




1. 假 [jiǎ]2. 假 [jià]假 [jiǎ]不真实的,不是本来的,与“真”相对:~山。~话。~冒。~释。~死。虚~。真~。弄虚作~。借用,利用:~借。~货。~道(借路)。~手(利用他人为自己办事)。~公济私。不~思索(用不着想)。……



汉语拼音:nián jià








  1. 寒假。学校放寒假常始于阴历年底终于年初,故又称年假。

    冰心 《庄鸿的姊姊》:“他在 唐山工业学校 肄业,离家很远,只有年假暑假,我们才能聚首,所以我们见面加倍的喜欢亲密。”

  2. 过年期间放的假。



  1. Another proposal aims to give Chinese workers at least five paid vacation days a year.


  2. Tom: The company does pay you for it at the end of the year, so that might be a good idea.


  3. One hundred years ago, they point out, a worker put in 12 or 13 hours a day, 6 days a week, and week followed week without annual vacation.


  4. Meanwhile, the average worker uses less than half of his or her annual holiday and the rate is falling.


  5. Compensation: - Enjoy benefits of the company ie. insurance and annual leaves with pay.


  6. A seafarer taking annual leave should be recalled only in cases of extreme emergency and with the seafarer's consent.


  7. illustrationA couple of years ago, I had a conversation with a colleague who had been on sabbatical the prior year.


  8. On average, they take less than half of their annual holiday, and that figure is falling year by year.


  9. Time spent awaiting repatriation and repatriation travel time should not be deducted from paid leave accrued to the seafarers.


  1. 可享有的年假

    annual leave entitlement.

  2. 年假还有3天。

    I have 3 days left on my annual leave.

  3. 他休年假去了。

    He is on annual leave.

  4. 你们的年假有多长

    How much annual leave do you get

  5. 我可以提前休年假吗

    Can I take mine up front It depends.

  6. 你的年假有多少天?

    How many days do you have for your annual vacation?

  7. 病假, 离船上岸假, 年假

    sick, shore, annual leave

  8. 根据最终年假计算的酬金

    Gratuity relating to the final annual leave

  9. 积累年假的计算咨询顾问

    Comptroller, Comptroller General computation of accrued annual leave

  10. 美国没有强制带薪年假。

    There is no mandatory paid annual leave in the U.S.

  11. 有偿年假及政府规定节假日。

    Paid annual leave and other statutory leaves per government requirement.

  12. 我休了一年假去周游世界。

    I took a year off work to travel around the world.

  13. 她听说你年假要到西澳。

    She heard that you plan to visit Western Australia during your vacation.

  14. 工作人员应准有适当的年假。

    Staff members shall be allowed appropriate annual leave.

  15. 你打算什麽时候使用剩余的年假?

    When will you take the balance of your annual leave ?

  16. 给员工的补偿比率包括对年假的补偿。

    The rate of pay for employees is inclusive of and comprehends payment for annual leave.

  17. 给员工的补偿比率包括对年假的补偿。

    The rate of pay for employees is inclusive of and comprehends payment for annual leave.

  18. 根据公司规定, 您将会享有公司的年假。

    You will be entitled to annual leave in accordance with the company policy.

  19. 亲爱的词友你会将年假折现吗

    Will you take the annual change it into cash.

  20. 合理的缺勤不应被视作年假。

    Justified absences from work shall not be considered as annual leave.

  21. 统计年假, 餐费及更新员工的通讯录

    Calculate annual leave, meal fee and update telephone directory

  22. 你说得没错。我正期待着年假的到来。

    You said it. I'm looking forward to my annual vacation.

  23. 它可能需要我们改变自己看待年假的方式。

    This may require changing how we think about annual leave.

  24. 乙方按国家规定享受甲方的带薪年假。

    Party B shall be entitled to annual leave with salary.

  25. 比尔为他的年假制定了详细的旅行计划。

    Bill has purposed a detailed travel plan for his annual leave.

  26. 没有对1977年得年假法作任何重大修改。

    No major changes have been made to the Annual Leave Act of1975.

  27. 没有对1977年的年假法作任何重大修改。

    No major changes have been made to the Annual Leave Act of1977.

  28. 管理和追踪年假,调休,病假和其他假期信息。

    Tracks yearly vacation, overtime compensation, sick leave and other leave information.

  29. 依法享有国家公众节假日, 带薪年假以及其他假期。

    Statutory leaves, annual leaves and other leaves as provided under Chinese law.

  30. 这是相同的方式, 在年假期间的公众假期的待遇。

    This is the same way that public holidays during a period of annual leave are treated.


  1. 问:年假拼音怎么拼?年假的读音是什么?年假翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年假的读音是niánjià,年假翻译成英文是 annual leave; New Year holidays; winter vacat...


