


1. 薄 [báo]2. 薄 [bó]3. 薄 [bò]薄 [báo]厚度小的:~片。~饼。冷淡,不热情:~待。味道淡:~酒。土地不肥沃:~田。薄 [bó]义同(一),用于合成词或成语,如“厚薄”,“浅薄”,“尖嘴薄舌”等。轻微,少:~礼。……





汉语拼音:bó mù








  1. 傍晚,太阳快落山的时候。

    《楚辞·天问》:“薄暮雷电,归何忧?厥严不奉,帝何求?”《汉书·酷吏传·尹赏》:“城中薄暮尘起,剽劫行者,死伤横道,枹鼓不絶。” 唐 韩愈 《感春》诗之五:“清晨辉辉烛霞日,薄暮耿耿和烟埃。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十七章:“从北大三院出来后,天色已经薄暮,故都街上的人流像沸水般涌流着。”

  2. 比喻人之将老,暮年。

    《文选·陆机<豫章行>》:“前路既已多,后涂随年侵。促促薄暮景,亹亹鲜克禁。” 李善 注:“景之薄暮,喻人之将老也。”《文选·塘上行》:“愿君广末光,照妾薄暮年。”



  1. Richard and the children arrived in early evening with stories of the fair and a ribbon the steer had won before being sold for slaughter.


  2. Sparse woods at dusk, fresh twigs coming out of old trunks, the budding wickers, all give a both warm and chilly sense of early spring.


  3. crepuscular Relating to dawn or dusk, often used in the sense of when a species is active.


  4. Lash should have been relieved; they could have destroyed the Dusk with a few laser shots.


  5. It would be the end of my way from the first dusk till the last dawn. . .


  6. Parents often keep their children in the dark about their presents on New Year's Eve.


  7. A little great deal earlier this evening, I received an extraordinarily gracious call from Sen. McCain.


  8. Twilight of the setting sun is so warm, stunning yellow in the sense of taste!


  9. It looks like the Vesperia story is far from finished with the Xbox 360 version, PS3 version, and movie.


  1. 薄暮中有安详。

    There was peace in the twilight.

  2. 不觉暖暖的薄暮

    Kiss me beneath the milky twilight

  3. 薄暮斜阳满树。

    And at sunset, the sun will shine from behind the trees.

  4. 薄暮时教士来了。

    It was dusk when the priest came.

  5. 薄暮开始凝聚成黑夜

    Dusk began to concentrate into full night

  6. 薄暮正笼罩着湖水。

    Dusk was brooding over the lake.

  7. 薄暮已消失在黑暗之中。

    The twilight merged into darkness.

  8. 拉长的影子融入薄暮。

    Lengthening shadows coalesce into dusk.

  9. 薄暮在树之间变得朦胧。

    The dusk was shadowing into the trees.

  10. 薄暮在树之间变得朦胧。

    The dusk was shadowing into the trees.

  11. 薄暮的, 晚祷的晚祷的或者与晚祷有关的

    Of or relating to vesper or vespers.

  12. 是薄暮时分, 我向你到别,

    Twas teilight, and I bade you go

  13. 薄暮被萤火虫点缀得金光闪闪。

    The dusk was gilded with fireflies.

  14. 薄暮号迎向行星的曙光。

    The Dusk dove toward the twilight demarcation line of the planet.

  15. 薄暮号迎向行星得曙光。

    The Dusk dove toward the twilight demarcation line of the planet.

  16. 薄暮通常是最好的时间设定圈套。

    Dusk is usually the best time to set traps.

  17. 冬天的薄暮出现的时候他也刚好出现。

    He reappeared just in time for the winter frost.

  18. 上图是薄暮中的也门首都萨那。

    Above, a picture of Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, at dusk.

  19. 眼中的火苗在薄暮里闪耀

    In your eyes the flames of the twilight fought on

  20. 我看见薄暮得江上有一叶扁舟。

    I saw a boat on a twilit river.

  21. 我看见薄暮的江上有一叶扁舟。

    I saw a boat on a twilit river.

  22. 薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕的泥土的香味。

    Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth.

  23. 薄暮充满紫丁香和新翻耕得泥土得香味。

    Twilight was sweet with the smell of lilac and freshly turned earth.

  24. 海风吹来昏暝的薄暮, 扬起灰色的记忆。

    Seawind fetches hazy dusk, and draws in dim memories.

  25. 海风吹来昏暝得薄暮, 扬起灰色得记忆。

    Seawind fetches hazy dusk, and draws in dim memories.

  26. 日落薄暮, 饮一灌儿啤, 同我得爱妻。

    Sunset and a beer with my wife.

  27. 日落薄暮, 饮一灌儿啤, 同我的爱妻。

    Sunset and a beer with my wife.

  28. 我们做完这项工作时,天色已近薄暮。

    It was getting on in the afternoon when we finished the work.

  29. 他们在薄暮和被送回的家完成他们的巡逻。

    They finished their patrol at dusk and returned home.

  30. 蓝白色的光包围了薄暮号, 群星消失了。

    Around the Dusk space flashed blue and white and the stars vanished.


  1. 问:薄暮拼音怎么拼?薄暮的读音是什么?薄暮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薄暮的读音是bómù,薄暮翻译成英文是 twilight; dusk

  2. 问:薄暮的拼音怎么拼?薄暮的的读音是什么?薄暮的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薄暮的的读音是,薄暮的翻译成英文是 vesperal

  3. 问:薄暮巡逻拼音怎么拼?薄暮巡逻的读音是什么?薄暮巡逻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薄暮巡逻的读音是báo mù xún luó,薄暮巡逻翻译成英文是 Dusk Patrol

  4. 问:薄暮型动物拼音怎么拼?薄暮型动物的读音是什么?薄暮型动物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薄暮型动物的读音是báo mù xíng dòng wù,薄暮型动物翻译成英文是 vesperal type

  5. 问:薄暮至拂晓拼音怎么拼?薄暮至拂晓的读音是什么?薄暮至拂晓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:薄暮至拂晓的读音是báo mù zhì fú xiǎo,薄暮至拂晓翻译成英文是 Dusk-to-Dawn




注音:bó mù释义:1.傍晚,太阳快落山的时候。 2.比喻人之将老,暮年。基本解释[at dusk] 傍晚每薄暮下管键。——清· 方苞《狱中杂记》加以薄暮逆夷又发火烧潮音街。——《广州军务记》详细解释1. 傍晚,太阳快落山的时候。《楚辞·天问》:“薄暮雷电,归何忧?厥严不奉,帝何求?”《汉书·酷吏传·尹赏》:“城中薄暮尘起,剽劫行者,死伤横道,枹鼓不绝。” 唐·韩愈 《感春》诗之五:“清晨辉辉烛霞日,薄暮耿耿和烟埃。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十七章:“从北大三院出来后,天色已经薄暮,故都街上的人流像沸水般涌流着。”《岳阳楼记》(范仲淹):“薄暮冥冥,虎啸猿啼。”