


不,不曾,没有:~必。~曾(céng )。~来。~尝。~竟(没有完成的)。~及(a.没有来得及;b.没有达到)。地支的第八位,属羊。用于记时:~时(下午一点至三点)。放在句末,表示疑问:“君除吏尽~?吾亦欲除吏”。……





汉语拼音:wèi cháng









  1. 未曾,不曾。

    《论语·雍也》:“非公事,未尝至於 偃 之室也。” 宋 苏轼 《朝辞赴定州论事状》:“陛下为政九年,除执政臺諫外,未尝与羣臣接。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷九:“孺人想着外甥女儿,虽然傍着兄嫂居住,未尝许聘人家。”《老残游记》第七回:“我自从掛牌委署斯缺,未尝一夜安眠。”

  2. 用于否定词前,构成双重否定,使语气委婉。犹没有。

    《国语·周语下》:“ 晋国 有忧未尝不戚,有庆未尝不怡。” 唐 元稹 《崔弘礼郑州刺史》:“勑:朕读《诗》至於《羔裘》、《緇衣》之章,未尝不三復沉吟。” 明 刘基 《季民湖山义塾记》:“今予幸藉先人餘业,以自免於冻馁,未尝不惴惴於吾身。”

  3. 用于否定词前,构成双重否定,使语气委婉。犹并非,未必。

    《汉书·贾山传》:“又曰:‘济济多士, 文王 以寧。’天下未尝亡士也。” 明 李贽 《答周西岩》:“天下无一人不生知,无一物不生知,亦无一刻不生知者,但自不知耳,然又未尝不可使之知也。” 郭沫若 《浪漫主义和现实主义》:“ 鲁迅 诚然是一位现实主义的伟大作家,但未尝没有浓厚的浪漫主义的成分。”



  1. This might seem embarrassing but, given the alternative, turns out to have been a blessing.


  2. The neglected Biblical principle of "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" answers this question with an unexpected challenge.


  3. But I believe the fate this thing does exist, so after a number of years, I may not be a spectator, perhaps you might be right, ha ha!


  4. You'll also find yourself traveling with no real destination in mind. That's a fine plan for a Saturday-afternoon drive.


  5. It did me no harm but that was not the reason why an unforgiving person like me never really held any grudge against him for doing so.


  6. Consider, too, that it might be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow.


  7. But in the long term, it would be a good thing if they could not compete on pay with small private equity and hedge funds.


  8. It would not be wrong to say that it is a kind of traditional art of behavior.


  9. The debts to the company at the end of termination, e. g. outstanding loan, will be deducted from the employee's final payment.


  1. 当然,未尝不可?

    Yeah.Yeah,why not?

  2. 当然,未尝不可?

    Yeah. Yeah, why not?

  3. 未尝见过此人

    have never seen the person.

  4. 那也未尝不可。

    That should be all right.

  5. 我未尝喜欢过她。

    I usedn't to like her.

  6. 未尝付金额为多少?

    What is the amount outstanding ?

  7. 这未尝不是好主意。

    That might not be a bad idea.

  8. 精英时代,未尝不好?

    The outstanding person time, has not had not well?

  9. 飞鸟之景,未尝动也

    the shadow of a flying bird is not in motion

  10. 她一夜未尝合眼。

    She didn't get a wink of sleep all night.

  11. 人体未尝不是一幢建筑。

    Human body is just an architecture.

  12. 他未尝认真想过这事。

    He hasn't given it serious thought.

  13. 他从未尝过失败的滋味。

    He has never tasted defeat.

  14. 他未尝不想取得好成绩。

    It wasn't that he didn't want good results.

  15. 我成功因为我志在成功, 未尝犹豫。

    I succeed, because I will it, I never hesitated.

  16. 我还从未尝过墨西哥菜。

    I've never tried Mexican food.

  17. 十四为君妇, 羞颜未尝开。

    At forteen I married My Lord you. I never laughed, being bashful.

  18. 我不得不承认,我以前从未尝过这个。

    I have to admit, I've never had this before.

  19. 有长眠的愿望未尝不是一件好事。

    the thought of rest will be not unwelcome.

  20. 我婚前从未尝过单一伴侣的滋味。

    I never tasted monogamy before getting married.

  21. 羲轩之书,未尝去手,尧舜之谈,未尝离口。

    Xihe porch the book, never to hand, many legends from talk, withhold from mouth.

  22. 爱情之盲目未尝不是好事, 否则会看透。

    It's a good thing love is blind, otherwise it would see too much.

  23. 事事俱备,我可以说,未尝留意你已经离开。

    Everything ready so I can tell you I didn't even notice you were gone.

  24. 虽弩张剑拔, 而血脉未尝断, 情义不少减。

    Though passion mayhave strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.

  25. 有人至死心中痛苦, 终身未尝福乐得滋味。

    Another man dies in bitterness of soul, never anything good.

  26. 当你确信你所占的先机,先发制人未尝不可。

    Preemptive strikes are okay when you know for sure what youre preempting.

  27. 他自从侍奉医疗女神之后就未尝过肉味。

    He knew nothing about setting traps, nor could he bring himself to snare small animals.

  28. 有人至死心中痛苦, 终身未尝福乐的滋味。

    Another man dies in bitterness of soul, never anything good.

  29. 内容陈旧的八股文,其布局形式未尝不可借鉴。

    Although the content of eight part essay is timeworn, the form and layout can be used for reference.

  30. 他未尝留下一样好处不给那些行动正直的人。

    No good thing does the Lord withhold from those who walk uprightly.


  1. 问:未尝拼音怎么拼?未尝的读音是什么?未尝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:未尝的读音是wèicháng,未尝翻译成英文是 not



1、[have not]——加在否定词前面,构成双重否定;不是