


牵引,拉,拽:~车。~船。~累(lěi )。~儿带女。耷拉着:~着辫子。延长时间:~延。~欠。~债。……


1. 把 [bǎ]2. 把 [bà]把 [bǎ]拿,抓住:~酒(拿着酒杯)。~玩(拿着赏玩)。控制,掌握:~握。~舵。看守:~守。~门儿。自行车、手推车等的手柄:车~。可以用手拿的小捆:秫秸~儿。专权,一手独揽:~持大权。从后托起小孩两腿使……



汉语拼音:tuō bǎ






  1. 擦拭地板的工具。用许多布条系在木棒的一头做成。

    张天翼 《春风》:“校长 佟老师 叫校役 长寿 擦去这些黑疤疤的,可是用拖把来拖也没弄干净。”



  1. Bill looked over the counter disapprovingly. "Gonna have to pull the ol' mop out tonight, I guess, " he said.


  2. The elevational element provides the mop with the ability to pivot relative the surface to be cleaned.


  3. Clean once more with clean water, then clean off the floor by water absorption machine and mop.


  4. The coach has changed, the system has changed, and the point guard has his mop-top back.


  5. After the end of the barrel clean mop, mop bucket on the hand grip on pumping to avoid the mop blown to the wall, leaving scratches.


  6. I learned to make the bed I slept in, and wash the glass I used, and mend what I broke, and mop up where I spilled.


  7. Harry stood in the kitchen, clutching the mop for support, as Uncle Vernon advanced on him, a demonic glint inhis tiny eyes.


  8. In a silent comment, Saudis exchanged a cartoon depicting the royal seal's crossed swords over a palm tree as crossed mops over a bucket.


  9. A pull-behind floor finish applicator wherein a mop with a handle is connected to the applicator, yet is readily removable therefrom.


  1. 你有拖把吗

    You have a mop?

  2. 拖拉机拖把

    tractor linkage drawbar.

  3. 用拖把擦地板

    to take a mop to the floor

  4. 用拖把擦洗甲板。

    Swab down the decks

  5. 拖把椅子过来

    to pull up a chair

  6. 用拖把擦甲板

    swab a deck

  7. 用拖把把水拖干

    swab up

  8. 她得用拖把墩地板。

    She had to go over the floor with a mop.

  9. 把拖把放到拖把架上。

    Put the mops on the mop racks.

  10. 用拖把擦掉水

    Swab up water

  11. 很好,握好你的拖把。

    Good.Stay close with that mop.

  12. 很好,握好你的拖把。

    Good. Stay close with that mop.

  13. 可调柄干拖把

    flexiblehandled dry mop.

  14. 的确比拖把更好

    That is better than a mop.

  15. 再把拖把拿过来。

    And pass me a mop, please.

  16. 女佣正用拖把擦洗地板。

    The maid is mopping the floor.

  17. 我们通常用拖把擦地板。

    We usually wipe the floor with a mop.

  18. 那老人用拖把擦拭地板。

    The old man wiped the floor with a mop.

  19. 请用拖把把水吸干。

    Please sop up the water with a mop.

  20. 请把拖把递给我。

    Pass me a mop, please.

  21. 无尘拖把,净化拖把,无尘室拖把,清洁拖把。

    Dust mop to clean mop, dust mop room, clean mop.

  22. 她们说,要买某某种拖把。

    Buy this kind of mop, they say.

  23. 公牛有一个烂拖把。

    An ox has a bad mop.

  24. 这是我们放拖把的地方。

    This is where we keep the mops.

  25. 帮我把拖把洗一下。

    Rinse the mop for me please!

  26. 相信我,蒸汽拖把,我还活着。

    And believe me I am still alive.

  27. 请把拖把颠倒过来放。

    Please could you put the mop the other way up.

  28. 请把拖把颠倒过来放。

    Please could you put the mop the other way up.

  29. 他们还在用拖把擦磁砖。

    They are still mopping tile.

  30. 她用拖把将地板拖乾净。

    She went over the floor with a mop.


  1. 问:拖把拼音怎么拼?拖把的读音是什么?拖把翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖把的读音是tuōbǎ,拖把翻译成英文是 swab

  2. 问:拖把头拼音怎么拼?拖把头的读音是什么?拖把头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖把头的读音是,拖把头翻译成英文是 mophead

  3. 问:拖把柄拼音怎么拼?拖把柄的读音是什么?拖把柄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拖把柄的读音是,拖把柄翻译成英文是 mopstick


