


1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……





汉语拼音:shuō lái shuō qù








  • 【解释】:①反复阐说。②犹言总而言之。


  1. The long and short of it is I really would like to be able to work from home in the late afternoons and early evenings.


  2. There is also the matter that KOL is a business when it comes right down to it.


  3. Just give me a book to read and I'm happy. shavingssaid all this, I overlooked pop music.


  4. Only a legend = Colombian people in this world is all comes down to the rumors Bale.


  5. There is nothing like dancing after all. -- I consider it as one of the first refinements of polished societies.


  6. After all, we knew "our son" only through his letters and the one snapshot of him at age 14.


  7. Bod and I kicked around the idea of going swimming, but it was hot and we were too lazy.


  8. All this to say, I didn't feel like I needed to limit my ambitions to Canada.


  9. Basically, it boils down to this: Our breasts do not belong to us.


  1. 说来说去, 这世界真凶险

    What a rough world it was anyhow.

  2. 我们这么说来说去都没用。

    Look, you know, there's no point talking about this.

  3. 我们这么说来说去都没用。

    Look, you know, there's no point talking about this.

  4. 说来说去, 结果都没什么两样。

    Alarmed feathers from five aviaries of rare birds went flying.

  5. 说来说去, 时间真的是相对的。

    In the end, time really is relative.

  6. 说来说去, 清官难断家务事。

    He says it, judge not upright household chores.

  7. 说来说去,你还是不相信我。

    After all that talking he still doesn't believe me.

  8. 说来说去你是她的哥哥呀。

    You're her brother after all.

  9. 他说来说去,左不过是这么个意思。

    He said a lot, but it all boils down to this.

  10. 他无休止的抱怨说来说去全是同一码子事。

    His endless complaints are all variations on the same thing.

  11. 说来说去, 他们只不过是一副纸牌, 用不着怕他们!

    I needn't be afraid of them!

  12. 说来说去, 我就不认为自己应该捆在加拿大境内。

    All this to say, I didn't feel like I needed to limit my ambitions to Canada.

  13. 整个上午你说来说去都是老一套,别再讲了,好不好?

    You've been whistling that same tune all morning. Knock it off, will you?

  14. 说来说去我还是不敢相信你真的是要去玩蹦极跳。

    You could say that you think I am crazy for wanting to do a bungee jump.

  15. 鲍勃和我说来说去想去游泳,可是天气太热,我们也懒得动。

    BOD and I kicked around the idea of going swimming, but it was hot and we were too lazy.

  16. 我们不想去说它,我们来说其他有趣的事吧

    Yeah well we don't talk about that. Let's talk about something interesting.

  17. 过了一段时间, 对我们来说去阁楼玩耍不再变得可怕了。

    Over time the visits to the attic became less scary.

  18. 让他说去。

    Let him say what he likes.

  19. 你和他们说去

    Tell that to them.

  20. 我的心说去吧

    And my heart says go.

  21. 没错,让他们说去吧。

    Yeah.Let them talk.

  22. 没错,让他们说去吧。

    Yeah. Let them talk.

  23. 跟我的魔杖说去吧

    Talk to the wand.

  24. 你自己跟他说去吧

    You can tell him that yourself.

  25. 我不是说去阿森纳。

    Not to Arsenal, I mean actually flogged.

  26. 接通安全线和头头说去。

    Get head office on the secure line.

  27. 因为自由派喜欢说去接!

    because liberals like to say Fetch, please.

  28. 只会说去和拳王打。

    Think I'll go and fight the champ.

  29. 你是说去监狱探望他吗

    You mean see him in prison?

  30. 八月很适合说去喝酒吧

    August is good to say that the drink