buildings.

  6. 她绕来绕去穿过了人群。

    She wound her way through the crowds.

  7. 你不要只是在这里绕来绕去。

    You can't just go wandering around out here.

  8. 我们在狭窄得街道上绕来绕去。

    We wound way the narrow street.

  9. 我们在狭窄的街道上绕来绕去。

    We wound way the narrow street.

  10. 那些男孩子在走廊里绕来绕去。

    The boys were milling about in the corridor.

  11. 这就是我们这样绕绕圈的道理。

    This is the reason why we wind the coils this way.

  12. 我们编的网好繁啊。绕来绕去。

    What a tangled web we weave!

  13. 我绕啊绕啊, 但是纱锭一直是满满的。

    I reeled and reeled and the spool remained full.

  14. 难道绕来绕去,绕到磨石口来了吗?

    Could it be that all these detours had brought them to Moshi Pass?

  15. 你绕来绕去是否暗指我在撒谎?

    Are you insinuating that I am a liar

  16. 我做事喜欢直截了当, 不绕来绕去的。

    I like to get straight down to business, without a lot of preamble.

  17. 她绕来绕去地把他带到会面地点。

    She led him by devious ways to the meeting place.

  18. 中文你绕来绕去是否暗指我在撒谎?

    Are you insinuating that I am liar

  19. 你能帮助我吗?, 拿着这个箱子绕一绕?

    Would you please help me and just carry this suitcase for me around?

  20. 你必须面对现实, 困难想绕是绕不过去的。

    You must face the reality. It's impossible to avoid all difficulties, no matter how hard you try.

  21. 你必须明确回答这个问题, 想绕是绕不过去的。

    You must give a definite answer to the question. There's no getting round it.

  22. 她以不即不离的神气听着菲儿绕来绕去的闲语。

    She listened to Phyl's meandering gossip with a remote air.

  23. 我追著它绕来绕去, 最后终于等到这张可爱的照片。

    I followed this kitty all around the places, and finally got this lovely shot.

  24. 我们一直围着这个问题绕来绕去, 真的是在浪费时间。

    We're talking round and round the question. It is really a waste of time.

  25. 我们一直围着这个问题绕来绕去, 真得是在浪费时间。

    We're talking round and round the question. It is really a waste of time.

  26. 另一个考虑的方面是在你的挥拍期间身体的盘绕解盘绕。

    Another aspect to consider is the coiling and uncoiling of the body during your swing.

  27. 刘四爷的大圆眼在祥子身上绕了绕, 什么也没说。

    Fourth Master Liu ran his eyes over him, but was silent.

  28. 我看到笼子里有一只仓鼠,在一个轮子上绕来绕去得跑。

    I looked at a hamster in a cage, running round and round on a wheel.

  29. 我看到笼子里有一只仓鼠,在一个轮子上绕来绕去的跑。

    I looked at a hamster in a cage, running round and round on a wheel.

  30. 大家会戴上面具和礼帽,排成一条长龙,在屋子里绕来绕去。

    The dancers form a long conga line, wearing masks and hats zigzagging throughout the room.




拼音:rào rào

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