




1. 着 [zhuó]2. 着 [zháo]3. 着 [zhāo]4. 着 [zhe]着 [zhuó]穿(衣):穿~。穿红~绿。~装。接触,挨上:~陆。附~。不~边际。使接触别的事物,使附在别的物体上:~眼。~笔。~色。~墨。~力。~想。~……



汉语拼音:līn zhe








拎着 [līn zhe]
  1. 如:他把他的儿子拎着走。



  1. She had come alone, clutching two suitcases full of warm clothes and snack foods her mother had packed.


  2. If you cold-shoulder him as he skulks out of the building with his goods in a bin liner, I suspect any good feeling won't last.


  3. She broke into tears at the sight of the heavily armed Americans, and all the soldiers could do was try to help her with the heavy pump.


  4. Primary school, to join us in carrying bags ready to go, ear rings will be "Baby, be careful crossing the road. "


  5. Mrs. Zuckerman stood ready to head him off if he started for the garden, and now Mr. Zuckerman was coming down toward him carrying a pail.


  6. The dad is ready to get to the train station with his tickets and suitcase.


  7. Harry froze with a brass telescope in one hand and a pair of trainers in the other.


  8. My God. It was yesterday that I saw you coming out of the supermarket with a large sack of snacks.


  9. Had to carry luggage up a further 2 floors to a decent sized room with a double & single bed ( family room ) .


  1. 你拎着个背包做什么?

    What's with the backpack?

  2. 你拎着个背包做什么?

    What's with the backpack?

  3. 他拎着箱子走了进去。

    He went in carrying his suitcase.

  4. 她拎着一只绿色皮手提包。

    She carried a green leather handbag.

  5. 女仆拎着一桶牛奶进来了。

    The maid came in with a pail of milk.

  6. 通常都是女人拎着大包小包。

    Bags are often carried by women.

  7. 她手里还拎着大包小包的。

    Her hands were full of bags.

  8. 你不能就这样拎着行李离开。

    You can't just pick up and leave like this.

  9. 我们背着提包拎着衣箱到了那里。

    We arrived, toting our bags and suitcases.

  10. 拎着购物袋,我赶回来继续上班。

    Holding my shopping bag, I head back to work.

  11. 他拎着脏抹布, 身子离得远远的。

    He held the dirty rag at arms length.

  12. 查理拎着一个披萨饼盒进屋。

    Charlie came in with a pizza box in his hands.

  13. 他手里拎着一个很沉的箱子。

    He is carrying a heavy box inhand.

  14. 拎着中餐外卖不请自来的计划了

    to show up tonight unannounced with takeout Chinese?

  15. 穿休闲装,拎着公文包的就是我爸。

    That's my dad in the sport coat there, holding the briefcase.

  16. 爸爸一手拿着票,一手拎着皮箱,准备进站。

    The dad is ready to get to the train station with his ticket and suitcase.

  17. 克朗彻先生拎着篮子走在她身边。

    Mr. Cruncher, with the basket, walked at her side.

  18. 她正费力地拎着一只沉重的手提箱。

    She was struggling with a heavy suitcase.

  19. 有一天我拎着一箱行李走在大街上。

    One day , when i carry baggage be walking on ave.

  20. 她拎着一小袋土豆, 爬上陡峭的楼梯。

    She came up the steep path with a small sack of potatoes.

  21. 她拎着一小袋土豆,爬上陡峭的楼梯。

    She came up the steep path with a small sack of potatoes.

  22. 他拎着斧头走到我后院的一棵树旁。

    Yeah, he took an ax to a tree in my backyard.

  23. 诺玛从汽车里出来, 拎着一包食品等杂物。

    Norma gets out of her car, hauling a bag of groceries with her.

  24. 现在, 祖克曼先生拎着桶正朝威伯走过来。

    Zuckerman was coming down toward him carrying a pail.

  25. 年轻人转过身子, 拎着两个皮箱, 匆匆赶了回来。

    The young man turned around and hurried back with his two bags.

  26. 请大家拎着行李随我来。出租车在外面等着呢。

    Will you please take your baggage and follow me? The taxi's waiting outside.

  27. 女人兴高采烈地进门,手里果然拎着一大袋排骨。

    The woman jubilantly door, carrying a bag and hand chops.

  28. 我想象自己身穿红色职业装,拎着皮包,登上飞机。

    I envisioned myself wearing a business suit, carrying a leather briefcase and getting on an airplane.

  29. 以及人人手里大包小包拎着鼓鼓囊囊食品袋的景象。

    And the sight of everyone carrying bags bulging with food.

  30. 她一手拎着枪, 站了一会儿, 眯缝着眼看了看耀眼的阳光。

    She stood for a while with the rifle in one hand, peering into the strong sunlight.