







汉语拼音:hàn dào







  1. 种在旱地里的稻。抗旱能力比水稻强,根系比较发达,叶片较宽,米质软,光泽少。也叫陆稻。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·旱稻》:“旱稻用下田,白土胜黑土。”



  1. The results showed that the fertilizers could obviously improved the agronomic characters and the yield components, and enhance the yield.


  2. Transgenic salt-tolerant plants of upland rice had low relative electric conductivity.


  3. The effects of water-retention and slow-release fertilizers on the agronomic characters and yield of upland rice were studied.


  4. Selection and Key Cultivation Techniques of a New Upland Rice 'Han9710'


  5. The great progress has been achieved in variety improvement.


  6. Rice: Split rice, upland rice into two categories, generally refers to rice.


  7. Upland rice save about 30% of irrigated water than paddy rice to produce high yield.


  8. Planting upland rice has broad prospects.


  9. Detected the genetic diversity of lowland and upland rice landraces in China is great significance for upland rice be used in rice breeding.


  1. 北方旱稻品质性状分析

    Analysis on Quality Characteristics of Northern Dry Rice

  2. 旱稻抗旱性评价指标研究

    Study on Drought Resistance Appraise Index of Upland Rice

  3. 旱稻新品种引种试验初报

    Introduction experiment of new mountain rice varieties

  4. 发展旱稻种植有广阔的前景。

    Planting upland rice has broad prospects.

  5. 旱稻根系与抗旱性研究进展

    Research on Aerobic Rice Root System and its Drought Resistance

  6. 玉米与旱稻间作栽培技术的应用

    Cultivation Techniques of Maize and Mountain Rice Intercropping

  7. 辽宁旱稻的育种成就与前景展望

    The Achievements and Prospect of Upland Rice Breeding in Liaoning

  8. 旱稻的水土保持作用及应用前景研究

    Study on Soil and Water Conservation Function and Application Prospects of Mountain Rice.

  9. 旱稻发展趋势及丹粳系列旱稻品种的选育

    The Trend of Upland Rice and the Breeding of Upland Rice of Danjing Series

  10. 旱稻种质的遗传差异和配合力分析

    Genetic Differences and Combining Ability of Upland Rice Germplasm

  11. 旱稻新品种旱9710的选育及其栽培技术要点

    Selection and Key Cultivation Techniques of a New Upland Rice Han9710

  12. 巴西旱稻高产栽培数学模型及其应用

    High Yield Cultivation Mathematical Model and its Application on the Brazil Dry Rice

  13. 旱稻, 高粱属间杂交紫色性状遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis of Purpled Traits from a Generic Hybridization Between Upland Rice and Sorghum

  14. 旱稻高产氮磷最佳施肥配比的研究

    The Research about Optimum Fertilizing Proportion of Nitrogen and Phosphor on the High Yield of Dry Rice

  15. 北方旱稻的叶层结构和后期光分布

    The Architecture of Foliage layer and the Light Distribution at Late Stage in Upland Rice in the North

  16. 旱稻锌吸收分配与积累及其模型的构建

    Physiology and Modelling of Zinc Uptake Partitioning and Accumulation in Aerobic Rice

  17. 旱稻品种试验及其水土保持功能的初步研究

    Experiment on early season rice variety and preliminary study on its water and soil conservation capacity

  18. 旱稻耗水特征及水分利用效率研究进展

    Research progression on characteristics of water expend and water use efficiency of aerobic rice

  19. 不同追氮时期对旱稻产量性状的影响

    The Effects of the Different Stage of Nitrogen Fertilizer Application on the Yield Characteristics of the Upland Rice

  20. 麦茬旱稻不同播量对产量形成的影响

    Effects of sowing rates on the yield formation of upland rice after wheat

  21. 旱稻引进种质的类缘关系与农艺特征分析

    Affinity and Agronomic Traits of Introduced Upland Rice Germplasm.

  22. 贵州旱稻种质资源主要农艺性状的主成分分析

    Principal Component Analysis of Major Agronomic Traits on Upland Rice Germplasm Resources in Guizhou

  23. 分蘖期土壤水分对旱稻矿质养分吸收的影响

    Effects of Soil Moisture on Mineral Nutrition Uptake in Upland Rice at Tillering Stage

  24. 巴西旱稻上有害生物发生及为害的初步调查

    A preliminary investigation on the Occurrence and damage of harmful organisms of Brazil dry rice

  25. 不同水氮条件下旱稻水分与氮素利用特征研究

    Study on Water and Nitrogen Use Characteristics of Aerobic Rice under Different Water and Nitrogen Conditions

  26. 旱稻品种主要农艺性状及抗病性的鉴定与评价

    Characterization and evaluation of main agronomic traits and disease resistance of upland rice varieties

  27. 大豆铁结合蛋白基因在旱稻中的表达及铁含量分析

    Expression of the Soybean Ferritin Gene and Analysis of Iron Concentrations in Upland Rice

  28. 赖斯拆分米,分为两类旱稻,一般指的是大米。

    Rice Split rice, upland rice into two categories, generally refers to rice.

  29. 广西种植巴西旱稻单季再生稻的适播期分析

    The Analysis For The Suitable Sowing Period For Planting Brazilian Upland SingleCrop Ratooning Rice In Guangxi

  30. 水分对旱稻土壤及植株中主要营养元素含量的影响

    Effects of moisture on content of major nutrients in soil and upland rice plants


