


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 经 [jīng]经 [jīng]织布时用梭穿织的竖纱,编织物的纵线,与“纬”相对:~纱。~线。~纶(a.整理过的蚕丝;b.喻政治规划)。地理学上指通过南北极与赤道成直角的线(亦作“子午线”):东~。西~。~度。~纬仪。作为思想、道德、……




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:bù jīng zhī shuō







  • 【解释】:指荒诞无稽、没有根据的话。
  • 【出自】:唐·无稹《迁庙议状》:“曷若削汉朝不经之说,征殷周可久之文,从亲尽则迁之常规,为万代不朽之定制。”
  • 【示例】:自秦始统一宇宙,悍然尊大……多援符瑞~,愚弄黔首。


  1. 网络
  2. Groundless Words

  1. 一个幸福之说。

    A tale of happiness or felicitousness.

  2. 为永生之说所愚弄!

    Be the dupe of the infinite!

  3. 为永生之说所愚弄!

    Be the dupe of the infinite!

  4. 礼乐之说, 管乎人情矣。

    Lile says that he favors peace pipe.

  5. 这也符合五色之说。

    It will also be in rune with the Five Color theory.

  6. 邵雍的象数之说

    The Numerology and Symbolism of Shao Yung

  7. 所以,有季节性忧郁症之说。

    So, have seasonal of melancholia say.

  8. 我不相信灵魂不死之说。

    I cannot believe in the immortality of the soul.

  9. 随后又有休战媾和之说。

    Then there was talk of peace and a composition.

  10. 蚕丝素有一寸蚕丝一寸金之说。

    Silk is known as silk and gold have the same valve theory.

  11. 总之与泥潭之说恰恰相反。

    In short it is the opposite of a quagmire.

  12. 移居澳大利亚之说纯属异想天开。

    This talk of moving to Australia is all just pie in the sky.

  13. 其中, 鬼门之说, 显属恶名。

    Guimen Pass was the evil reputation.

  14. 亚洲人则相信轮回转世之说。

    The Asians devised this theory of reincarnation.

  15. 所以我们有肥皂和洗涤剂之说。

    Hence we speak of soap and detergents.

  16. 论偏义复词之说不科学

    The Theory on the Compound with Partial Meaning Is Not Reasonable

  17. 但地平之说仍会畅行无阻。

    Ships will sail around the world but the Flat Earth Society will flourish.

  18. 批评者嘲笑墓地风水之说是迷信

    Critics deride grave site poongsu as superstition

  19. 一台电脑本身没有错和对之说。

    A computer is not right in itself.

  20. 主教先生,永生之说只能哄哄小孩。

    Immortality, Bishop, is a chance, a waiting for dead men's shoes.

  21. 九品官人法建立让步之说之质疑

    Question on the Concession Establishment of Nine Grades Official Selection System

  22. 采诗之说与西周王权宗教伦理考

    Theory of Cai Shi System and Study on the Crown Religious Ethic in Western Zhou Dynasty.

  23. 采矿风潮搅动合并浪潮以及重挫之说。

    Mining boom stirs wave of mergers and talk of slump.

  24. 照章相信创世纪宇宙起源之说的学说。

    the literal belief in the account of creation given in the Book of Genesis.

  25. 对我国当前推迟退休年龄之说的质疑

    Questioning the Argument of Postponement of Retirement Age in China

  26. 因为我总是认为根本就没有什么意义之说。

    Because I always think meaning doesn't really exist.

  27. 不跑不送,白白拣一差事,何有不遇之说。

    Send do not run, in vain to choose a job, where there is no case is.

  28. 驳法与法律的关系为内容与形式关系之说

    Refuting the Theory that the Relationship Between Law and Law in Narrow Sence is the Relationship Between Content and Form

  29. 因此, 目前的泡沫之说应该是典型的伪命题。

    Accordingly, of current bubble the bogus that saying should be a model is propositional.

  30. 为证明创世纪宇宙起源之说的科学努力。

    an effort to give scientific support for the truth of the account of creation given in the Book of Genesis.

