


1. 仙 [xiān]仙 [xiān]神话中称有特殊能力、可以长生不死的人:~人。~女。~子。~界。~境(a.仙人居住的地方;b.形容景物美好的地方)。~风道骨。~山琼阁(喻虚无缥缈的美妙幻景)。具有高超才能的人:诗~。酒~。婉称死:~去。……





汉语拼音:xiān zōng







  1. 仙人的踪迹。

    后蜀 顾夐 《甘州子》词:“曾如 刘 阮 访仙踪,深洞客,此时逢。” 明 屠隆 《綵毫记·祖饯都门》:“名山不远,访仙踨烟霞宿缘。” 清 胡会恩 《珠江杂咏》诗:“ 穗石 仙踪古, 花田 粉泽妍。”

  2. 古人比升迁入朝为登仙,因借称应召赴京者的行踪。

    唐 刘禹锡 《元和甲午岁诏书尽征江湘逐客余自武陵赴京宿于都亭有怀续来诸君子》诗:“雷雨江山起卧龙, 武陵 樵客躡仙踪。十年 楚 水枫林下,今夜初闻 长乐 鐘。”



  1. Worn in a faded frock and shod with a pair of silver shoes from the wicked witch, Dorothy went on her great journey.


  2. His first performance was as the timid lion in a play of The Wizard of Oz.


  3. There was a reason Dr. Oz introduced "nature's greatest aphrodisiac" and it was not to promote a bogus product.


  4. Real life turns out to be closer to Wizard of Oz than A Christmas Carol in the prosaic way it links dark deeds and dark names.


  5. For all his boyish appearance and references to "The Wizard of Oz" , Mr Campbell speaks with conviction and determination.


  6. This thesis intends to interpret The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in the light of feminist utopian theories.


  7. He is best remembered for his novel about Dorothy's fantastic adventure in the Land of Oz, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.


  8. Three years later Michael made his movie debut as the Scarecrow in the screen version of the hit Broadway musical "The Wiz. "


  9. You go to pick her up, thinking you're going to dinner at a little place you love, and then to see "The Wizard of Oz" at the art theater.


  1. 像绿野仙踪这样的影片

    movies like The Wizard of Oz.

  2. 绿野仙踪里的审死官

    The Coroner in The Wizard of Oz.

  3. 我在此颁布命令绿野仙踪

    And l hereby decree that until what time.

  4. 那又怎样,这又不是绿野仙踪

    So? So this ain't the Wizard of Oz.

  5. 通过绿野仙踪就可以联想得到

    and you have some friends to help you remember that.

  6. 电影绿野仙踪里的朱迪?加兰穿的红鞋子,

    They can see the red shoes worn by Judy Garland in the movie The Wizard of Oz.

  7. 经典电影绿野仙踪就是安慰剂效应的有力证明。

    The power of the placebo effect is illustrated in the movie classic, The Wizard Of Oz.

  8. 经典电影绿野仙踪就是安慰剂效应得有力证明。

    The power of the placebo effect is illustrated in the movie classic, The Wizard Of Oz.

  9. 他的第一份表演工作是出演当地的作品绿野仙踪。

    His first acting job was in a local production of The Wizard of Oz.

  10. 本论文尝试运用女权主义乌托邦理论解读绿野仙踪。

    This thesis intends to interpret The Wonderful Wizard of Oz in the light of feminist utopian theories.

  11. 世界上再也没有什么地方能像家一样。绿野仙踪。

    There is no place like home. The Wonderful Wizard of OZ.

  12. 在当我走了,绿野仙踪哈利讲述生命的临时性质。

    In When I'm Gone, Wiz Khalifa tells about the temporary nature of life.

  13. 绿野仙踪人物带给你难忘一夜!记得带备相机齐齐合照。

    The Wizard of Oz brings you an unforgettable night! Dont forget to bring your camera.

  14. 绿野仙踪是清中期一部有着鲜明特色的长篇章回小说。

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is a long novel with distinctive features published in the middle of Qin Dynasty.

  15. 就连迈克尔?杰克逊都玩起了绿野仙踪的稻草人服装。

    Even Michael Jackson sported the Scarecrow outfit in The Wiz.

  16. 绿野仙踪是当时造价最昂贵的一部电影,主演嘉兰一举成名。

    The Wizard of Oz, the most expensive film ever made at the time, launched Garland into stardom.