




罩在外面的东西:褥~。手~。外~。加罩:~裤。~袖。重叠的:~版。~耕。~种(zhòng )。装在衣物里的棉絮:被~。同类事物合成的一组:一~制服。~路。~数。~曲。配~。模拟,照做:~用。~语。生搬硬~。用绳子等做成的环:牲口~。圈~(喻……



汉语拼音:luàn tào







  1. 方言。混乱;乱了次序或秩序。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十七:“不行,分两起斗,人都分散了,就乱套了。” 华山 《阵地春节散记》:“前面出现了几条黑影,副排长就猛吼起来:‘冲啊!敌人乱套了!’”

  2. 任意套用。

    万啸 《关于“一分为二”和“合二而一”的争论》:“把一定情况下才适合的提法到处乱套,弄出许多混乱来。”



  1. The establishment of specifications for archives of fast processing, writer, avoiding mianxian used to be mixed.


  2. If the USA was not around the world would be in TOTAL chaos.


  3. And who said, "I'll never mess up" ? It's happened a few times on this tour. Even Bill messes up.


  4. The government certainly will not crack down on the sex industry, or else social order will be disrupted.


  5. "Everything is going wrong, " Guy LaRoche, a hospital manager, said.


  6. Then might mess up, first was the daughter goes home "to raise a rumpus " .


  7. "The routine has become jammed up, " explains a source close to the Kremlin.


  8. Richardson and Ruckelshaus have resigned and all hell has broken loose.


  9. If the swimmer is the same speed as me, I find this choppiness just makes me more tired without any additional speed.


  1. 这样不就乱套了?

    That would set up apart, though, wouldn't it?

  2. 天啊,我是多么的乱套!

    Heavences, what a muddler I am!

  3. 这事简直乱套了, 是不是?

    It just got all twisted, didn't it?

  4. 合法那社会不乱套了吗?

    Wouldn't that turn society upside down?

  5. 要是各行其是,那就乱套了。

    If everyone acts as he pleases, everything will be in a muddle.

  6. 亲爱的,这地方简直乱套了!

    Dear, what a mess this place is!

  7. 我的睡眠周期已经乱套了。

    My sleep cycle's totally out of whack.

  8. 我的睡眠周期已经乱套了。

    My sleep cycle's totally out of whack.

  9. 我们的酒店预订全乱套了。

    Our hotel reservations got all screwed up.

  10. 亲爱的,为什么你的生活乱套了?

    Honey, why is your life falling apart?

  11. 他身体的化学机能都乱套了。

    His body's chemistry is out of kilter.

  12. 反之我们看上去就比较乱套了!

    It looks that we relatively muddle up on the contrary!

  13. 要不是有美国在, 世界将会乱套。

    If the USA was not around the world would be in TOTAL chaos.

  14. 他让我们整个警局都乱套了!

    He's driven the entire police department crazy!

  15. 一切都乱套了, 乔伊有只大手!

    Everything is so distorted! Looks like Joey has a giant hand!

  16. 上周那48小时真是惊心动魄,一切都乱套了。

    What an epic48 hours it has been.

  17. 他的遽然离世使她的生活完全乱套了。

    His sudden death turned her world upside down.

  18. 你能在计划乱套时仍没有任何不满么?

    Can he mess up your plans without you becoming resentful

  19. 这使得变换活动更容易, 而且不会乱套。

    That makes it easier to switch gears without a meltdown.

  20. 总而言之,这两家子的关系算是乱套了。

    Altogether, these two child the relation is turnupside down.

  21. 看来这姑娘的鬼魂让你整个人都乱套了

    Seems this girl's ghost has got you all out of sorts.

  22. 这下可乱套了,首先是女儿回家闹翻了天。

    Then might mess up, first was the daughter goes home to raise a rumpus.

  23. 为什么呢?因为在这之前乱套了, 你看地价和房

    Why? Because before this went wrong, you see land and housing

  24. 理查森和拉克尔肖斯都辞职了,全都乱套了。

    Richardson and Ruckelshaus have resigned and all hell has broken loose.

  25. 如果衣服的第一粒扣子扣错了, 剩下的就都会乱套。

    If the first button of one's coat is wrongly buttoned, all the rest will be crooked.

  26. 他的离队使整个队伍乱套了,你知道他是队里的主力

    He quit the team. It really blew everything apart. You know he is the lead player


  1. 问:乱套拼音怎么拼?乱套的读音是什么?乱套翻译成英文是什么?

    答:乱套的读音是luàntào,乱套翻译成英文是 mess up things; turn things upside down



乱套 luàntào [be in a muddle;muddle things up;turn things upside down] 乱了次序或秩序 例:要是各行其是,那就乱套了 米秀文《乱套》: 微H