







汉语拼音:hàn bīng








  1. He said his lowest points had included breaking both legs after being run over by a car while crossing the United States on roller blades.


  2. So what's next? "Yeah, I don't know, just go chill with my friends, " he said. "Go skate. Go do something normal for a change, you know. "


  3. To tell you a little secret, our class students agreed to the city every Friday night roller-skating on the square.


  4. He said, I almost entered the rink in roller skates, good people, a little scared.


  5. Most people is favourite sport in summer is swimming , and skating is usually a winter sport.


  6. It was the same blog in which she enthused about roller-blading for the first time: at night, fast, without a helmet.


  7. Han Han doing his comments twice before, and that means that he was wearing clothes shark attack, The set of feet is skates .


  8. The policeman warned the children against roller-skating in the street.


  9. For instance, If you've never tried surfing before, it might not the best idea to try it on a first date.


  1. 旱冰曲棍球

    miler hockey.

  2. 一双旱冰鞋

    a pair of roller skates

  3. 轮滑,以前叫旱冰。

    Annulus slip, call drought ice before.

  4. 你擅长滑旱冰吗?

    Are you good at roller skating?

  5. 我想要去滑旱冰。

    I want to go roller skating.

  6. 我可以借你的旱冰鞋吗?

    May I borrow your roller skates.

  7. 那个男孩会滑旱冰。

    The boy can do roller skating.

  8. 是的,我喜欢滑旱冰。

    Yes. I like roller skating.

  9. 她会滑旱冰,弹钢琴,打乒乓球。

    She can roller blade, play the piano and play table tennis.

  10. 我通常在周日去滑旱冰。

    I usually go roller skating on Sundays.

  11. 哦, 你能在动物园滑旱冰。

    Oh, you can go roller skating at the zoo.

  12. 旱冰鞋, 滚轴溜冰鞋还是花样滑冰鞋?

    roller skates, roller blades or figure skates?

  13. 学会滑雪,玩雪橇或者滑旱冰。

    Enjoy skiing, sledding, or ice skating.

  14. 你想和我一起去滑旱冰吗?

    Do you want to go roller skating with me ?

  15. 她穿着旱冰鞋晃晃悠悠地滑了过去。

    She roller skated across rather unsteadily.

  16. 他穿着旱冰鞋,嗤溜一下滑向前方。

    He roller-skated forward with a sliding sound.

  17. 今天早上, 我们带女儿去滑旱冰了。

    We take my daughter to go roller skating this morning.

  18. 我被一个滑旱冰的人撞倒了。

    I was knocked down by someone on roller skates.

  19. 我爱人和我只是陪我的女儿滑旱冰。

    My wife and I just accompany my daughter going roller skating.

  20. 一位中年妇女穿着旱冰鞋穿过了街道。

    A middle-aged woman passed along the street on roller skates.

  21. 哈卫和他的朋友要去滑旱冰。

    Harvey and his friend are going inline skating.

  22. 教我滑旱冰,扶着我跑了快一千公里。

    When he taught me how to skate, he held my hand for a thousand kilometers.

  23. 他现年84岁,最近因滑旱冰摔倒,正在康复中。

    Hes84 years old, recovering from a recent fall while roller skating.

  24. 于是,朱勒推着亨利埃特溜起旱冰来。

    Thus, pushing ujul roller skating to Henriette.

  25. 站起来, 你摔倒了, 你认为自己不可能学会滑旱冰

    stand up, but then you fall, dont think you can skate at all.

  26. 我蹓旱冰时身体失去平衡跌倒在地,擦伤了膝盖。

    I was roller balding when I lost my balance and fell and bruised my knee.

  27. 在没有冰和雪的地方, 旱冰是一项很好的运动。

    It is a good way for people to practice skating in area without ice and snow.

  28. 还能够应用于诸如旱冰鞋、航模和电动玩具等民用产品。

    It can also be used in civilian products like roller skate aeromodelling and electric toy.


  1. 问:旱冰拼音怎么拼?旱冰的读音是什么?旱冰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旱冰的读音是hànbīng,旱冰翻译成英文是 roller skating

  2. 问:旱冰场拼音怎么拼?旱冰场的读音是什么?旱冰场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旱冰场的读音是hànbīngchǎng,旱冰场翻译成英文是 dry skating arena

  3. 问:旱冰鞋拼音怎么拼?旱冰鞋的读音是什么?旱冰鞋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:旱冰鞋的读音是hànbīngxié,旱冰鞋翻译成英文是 roller skates; roller blade


