






1. 感 [gǎn]感 [gǎn]觉出:~触。~觉。~性。~知(客观事物通过感觉器官在人脑中的直接反映)。~官。使在意识、情绪上起反应;因受刺激而引起的心理上的变化:~动。~想。反~。好~。情~。敏~。~染。~召。~慨。~喟。~叹。自豪~。……





汉语拼音:shāng shí gǎn shì







  1. na.
  2. deeply worried about the current situations of the nation [

  3. society];feel sad over national crisis, political corruption, moral decadence, etc.

  1. 在晒伤时,病斑发展缓慢。

    In sunburn, the development of lesions is delayed.

  2. 当你被碰伤时伤口会自动愈合。

    You get a wound it grows back together.

  3. 目的探讨软组织火器伤时肌肉组织的能量代谢变化。

    Objective To explore the changes of energy metabolism in skeletal muscles resulting from firearm.

  4. 颌面部高速投射伤时颅脑响应的生物力学研究

    Biomechanical studies on the craniocerebral reaction to high speed

  5. 高速枪弹伤时白细胞糖皮质激素受体与心、肺伤损

    The relation of leukocyte GR to the injuries of the hearts and lungs caused by high velocity bullets wounds of the dogs

  6. 高速投射物对生物致伤时瞬时空腔的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on the Temporary Cavity Caused by a High Speed Projectile When Wounding Living Organisms

  7. 被虱子咬伤时, 用香烟沾水浸泡受伤部分就可以了。

    When bitten by lice, soaking wet with cigarettes, some injured on it.

  8. 目的研究颌面部爆炸伤时心脑并发伤的特点与致伤机制。

    Objective To study the characteristics and mechanism of combined injuries of hearts and brains after explosive injuries of maxillofacial regions.

  9. 他跳远时伤了右踝。

    He hurt his right ankle at broad jump.

  10. 我踢足球时伤了膝盖。

    I hurt my knees playing soccer.

  11. 我踢足球时伤了膝盖。

    I hurt my knees playing soccer.

  12. 我玩橄榄球时伤了膝盖。

    I hurt my knees playing rugby.

  13. 我玩橄榄球时伤了膝盖。

    I hurt my knees playing rugby.

  14. 他跌倒时伤着了吗?

    Did he hurt himself when he fell?

  15. 他跳过篱笆时伤了脚。

    He hurt his foot by jumping over a fence.

  16. 他在玩弄枪时伤了人。

    He wounded somebody when he was fooling with a gun.

  17. 我在搬桌子时伤了背部。

    I hurt my back when moving the table.

  18. 她在救孩子时伤了自己。

    She hurt herself while rescuing the child.

  19. 我踢足球时伤到足踝骨。

    I broke a bone in my ankle while playing soccer.

  20. 我在体育馆锻炼时伤了腿。

    When I was training in the gym I had my leg hurt.

  21. 我这是切番茄时伤到的

    I got this cutting tomatoes.

  22. 男孩子们滑下山时伤着了自己。

    The boys hurt themselves sliding downhill.

  23. 他和歹徒搏斗时伤到了肺动脉。

    He injured his pulmonary artery when fighting against a gangster.

  24. 他来这里参观,玩枪时伤到了自己。

    He was visiting here and shot himself while playing with a gun.

  25. 四年前,我在爬山时伤了脚,我去看医生。

    Now four years ago, I injured my, foot in a climbing accident and I went to the doctor.

  26. 我匆忙快活地吃樱桃和草莓时伤了舌头。

    I hurt my tongue when I hurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily.

  27. 我撞伤膝盖时留下了瘀痕。

    I got this bruise when I bashed my knee.

  28. 我匆忙快活地吃樱桃以及草莓时伤了舌头。

    I hurt my tongue when Ihurried to eat cherry and strawberry merrily.

  29. 病人被固定在床上以防移动时伤到自己。

    The patient was strapped down to the bed in case he injured himself by moving.

  30. 汽车打滑时伤了两个行人和一个骑自行车的。

    Two pedestrians and a cyclist are injured when the car skid.

