


1. 分 [fēn]2. 分 [fèn]分 [fēn]区划开:~开。划~。~野(划分的范围)。~界。~明。条~缕析。~解。由整体中取出或产生出一部分:~发。~忧。~心劳神。由机构内独立出的部分:~会。~行(háng )。散,离:~裂。~离。……





汉语拼音:fēn shī






  1. 将尸体分裂。谓惨死。

    《红楼梦》第六八回:“ 凤姐 一面又駡 贾蓉 :‘天打雷劈,五鬼分尸的没良心的东西。’”



  1. It is said in local legend that an army of these ants can dismember a hog in an hour, a horse in half a day.


  2. That's why Susie's father and mother respond so differently to their daughter's death----she was murdered and chopped into pieces.


  3. tarshark chops his target for three times with a very fast speed . deals deadly damage and the target will be dismembered for three pieces.


  4. and I am going to have to murder and dismember a crustacean.


  5. It's hard enough to kill him, but it's very hard to split him, sir. '


  6. I don't think we want our kids' culture defined by killing, mayhem and dismemberment as entertainment.


  7. In January 2008, a 19-year-old female student in Yunnan filmed her boyfriend killing and dismembering her married lover.


  8. Or maybe he was hoping the locals. would tear me apart.


  9. it shard in the law to spile a man , i think.


  1. 他被绞死并被破肚分尸。

    He was hanged, drawn and quartered.

  2. 通常被分尸的都是女人。

    It's usually the women that go to pieces.

  3. 里面有个女人,她被分尸了。

    It had a woman in it. She was all chopped up.

  4. 喔噢!你准备分尸还是其它什么?

    Wow! Are you cutting up a body or something?

  5. 在古代, 人们可能被凌迟处死, 车裂分尸。

    In the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes.

  6. 杀了他就够厉害的, 分尸太过分了, 先生。

    It's hard enough to kill him, but it's very hard to split him, sir.

  7. 它们被杀死,分尸成块,并成为狗或人类的食物。

    They are killed, cut apart, and end up as food for dogs and humans.

  8. 一个杀人, 分尸并藏尸的人。

    One who kills, cuts and keeps.

  9. 是分尸以后放进去的。

    It was chopped up.

  10. 那么郑重地分尸的理由呢?

    What's the reason the suspect took apart the body?

  11. 当然好极了, 只要没被五爪分尸了。

    Gorgeous. unless, of course, you've been ripped to pieces.

  12. 那可是要破腹分尸的呀,杰瑞说。

    That's quartering,'said Jerry.

  13. 投反对票者提出,应对希特勒处以四马分尸。

    The nay was voted by a man who preferred that Hitler by pulled to pieces by four horses.

  14. 一名嫌疑犯杀死他妻子并将其分尸, 现已被拘留。

    A man suspected of killing then dismembering his wife is in police custody.

  15. 密歇根州一男子被传讯, 控告涉嫌杀害妻子并将其分尸。

    Arraignment for a Michigan man charged with murdering his wife and dismembering her body.

  16. 一天中的大部分时间我像行尸走肉般游荡。

    I walked around like a zombie for most of the day.

  17. 晨光渐炽,照耀在尸山血海之上,更显出几分恐怖。

    Dawn gradually Chi, bright in glory sea of blood at the corpse mountain on, show several pence horror extra.

  18. 在古代大部分地方, 大陵五是与恶魔或食尸鬼联系在一起的。

    Throughout parts of the ancient world, Algol was associated with demons or monsters.

  19. 他可以帮我们分了这具死尸的。

    He will divide the dead body for us.

  20. 不少人活得像行尸走肉,他们埋没了自己的天分和能力。

    Too many people are like the living dead, they've buried their real talents and abilities.

  21. 尸检发现一个大而坚硬的白色肿瘤占了左心室的大部分。

    At autopsy, a large firm, white tumor mass was found filling much of the left ventricle.