







汉语拼音:bì guān








  1. 闭塞关门。

    《易·复》:“先王以至日闭关,商旅不行,后不省方。”《三国志·吴志·诸葛恪传》:“自有 三秦 之地,何不闭关守险,以自娱乐。”《宋书·朱龄石毛脩之等传论》:“若负其岨远,屈强边垂,则距险闭关,御其寇暴。”

  2. 闭门谢客,断绝往来。谓不为尘事所扰。

    《文选·颜延之<五君咏·刘参军>》:“ 刘伶 善闭关,怀情灭闻见。” 李周翰 注:“言 伶 怀情不发,以灭闻见,犹闭关却归而无事也。” 宋 苏舜钦 《答韩持国书》:“衣食虽足,闭关常不与人相接可乎?” 清 梁章鉅 《归田琐记·和卓阁老纪恩诗》:“云龙追逐当时志,愧我衰龄独闭关。”

  3. 泛指断绝某件事情。

    明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部一》:“ 叶少藴 云:‘某五十后不生子,六十后不盖屋,七十后不做官。’夫子女多寡,听之可也,五十之年,岂遽能闭关乎?”

  4. 蛰伏。

    宋 黄庭坚 《谪居黔南》诗之二:“冉冉岁华晚,昆虫皆闭关。”

  5. 谓佛教徒闭居一室,静修佛法。

    姚雪垠 《李自成》第二卷第十六章:“弟半年前听说 圆通 长老在 嵩山 少林寺 闭关,何时来到这里?”

  6. 闭关自守的略语。

    陈毅 《初游青岛》诗:“晚 清 势衰頽,无復自闭关。”



  1. Lastly, I wouldn't schedule my reading retreat for the summer. It's too easy to be lured away by outdoor activities.


  2. To be honest, if I were on a reading retreat at the Castello di Galeazzo, I doubt I'd be able to resist the siren song of nearby Bologna.


  3. We search for freedom from our troubles high up in the mountains, at pristine, beautiful beaches, and in the serenity of retreat settings.


  4. "The president of the United States is right in saying that protectionism and closing one's borders is a catastrophe, " Sarkozy said.


  5. Disciple Kai Xin came out from a seven-day retreat today. And during the retreat Kai Xin was inspired to compose the attached praise.


  6. During such a retreat, no one would ever dare to disturb you, while you are also not allowed to go out as you like.


  7. I did not despair but sat in a special meditation retreat for a month.


  8. Of course what I mentioned "going into self-discipline" is not going into religious self-discipline .


  9. The lama thought that his meditation was not enough, so he shut himself up, and made a retreat again for a long time.


  1. 闭关自守政策

    policy of seclusion

  2. 闭关自守不行。

    We cannot keep the door closed to the outside world.

  3. 民族闭关主义

    tional isolationism.

  4. 他要静心修炼,闭关49天。

    He will stay secluded for49 days to cultivate himself.

  5. 他要静心修炼,闭关49天。

    He will stay secluded for 49 days to cultivate himself.

  6. 所以,我还要再参加闭关。

    Therefore, I will be going for retreats again!

  7. 他说要闭关学习, 专心考研。

    He said that he would shut himself in his study to prepare for the graduate school entrance exam.

  8. 他说要闭关学习,专心考研。

    He said that he would shut himself in his study to prepare for the graduate school entrance exam.

  9. 至少,我来闭关,还是有成就的。

    At least now I have accomplished something.

  10. 在闭关结束前,我停止了批判。

    Before the end of the closed door, I stopped the criticism.

  11. 他很灰心,于是离开了闭关房

    And he left in disgust.

  12. 我们所有的人都对政府的闭关政策。

    All of us come down on the closed door policy of the government.

  13. 这么好呀, 每年只有一次闭关吗?

    Most of the time, twice a year. But this year only once.

  14. 于是他调转头,又回到闭关房

    He went back to his cave. He meditated again.

  15. 当我们闭关自守时,你们走私鸦片强开门户。

    When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.

  16. 然而,成功问鼎南极闭关不是一件理所当然的事。

    Winning the South Pole, however, was not to be taken for granted.

  17. 陈上师所作,基于传统禅修训练的闭关修法。

    A retreat practice written by Yogi Chen based on traditional Chan training.

  18. 她们在山中闭关,并与娜迦和谐相处了数个世纪。

    They have lived with the Naga for centuries in harmony atop their mountain retreats.

  19. 到了下午,我闭关房门开始复习,分班考试迫在眉睫。

    By afternoon, I closed our doors started to review, the placement test is imminent.

  20. 闭关是很重要得, 可以把我们得心静下来, 过滤掉尘垢。

    Having a retreat is very important. It allows us to calm down and to filter our any dust and dirt.

  21. 闭关是很重要的,可以把我们的心静下来,过滤掉尘垢。

    Having a retreat is very important. It allows us to calm down and to filter our any dust and dirt.

  22. 弘一大师于1920年夏曾在富阳新城贝山闭关。

    In the summer of1920, Great Master Hong Yi once secluded in Mount Bei of Xingcheng, Fuyang.

  23. 公司所有的部门经理这个周末都要去闭关,订座明年的目标。

    All the department managers in the company will go on a retreat this weekend to discuss next year's goals.

  24. 在闭关期间,我会将每一个人都放在心中,持续地为大家祈福。

    And during my retreat, I will keep everyone in my mind and continue pray for my retreat.


  1. 问:闭关拼音怎么拼?闭关的读音是什么?闭关翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闭关的读音是bìguān,闭关翻译成英文是 To close the door to the world; to spend som...

  2. 问:闭关自守拼音怎么拼?闭关自守的读音是什么?闭关自守翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闭关自守的读音是bìguānzìshǒu,闭关自守翻译成英文是 close the country to international intercours...

  3. 问:闭关锁国拼音怎么拼?闭关锁国的读音是什么?闭关锁国翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闭关锁国的读音是bìguānsuǒguó,闭关锁国翻译成英文是 to close the passes and seal off the country...

  4. 问:闭关自守政策拼音怎么拼?闭关自守政策的读音是什么?闭关自守政策翻译成英文是什么?

    答:闭关自守政策的读音是bìguānzìshǒu zhèngcè,闭关自守政策翻译成英文是 policy of seclusion



闭关的拼音为bì guān,意思有闭塞关口,比喻不跟外界往来和佛教用语,指僧人独居一处,静修佛法,不与任何人交往,满一定期限才外出。国产网游中的闭关可以修炼内功,内功可以大幅提高玩家的内/外功攻击力。武术术语闭关又称“坐关”,语出自佛教。“闭关”在佛教中指个人或数人结伴,闭门专心结期修禅或数人结伴,闭门专心结期修禅或学经、忏悔、写作等,断绝一切事务与人事交往。