




1. 吓 [xià]2. 吓 [hè]吓 [xià]使害怕:~唬(“唬”读轻声)。挺~人的。吓 [hè]义同(一),用于复合词:恐~。恫~。叹词,表示不满:~,太欺负人了!……



汉语拼音:wēi hè








  1. 以威势恐吓。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·编审·编审馀论》:“夫人丁视原额若干,不宜妄增,往往奸胥簧诱本官,威吓户长滥报。” 鲁迅 《花边文学·康伯度答文公直》:“我想,辩论事情,威吓和诬陷,是没有用处的。” 孔厥 袁静 《新儿女英雄传》第七回:“﹝ 杨小梅 ﹞说:‘ 张金龙 ,你别威吓我!拉倒就拉倒!我还能撂下革命跟你走啊。’”



  1. Make China dependent on trade with the west then when they seem to be getting too powerful pull out a big gun.


  2. Without withdrawing his hand, he mouthed a threat at Teacher Fei, who lifted his arms as if surrendering and stood up to leave.


  3. That I may not seem as if I would terrify you by letters.


  4. It was mad that the British and Germans did not rush to back Mr Sarkozy when he was bullied over the Dalai Lama.


  5. The pickets did not allow themselves to be provoked, despite the unruly crowds that gathered to hector them.


  6. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog! Want to see my book report?


  7. However, the memory of the terror has continued to preserve the credibility, and thus the effectiveness, of the threat of repression.


  8. The violence unleashed by the traffickers looked like a co-ordinated attempt to intimidate Mr Cabral into abandoning his plans.


  9. Withdraw your hand far from me, and stop frightening me with your terrors.


  1. 那法官威吓证人。

    The judge browbeat the witness.

  2. 威吓集鱼法

    intimidation for fishluring.

  3. 威吓, 警告正式的斥责

    A formal denunciation.

  4. 威吓,警告正式的斥责

    A formal denunciation.

  5. 他脸上威吓的神色

    a menacing look on his puss

  6. 他露出威吓的微笑。

    He gave a menacing smile.

  7. 证人受到威吓,未能作证。

    The witness was kept from testifying by intimidation.

  8. 驭之以威吓不如教之以爱。

    Use kindness, not fear, to teach.

  9. 他们威吓他把房子卖了。

    They frightened him into selling the house.

  10. 威吓, 吓倒使丧失勇气使气馁

    To abate the courage ofdiscourage.

  11. 我威吓他使他做这件事。

    I awed him into doing it.

  12. 强盗用左轮手枪威吓他。

    The robber menaced him with a revolver.

  13. 匪徒用左轮手枪威吓他。

    The robber menaced him with a revolver.

  14. 他威吓男孩做不法之事。

    He cowed the boy into doing illegal things.

  15. 小偷以刀子威吓肯,以免被抓。

    The burglar menaced Ken with a knife in an effort to escape being caught.

  16. 威吓, 吓倒使丧失勇气使气馁参见

    Daunt To abate the courage of discourage.See Synonyms at dismay

  17. 敢用这种威吓的眼神看着我。

    And for looking at me in that threatening way.

  18. 威吓, 恐吓大声叫嚷地说或威胁

    To utter loud, vociferous remarks or threats.

  19. 嘲弄而威吓地说,看你能否自主!

    The taunt, See then whether you shall be master!

  20. 为了威吓可能的报复使合作成为可能。

    Being able to threaten credible retaliation makes cooperation possible.

  21. 威吓, 欺凌以威胁的方式恐吓或威迫

    To intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.

  22. 他的话音里没有什么威吓或者愤怒。

    There was nothing threatening or angry in his voice.

  23. 被你成功威吓的目标进入颤栗状态。

    Barbarians Intimidation Intimidated targets are shaken.

  24. 他常常威吓较小的孩子替他做事情。

    He was always bullying smaller boys into doing things.

  25. 警察们却还站着, 只用嘴威吓。

    But the policemen stood their ground, restricting themselves to threats.

  26. 不论亚衲人,不论坚固城,都不足以威吓你。

    Neither the Anakim nor fenced cities need daunt or abash you.

  27. 天气干燥时森林火灾是一大威吓。

    In dry weather forest fires are a great menace.

  28. 那些盗贼威吓店老板, 威胁要杀死他。

    The thieves intimidated the shopkeeper with threats that they would kill him.

  29. 当他威吓着逼近时,她躲开了他。

    As he moved threateningly forward she shrank from him.

  30. 贫穷人说哀求的话。富足人用威吓的话回答。

    The poor man makes requests for grace, but the man of wealth gives a rough answer.


  1. 问:威吓拼音怎么拼?威吓的读音是什么?威吓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:威吓的读音是wēihè,威吓翻译成英文是 intimidate; threaten

  2. 问:威吓性拼音怎么拼?威吓性的读音是什么?威吓性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:威吓性的读音是,威吓性翻译成英文是 minacity

  3. 问:威吓的拼音怎么拼?威吓的的读音是什么?威吓的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:威吓的的读音是,威吓的翻译成英文是 comminatory

  4. 问:威吓者拼音怎么拼?威吓者的读音是什么?威吓者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:威吓者的读音是,威吓者翻译成英文是 intimidator

  5. 问:威吓行为拼音怎么拼?威吓行为的读音是什么?威吓行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:威吓行为的读音是wēi xià xíng wéi,威吓行为翻译成英文是 threat behavior



威吓,指用武力或威风使对方恐惧或产生自卑感的方法或手段。语出清 黄六鸿《福惠全书·编审·编审馀论》:“夫人丁视原额若干,不宜妄增,往往奸胥簧诱本官,威吓户长滥报。”