


1. 勾 [gōu]2. 勾 [gòu]勾 [gōu]用笔画出符号,表示删除或截取:~销。~乙(在报刊书籍的某些词句两端画上像“乙”的记号,表示作为资料)。画出形象的轮廓,描画:~画。~勒。用灰、水泥等涂抹建筑物的缝(fèng ):~缝。调……





汉语拼音:gōu xiāo







  1. 亦作“ 勾消 ”。取消;抹掉。

    元 乔吉 《水仙子·怨风情》曲:“眼中花怎得接连枝,眉上锁新教配钥匙,描笔儿勾销了伤春事。”《再生缘》第五四回:“朕躬只为太宽仁,一概勾消总不论。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十六:“他居然向她笑了笑,一个天真的,发自内心的笑,仿佛把以前的困苦全一笔勾销。”

  2. 公文用语。指注销。

    宋 欧阳修 《论中书增官属主文书札子》:“增置两府官属官一二员,使专掌政令之出者,置簿拘管……须是实行实迹,具以条闻,旋行勾销,以见能否。”《元典章·吏部七·署押》:“如总管府行下州府,科催差发并勾追官吏人等事,所用信牌,随即附簿粘连文字上,明标日时,定立信牌限次,回日勾销,并照勘稽迟限次,究治施行。”



  1. and, when he returned again to London, he let me know he thought I had cancell'd all the obligations he had been under to me.


  2. Charge card payments are, in the main, enforced under the law so are not able to be shed except by bankruptcy.


  3. The transaction is expected to wipe out WaMu stockholders and holders of the company's senior debt, one person said.


  4. And he wants to sell some of the IMF's stash of gold to pay for the write-off of its loans.


  5. Realization is to a beautiful thing what vanishing is to an illusion and a dream.


  6. Delegates expressed their concern that today's global economy is exploitative , and said creditor nations should write off their debts.


  7. Banks wrote off record amounts of credit card debt in the past two years as customers failed to make payments amid high unemployment.


  8. The strategy failed, and the two decided to hide the losses instead of writing them off, the report said.


  9. U. S. companies should be able to write off scientific research as a tax credit.


  1. 转动手指勾销投篮

    Rotate finger wipe out basket

  2. 勾销了一笔呆账

    to sublate a bad debt

  3. 要么加倍付钱, 要么全部勾销

    Double in brass double or quits double

  4. 勾销作为亏损从帐目上勾销。

    To cancel from accounts as a loss.

  5. 持续的预算盈余已勾销了国债。

    A run of budget surpluses has wiped out its national debt.

  6. 作记号勾销帐目中的一笔款项

    Mark out an item in an account

  7. 他的名字从我们的名册上勾销了。

    His name is no longer on our books.

  8. 他们勾销了采购单上的一些项目。

    They redlined some items on the purchasing list.

  9. 我们帐册上的这笔帐已经勾销了。

    This account in our books has been crossed out.

  10. 我们帐册上得这笔帐已经勾销了。

    This account in our books has been crossed out.

  11. 注销勾销掉帐本上的一个项款

    A cancellation of an item in account books.

  12. 他未经审讯老早就把我的案子勾销了。

    He wrote me off, unheard, long before my trial.

  13. 真抱歉, 不过我不得不勾销我们午饭得约会。

    I'm sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment.

  14. 真抱歉,不过我不得不勾销我们午饭的约会。

    I'm sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment.

  15. 印度已经勾销了所有债台高筑的穷国的债务。

    India has written off the debts of all the highly indebted poor countries.

  16. 我把他和你欠我的佣金勾销,这回陷害你。

    I'll split the commission he owes me with you. it'll set you up.

  17. 不过,现在勾销移民改革的可能性是不成熟的。

    Still, it would be premature to write off the odds of immigration reform.

  18. 真抱愧,不过我不患上不勾销我们午饭的约会。

    I'm sorry, but I have to cancel out luncheon appointment.

  19. 单靠忏悔是不能勾销这种不可饶恕的大罪的。

    Repentance alone did not cancel out such mortal sin.

  20. 这次计划终于当作政府的一个失败而勾销了。

    Eventually the project was written off as a government loss.

  21. 最终, 这次计划被当作政府得一个失败而勾销了。

    Eventually the project was written off as a government loss.

  22. 最终,这次计划被当作政府的一个失败而勾销了。

    Eventually the project was written off as a government loss.

  23. 最终,这次计划被当作政府的一个失败而勾销了。

    Eventually the project was written off as a government loss.

  24. 不勾销债务和提供新的外援,重建工作便必定要失败。

    Without debt cancellation and new external assistance, the reconstruction effort will fail.


  1. 问:勾销拼音怎么拼?勾销的读音是什么?勾销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勾销的读音是gōuxiāo,勾销翻译成英文是 Originally to tick a settled account; broa...



[strike out;tick off;abolish;remove]∶抹杀;消除;用笔划掉 不仅查禁这本书,还要把它从目录中勾销这次冲锋,像个疾雷,使一向狂妄猖獗的“老虎团”,在这锐不可当的一击下面勾销了“户头”。——《“老虎团”的结局》