


1. 勾 [gōu]2. 勾 [gòu]勾 [gōu]用笔画出符号,表示删除或截取:~销。~乙(在报刊书籍的某些词句两端画上像“乙”的记号,表示作为资料)。画出形象的轮廓,描画:~画。~勒。用灰、水泥等涂抹建筑物的缝(fèng ):~缝。调……





汉语拼音:gōu yǐn









  1. 勾结串通。

    《魏书·獠传》:“ 法僧 在任贪残, 獠 遂反叛,勾引 萧衍 军围逼 晋寿 。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·地部二》:“ 嘉靖 之季,倭奴犯 浙 、 直 、 闽 、 广 ,而独不及 山东 者, 山东 之人不习於水,无人以勾引之故也。”

  2. 引诱。

    《警世通言·乔彦杰一妾破家》:“ 小二 见他家无人,勤谨做活。 周氏 时常眉来眼去的勾引他。”《红楼梦》第一一七回:“﹝ 贾芸 、 贾蔷 等﹞时常在外书房设局赌钱,喝酒……那 贾蔷 还想勾引 寳玉 。” 杨朔 《大旗》:“最叫 殷老大 痛心的是,儿子竟受了 日本 浪人的勾引,常往白面馆跑,没钱抽时,便从家里偷东西变卖。”

  3. 招引;吸引。

    唐 杜甫 《风雨看舟前落花戏为新句》诗:“江上人家桃树枝,春寒细雨出疏篱。影遭碧水潜勾引,风妬红花却倒吹。” 元 于伯渊 《点绛唇》套曲:“秋波送搬鬭的春山纵,春山纵勾引的芳心动。” 清 汪懋麟 《人日同骏霞醉白叔定家兄游平山》诗:“春声勾引向山行,岁首难逢七日晴。” 叶圣陶 《多收了三五斗》:“小孩给赛璐珞的洋囝囝,老虎,狗,以及红红绿绿的洋铁铜鼓,洋铁喇叭勾引住了,赖在那里不肯走开。”



  1. A man conning a woman is called flirt. A woman conning a man is called seduction. A man and a woman conning each other is called love.


  2. He bought her some eggs and coffee , and then eluding her encouraging stare , gave her a twenty- franc note and took a taxi to his hotel .


  3. Nothing is more disagreeable to a man than to feel himself pursued, to realize that a woman is trying to hook him.


  4. He had the desire to seduce her , but knew this would only add to the public image of him as a shark preying on helpless people.


  5. Her husband claims he was under the influence and the woman took unfair advantage of him.


  6. Was her sweet smile real, or was it just a pretty lure, reeling him in?


  7. He never once took the name of the lord his God in vain, committed adultery or coveted his neighbor's ass.


  8. He had a genius for attracting homeless bitches. Anyway, Jackie had finally cleared out of her own accord.


  9. Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.


  1. 勾引,误导

    To cajole or mislead.

  2. 勾引某人犯罪

    entice sb to commit a crime.

  3. 策动, 勾引, 收买

    instigate, lure or bribe

  4. 勾引某人犯罪

    entice somebody to commit a crime

  5. 勾引她很难。

    is difficult to cajole her.

  6. 鞋面。警报器。勾引。

    Vamp. Siren. Seductress.

  7. 我没有勾引谁

    I didn't seduce anybody.

  8. 别勾引我男朋友

    Do not flirt with my boyfriend.

  9. 勾引他离开正道

    seduce him out of the right way

  10. 刚刚在勾引我吗

    just hit on me?

  11. 你想勾引我吗?

    Are you trying to pick me up?

  12. 还是我勾引了你?

    Or I seduce you

  13. 试图欺骗,勾引某人

    try it on attempt to deceive or seduce someone.

  14. 她真会勾引男人。

    She certainly knows how to sex up the men.

  15. 他竭力勾引他的秘书。

    Hes trying to seduce his secretary.

  16. 有勾引异性的嫌疑。

    Maybe troubled with the suspicion of draw others.

  17. 你为何勾引我女朋友?

    Why are you hitting on my girlfriend?

  18. 您要去勾引他了。

    You will be setting your cap at him now.

  19. 她在试图勾引你吧。

    She's trying to seduce you.

  20. 勾引人入圈套的人

    decoy duck

  21. 我想戴夫是想勾引我。

    I think Dave just made a pass at me.

  22. 你只是想勾引麦克。

    You just wanted Mike over here to try to seduce him.

  23. 好色者的勾引, 殷勤等

    predatory advances, attentions, etc

  24. 你一定在勾引我丈夫。

    And you must be banging my husband.

  25. 科多也在勾引她吗

    Is Coto hitting on her too?

  26. 你看别人, 是勾引挑逗

    If you stare at onthers, she accuses you of flirting

  27. 唐璜勾引了许多年轻女子。

    Don Juan seduced many young girls.

  28. 说她用美色勾引马克。

    She uses sex to lure this poor man.

  29. 勾引我妈妈,骗到了钱。

    Romanced my mama to get to the money.

  30. 洛斯里奥勾引女人的男人

    A man who seduces women.


  1. 问:勾引拼音怎么拼?勾引的读音是什么?勾引翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勾引的读音是gōuyǐn,勾引翻译成英文是 entice

  2. 问:勾引陌生人拼音怎么拼?勾引陌生人的读音是什么?勾引陌生人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:勾引陌生人的读音是Gōuyǐn Mòshēngrén,勾引陌生人翻译成英文是 Perfect Stranger



勾引(gōu yǐn)指引诱人做不好的事或引人上钩使之听任摆布。