


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……



汉语拼音:yīng dāng








  1. 应该。

    《后汉书·方术传下·华佗》:“君病根深,应当剖破腹。”《百喻经·斫树取果喻》:“心生愿乐,欲得果食,应当持戒,修诸功德。” 宋 梅尧臣 《雷秘校入阙拟官时将登舟过辇下》诗:“闻道求为县,应当学种花。”《再生缘》第四五回:“接口便称言得是,至亲同往正应当。” 冰心 《三年》:“你是个得胜者,应当有得胜者的同情与宽大!”

  2. 谓应事得当。


  3. 承当。

    《元典章·户部十·不得打量汉军地土》:“其四顷田地,只养自家老小,犹不能赡,岂能应当如此重役。” 明 邵璨 《香囊记·起程》:“自古道远亲不如近邻。老娘忝为邻居,衣食稍为赢餘,日后倘有欠缺,都是老娘应当。”



  1. He said resources should be switched away from these highly expensive studies, which in his view have now done their job.


  2. The value of the goods on board to be arrested on application by a maritime claimant shall be equivalent to the amount of his claim.


  3. Of course, you should check with your doctor to be sure you can begin, and if so, how much you can safely do.


  4. If a manual system is being replaced, the two should be run in parallel for a time, as a part of this testing and validation.


  5. "Mr. Obama might have noted that this work began under President Bush, but as usual he did not, " Abrams complained.


  6. She is always trying to get out of doing her fair share.


  7. Therefore, the interior should retain a low degree of light, its brightness to be able to see the books and writing as appropriate.


  8. Within a few years Rahm would be back in Washington, as a congressman from Chicago, the city he thought should be capital of the world.


  9. It seems to me that we ought to find ways to develop back channel or front channel discussions with this individual.


  1. 但是我应当

    But it would be remiss of me.

  2. 应当这么做。

    it should be done this way.

  3. 你应当戒烟。

    You should abstain from smoking.

  4. 你应当自惭。

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

  5. 应当欢喜快乐

    Rejoice and be exceedingly glad

  6. 我们应当守法。

    We are bound to obey the laws.

  7. 法官应当廉洁。

    Judges should be incorruptible.

  8. 应当做某事

    be to do sth.

  9. 应当彻底摧毁。

    It should be smashed to smithereens.

  10. 我应当停手么?

    Should I chuck it?

  11. 大麻应当合法化。

    Marijuana should be legalized.

  12. 我应当停手么?

    Should I chuck it?

  13. 你应当量入为出。

    You must keep within your income.

  14. 人人应当量入为出。

    One should fit his spending to his income.

  15. 你应当查字典。

    You should consult the dictionary.

  16. 我们应当去伪存真。

    We should sift out the true from the false.

  17. 你不应当旷课。

    You should not be absent from class.

  18. 应当略表谢意。

    A little gratitude would be in place.

  19. 您应当正在查看

    You should be viewing the

  20. 我们应当感谢你。

    We should thank you.

  21. 你应当拥有幸福。

    You deserve to be happy.

  22. 你应当拥有幸福。

    You deserve to be happy.

  23. 我们就应当调查

    we are required to look into it.

  24. 父辈应当被尊重。

    A sire should be respected.

  25. 我们应当求同存异。

    We should seek common ground while reserving differences.

  26. 法官不应当偏颇。

    A judge should not be partial.

  27. 你应当天天锻炼。

    You should exercise every day.

  28. 法律应当有效力。

    The law should remain in force.

  29. 不应当立案而立案

    Case should not placed on file butplaced on file

  30. 你应当言行一致。

    You should match words with action.


  1. 问:应当拼音怎么拼?应当的读音是什么?应当翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应当的读音是yīngdāng,应当翻译成英文是 should

  2. 问:应当是拼音怎么拼?应当是的读音是什么?应当是翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应当是的读音是,应当是翻译成英文是 ought

  3. 问:应当库存物资量拼音怎么拼?应当库存物资量的读音是什么?应当库存物资量翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应当库存物资量的读音是yìng dāng kù cún wù zī liàng,应当库存物资量翻译成英文是 Due-in-Stock





【基本解释】 1. 应该 你应当照料你自己 2. 承当;应付 次日,杨雄自出去应当官府。——《水浒传》 3.可以,被允许。法律条文用语时,带有必须的意思。