







汉语拼音:ǎn men






  1. 方言。我们。

    《水浒传》第四十回:“那伙客人笑道:‘你倒説得好。俺们便是京师来的人,不认得你这里鸟路,那里过去?我们只是从这大路走。’”《儒林外史》第二回:“众人道:‘俺们也有好几家孩子要上学。’” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第十三章:“‘连长--’他仍旧这样称呼 郭祥 ,并且带着深深的歉意说,‘俺们送来的东西不多。’”



  1. This phenomenon is not something that can be a change, so we start from now, our actions will one day bring a bit of change.


  2. We have got a great side at the moment, and I'm sure the manager will make a couple of additions, but we don't want to lose anyone.


  3. "Liverpool will always attract good players because it's an historic club. It's one of the big four teams in England, " he said.


  4. In this materialistic society, we do not believe in life, do not believe that society does not even believe in themselves.


  5. Please hurry up to protect our mother, she was beautiful appearance!


  6. We were served mantou (steamed buns), rice and vegetables. Meat is only provided during official government holidays.


  7. From a personal perspective, I feel that eating the first meal with my girlfriend's parents was a major milestone in the relationship.


  8. Poisonous Snakes Fater Snake and Son Snake are out for a nice afternoon slither. The son asks, "Dad, are we poisonous snakes? "


  9. But we may be coming to that realization too late, because it turns out that even the fathomless depths of the oceans have limits. The U.


  1. 俺们争不过她!

    We have no chance against her!

  2. 俺们不会把人的脑袋砍下来。

    We don't chop people's heads off.

  3. 这功夫俺们的收割机稳稳的回来了。

    This our coming back steadily of harvester of work.

  4. 俺们将在空中雪花漫舞时滑雪。

    We would ski against snowflakes dancing in the sky.

  5. 俺们都感觉要好好休息一下子喜悦。

    We all feel a need for a good rest.

  6. 俺们班的学生人数和他们班的一样多。

    There are as many students in our class as in their class.

  7. 俺是麦子, 俺有个请求, 不要放弃俺们!

    Yes it is true, the big fella went down and we are all praying for a healthy recovery.

  8. 在俺们美国, 俺们见了这景都鼓掌叫好。

    In the states, people applaud that kind of thing.

  9. 俺们亲手盖的房子, 最早的住户就是俺们了!

    An Men personally covered the house, is the earliest tenants An Men!

  10. 粗俗是俺们语言中最丑陋地字眼句号。

    Vulgarity is the ugliest word in our language.

  11. 俺们应该不应该仔细倾听直言不讳地批评了解。

    We should listen closely to the outspoken criticisms.

  12. 俺们诸位一起去度假哪可太有意思了。

    What fun it will be when we all go on holiday together.

  13. 俺们昨天要找地是同一个人句号。

    It's the same person as we wanted to find yesterday.

  14. 放手, 因为俺清楚的知道, 俺们只走了一半。

    Letting go, cuz I know, we were only half way there.

  15. 我的名字叫道哥,俺们刚见面,我喜欢你们。

    My name is Dug. I just met you and I love you.

  16. 俺们热爱用电椅和注射剂来处死犯人。

    We give compassionate electrocution and compassionate lethal injection.

  17. 俺们都要通过一哑剧来提醒俺们啥是真表演。

    We all need a pantomime to remind us what is real.

  18. 俺们还有什么理由不为他们鼓掌, 不为他们加油呢?

    We have no reason not to applaud them, not to cheer for them

  19. 洋洋,你要是不饿,俺们可要全吃了高潮!

    Ocean, if you are hungry, we eat it all will happen!

  20. 俺们大家清楚的知道成功要素很非常多可以。

    We all know that there are many factors of success.

  21. 妹妹送的小象,忠实地看管着俺们的小餐车。

    The small elephant that the little sister sends, trustily guard is worn our small dining car.

  22. 俺们还有什么理由不为他们的言行所感动?

    We have no reason not to their words and deeds have moved?

  23. 失败是坏事吗?失败在俺们地日常生活中很常见。

    Is Failure a Bad Thing Failure is a common thing in our daily life.

  24. 妈,今天您连动也不用动一下。俺们全体都听您指挥。

    Mom today you are not to move a muscle. We are all at your beck and call.

  25. 俺们知道你在撒谎, 但俺们真的是不想惹事上身啊。

    We know you are lying, but it is just not worth the hassle.

  26. 俺们每天睡六个小时, 那是为了训练俺们的耐力啊!

    An Men sleep six hours a day, that is to endurance training Anmen ah!

  27. 它是不非常好质量,但它将显示你如何俺们看象。

    It is not very good quality, but it will show you how we look like.

  28. 感谢您滴提示,俺们会以最快速度打彩样交付。

    Thank you for your prompt, we will beat the fastest speed color like delivery.

  29. 俺们还有什么理由不摈充前嫌、理解而支持他们呢?

    We have no reason not with filling up, understand and support them?

  30. 对于俺们这些生活在噩梦般中的人, 啥都不感到惊奇。

    None of this is surprising to those of us actually living in this nightmare.



山东方言,“俺们”等于“我们” 也适用于东北 俺、俺们是山东方言,不过这个词在北方普遍存在,并且在全国范围内被广泛应用,流行区域以北方方言区为主,例如:山东、河北、河南、陕西以及东北等地区。东北人本来就是清朝年间闯关东的山东人与河北人繁衍形成的,不是自古就有的。声调高低略有不同,但不外乎这几个意思:我,我们,我的,我们的。 古代的“我”一直读ngǎi音,在客家话完整保存了下来。现在北方很多地方声母仍读作ng,(例如陕西话读ngě,看过《武林外传》的都知道)便是明证。“俺”本来是“我”字的衍生,读作ngǎn,在老派山东话里还是这个音。后来因为普通话里没有ng声母,变成了ǎn。