







汉语拼音:sān zǔ






  1. 谓三颗印。组,结印章的丝带。

    《汉书·酷吏传·杨仆》:“怀银黄,垂三组,夸乡里。” 颜师古 注:“ 僕 为主爵都尉,又为楼船将军,并 将梁侯 ,三印,故三组也。组,印綬也。”后多用以表示身兼数职,官高显贵。 唐 杜牧 《上周相公启》:“ 杨僕 三组垂腰, 苏秦 六印在手。” 宋 陆游 《薄醉遣怀》诗:“带索忘三组,羹藜抵八珍。”



  1. The third group was allowed to pig out on the unhealthy foods for up to 23 hours a day.


  2. In a third group, she made gestures with her hands that were unrelated to what she was saying.


  3. If I were to classify traders based on the kind of results they achieve, I would put them into three broad categories.


  4. There was no significant difference of the overall task performance between three prototypes.


  5. Observing different signs of every group and making statistical treatment to incidence rate of some signs among three groups.


  6. This paper applies case studies on three sets of characters, with a purpose to call attentions from colleagues.


  7. And there was no significant difference among three groups of different myopic diopter.


  8. Randa divides the class into groups of three, pulls out a red pen, and draws a small circle on the hand of one member of each group.


  9. At least three sets of measurements shall be conducted and the monitoring shall be done within the first year of operation of the project.


  1. 词义辨析三组

    The discrimination of the meanings of three groups of words.

  2. 三组并排椭圆弹簧

    triplet elliptic spring

  3. 三组的体重变化相近。

    Similarily, the tumor area was less in the whey protein group in comparison to either the casein or Purina groups, with some difference between casein and Purina groups.

  4. 要转移到外伤三组,是的 外伤三组

    You guys are going to trauma three. All right. Trauma three.

  5. 我们被分成三组,然后开始工作。

    We were divided into three groups and then began working.

  6. 在一年时, 三组的握力相似。

    At one year, grip strength was similar among the three groups.

  7. 所有的学生分成两或三组进教室。

    All the students enter the classroom in groups of two or three.

  8. 第二章,三组声乐套曲的音乐分析。

    Chapter II, three groups of vocal music divertimento analysis.

  9. 分三组进行试验,以第二组作为对照标准。

    The tests were given to three groups, Group Two being used as a control.

  10. 三组舌象、脉象比较,差别无显著性意义。

    Comparison of tongue manifestation and pulse manifestation among three groups had no significant difference.

  11. 许多学者发现,瘟疫是三个一组,总共三组。

    Some scholars have noticed that the plagues are organized in three sets of three.

  12. 二、三组图像分别由两位高年资医师阅片。

    Images of three group were read by two senior radiologists.

  13. 三组患者在治疗后经期显著缩短,经量减少

    Three group of patients after treatment menstrual period remarkable reduction, after quantity reduction.

  14. 这36个问题分为三组,一组比一组来得寻根究底。

    The36 questions in the study are broken up into three sets, with each set intended to be more probing than the previous one.

  15. 我们可以将这果子的九方面分为三组探讨。

    The nine aspects of this fruit can be divided into three sets of three.

  16. 方法实验分为三组胃癌组,癌旁组和正常对照组。

    Methods The experimentation divides three array gastric carcinoma array, their corresponding mucosa array and normal control array.

  17. 观察和比较三组的治疗效果及并发症发生情况。

    The therapeutic effects and prevalences of complications were compared among groups.

  18. 对三组试件的冲击能量分别为4。07,7。36和10。90焦耳。

    Impact loading energy for three group of specimens were 4.07, 7.36 and 10.90 joule.

  19. 教案评分教授组,副教授组和讲师组三组之间无明显差异。

    There are no different on teaching plan among the three groups.

  20. 三组患者镇静程度和苏醒时间是无显著性差异

    The degree of sedation and onset time of the throe groups are similar.

  21. 第三章主要研究三组表示情感义位的普通用词。

    The third chapter mainly studies three groups of vocabulary of emotional sememe.

  22. 从三组三边关系看中美俄日欧关系的调整变化

    Viewing the Adjustments and Changes of Relationship among Great Powers Through Three Groups of Trilateral Relations

  23. 不要在一个延长器里, 用超过三组灯泡插头。

    Use no more than three sets of lights on each extension cord.

  24. 西壁大体分为三组, 构图形式也采用连环画的形式。

    West wall roughly divided into three groups, composition forms also used the form of comics.

  25. 西壁大体分为三组,构图形式也采用连环画得形式。

    West wall roughly divided into three groups, composition forms also used the form of comics.

  26. 在对此研究进行探讨的阶段,有三组问题需要进行研究。

    At this exploratory stage of the study, three sets of questions need to be addressed.

  27. 研究团队检测了三组中每位受试者的血样。

    The team examined blood samples taken from participants in each of the three groups.

  28. 横分三组中间一组以佛为中心, 七菩萨胁侍。

    Wang divided into three groups a group of middlecentered to the Buddha, Bodhisattva Seven Samurai threat.

  29. 血清铜水平则均高于对照组,三组间差异非常显著。

    The content of Cu is higher than contrast group with distinct difference among the three groups.

  30. 对某些征象在三组中的发生率进行统计学处理。

    Observing different signs of every group and making statistical treatment to incidence rate of some signs among three groups.


  1. 问:三组拼音怎么拼?三组的读音是什么?三组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三组的读音是sān zǔ,三组翻译成英文是 third party

  2. 问:三组维修拼音怎么拼?三组维修的读音是什么?三组维修翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三组维修的读音是sān zǔ wéi xiū,三组维修翻译成英文是 third party maintenance

  3. 问:三组分混凝土拼音怎么拼?三组分混凝土的读音是什么?三组分混凝土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三组分混凝土的读音是sān zǔ fēn hùn níng tǔ,三组分混凝土翻译成英文是 three-component concrete

  4. 问:三组无线电系统拼音怎么拼?三组无线电系统的读音是什么?三组无线电系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三组无线电系统的读音是sān zǔ wú xiàn diàn xì tǒng,三组无线电系统翻译成英文是 third party radio system

  5. 问:三组分系统三组分物系拼音怎么拼?三组分系统三组分物系的读音是什么?三组分系统三组分物系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三组分系统三组分物系的读音是sān zǔ fēn xì tǒng sān zǔ fēn wù xì,三组分系统三组分物系翻译成英文是 three-component system