







汉语拼音:yóu tǒng







  1. 亦作“ 邮筩 ”。古时封寄书信的竹筒。

    宋 欧阳修 《送梅龙图公仪知杭州》诗:“邮筒不絶如飞翼,客至还无菜甲羹。” 宋 王安石 《寄张先郎中》诗:“篝火尚能书细字,邮筩还肯寄新诗。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋自志》:“久之,四方同人又以邮筒相寄,因而物以好聚,所积益伙。”

  2. 今指邮局设在路旁供投寄信件的信筒。

    巴金 《新生》:“我把信写好,晚饭后,拿出去投在邮筒里。”

  3. 指书信。

    清 阮元 《小沧浪笔谈·山左金石志序》:“ 元 以是书本与先生商订分纂。先生蒞 楚 ,虽羽檄纷驰,而邮筒往復,指証颇多。” 清 丘逢甲 《送季平之澳门兼订来约》诗之二:“行期早吾告,慎勿惜邮筒。”

  4. 指信封。

    郭沫若 《瓶》诗之十一:“我在未开信前,匆匆地先把她邮筒上的名儿亲了半天。”



  1. If I had to choose a single image that, for me, represents Britain today, it would not be a phone box or a postbox.


  2. A few days ago I added my local curry house to the map (next to a post box someone else had already inserted).


  3. At this moment, I seem to be a small street posting boxes, also produced.


  4. Once she had calmed down, she fell asleep, and I locked her doors from the outside and put the key back through the letterbox.


  5. If you want your letter to be received on Christmas, be sure to put it into the red box.


  6. i say , i am pleased to see you ! " declared the little man standing dejectedly by the pillar - box" .


  7. The next day Ben gotup early and dropped the letter in the mail slot before heading to the worksite.


  8. Mom and I go to the post office to mail the cards. Oh-oh. Clifford falls into the dark hole.


  9. Ruby: Really? I once made a scarecrow out of a mailbox.


  1. 黄帽子邮筒

    express mailbox

  2. 邮筒在哪儿?

    Where is the mail box?

  3. 邮筒式消火栓

    post hydrant

  4. 邮筒在转角处。

    The mail box is around the corner.

  5. 邮筒也是红色的。

    The mailbox is also red.

  6. 邮筒就在那儿

    The mailbox is over there.

  7. 他站在邮筒旁边。

    He stood by the postbox.

  8. 你们有航空邮筒吗?

    Do you have any aerogrammes?

  9. 这个邮筒有点倾斜。

    The postbox leans a little bit.

  10. 邮筒在大街拐角处。

    The mailbox is around the corner.

  11. 胡同拐角有个邮筒。

    There is a postbox at the street corner.

  12. 他将信丢进邮筒。

    He dropped the letter into the mailbox.

  13. 他把信投入了邮筒。

    He dropped the letter in the mailbox.

  14. 胡同拐角儿有个邮筒。

    There is a postbox at the street corner.

  15. 我房子前面有个邮筒。

    There is a post box in front of my house.

  16. 打扰了, 附近有邮筒吗?

    Excuse me. Is there a mailbox near here?

  17. 我把信塞进邮筒里。

    I drop the letter into the mailbox.

  18. 她把信投入了邮筒里。

    She dropped the letter in the mailbox.

  19. 请问, 哪里有投信得邮筒?

    Tell me where I can post them.

  20. 请问,哪里有投信的邮筒?

    Tell me where I can post them.

  21. 掀开邮筒门,顿觉铁寒意。

    As I lift the mailbox door, I feel its cold iron.

  22. 邮筒中收到的消息无法识别。

    Unrecognized message received in mailslot.

  23. 他把两封信投入了邮筒。

    He dropped two letters into a post box.

  24. 请把这些信投到邮筒里。

    Take these letters to the post, please.

  25. 大错特错她看起来像一个邮筒。

    Colossal. She looks like a mailbox.

  26. 请把这封信投到邮筒里。

    Take the letter to the post.

  27. 面包和邮筒在外形上很相似。

    The bread and the mailbox were physically very similar.

  28. 你究竟是怎么撞上那邮筒的?

    Why did you hit that mailbox anyway?

  29. 我把信投入拐角处的邮筒里。

    I dropped the letter in the mailbox on the corner.

  30. 洁茹气呼呼地把信丢进邮筒。

    In a huff, Jerusha threw the letter in the mailbox.


  1. 问:邮筒拼音怎么拼?邮筒的读音是什么?邮筒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邮筒的读音是yóutǒng,邮筒翻译成英文是 apartado

  2. 问:邮筒客户拼音怎么拼?邮筒客户的读音是什么?邮筒客户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邮筒客户的读音是yóu tǒng kè hù,邮筒客户翻译成英文是 mail slot client

  3. 问:邮筒规则拼音怎么拼?邮筒规则的读音是什么?邮筒规则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邮筒规则的读音是yóu tǒng guī zé,邮筒规则翻译成英文是 mailbox rule

  4. 问:邮筒服务器拼音怎么拼?邮筒服务器的读音是什么?邮筒服务器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:邮筒服务器的读音是yóu tǒng fú wù qì,邮筒服务器翻译成英文是 mail slot server



邮筒,邮箱的一种,常见于街道上,是用来收集外寄信件的邮政设施,寄信人若果不便去邮政局,可以把信件投入到就近的邮箱,邮差会定时来邮筒收集信件,回邮局,再分类、运输及派送。 邮箱是邮政局的固定资产,它是便民设施。