







汉语拼音:gù rén





1.旧友;老朋友。《礼记·檀 弓下》:“孔子之故人曰原壤。” 唐王维《送元二使安西》诗:“西出阳关无故人。”

2.旧妻。南朝陈 徐陵《玉台新咏·古诗八首》:“新人工织缣,故人工织素。”


4.前夫。《玉台新咏·无 名氏〈古诗为焦仲卿妻作〉》:“怅然遥相望,知是故人来。”



  1. 旧交;老友。

    《庄子·山木》:“夫子出於山,舍於故人之家。”《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“公之所以得无死者,以綈袍恋恋,有故人之意,故释公。” 唐 王维 《送元二使安西》诗:“劝君更尽一盃酒,西出 阳关 无故人。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二二:“在往常,开学的日子正像家庭中的节日,大家可以会见一个暑天未见面的故人。”

  2. 古人;死者。

    郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十一章二:“复员后 张季鸾 却成了故人了。”

  3. 对门生故吏的自称。

    《后汉书·杨震传》:“故所举 荆州 茂才 王密 为 昌邑 令,謁见,至夜怀金十斤以遗 震 。 震 曰:‘故人知君,君不知故人,何也?’”《资治通鉴·汉桓帝建和三年》:“此咎由故人畏惮彊御。” 胡三省 注:“ 汉 人於门生故吏之前,率自称故人。”

  4. 指前妻、前夫或旧日的情人。

    《玉台新咏·古诗<上山采蘼芜>》:“长跪问故夫,‘新人復何如?’‘新人虽言好,未若故人姝。’” 南朝 梁 刘孝绰 《古意》诗:“故居尤可念,故人安可忘。” 唐 李白 《怨情》诗:“新人如花虽可宠,故人似玉犹来重。” 清 缪艮 《沉秀英传》:“曩者 李顺娘 死,病危时,恋恋故人,至有魂觅情缘之语。”



  1. Thus, the surviving spouse and the children of a decedent are not skip persons, but grandchildren and great-grandchildren are.


  2. it was a really wonderful tour full of good memories . hopefully i could have a chance to visit there again , with those guys also.


  3. Would your recollection of some "wild night" succeed through time if it occurred alongside people you no longer associate with?


  4. There were the recollections of those who ceased in the interval to be denizens of this world.


  5. Lonely, when reading, just like a peek into the face of a dead person.


  6. Chinese date: the best beauty remedy, it's said, "if you want fair skin, put dates into porridge. " It brings ruddy skin and bright face.


  7. All this raises the question: Just because there is someone from our past we could apologize to, should we?


  8. And among all those people we are finding from our past online, there is bound to be someone we wronged somehow, right?


  9. Yan had no information on the enemy, sober Canmeng send bleak.


  1. 落日故人情。

    With parting clay Ill part from you.

  2. 我们缅怀故人。

    We recalled the old friends.

  3. 似是故人来

    it seems that an old friend comes.

  4. 故人一见便相亲。

    Old acquaintance will soon be remembered.

  5. 风物依旧,故人已亡

    the same scenery is still there as serene as ever, but my bosom friend is dead

  6. 故人西辞黄鹤楼,

    My friend has left the west where towers Yellow Crane.

  7. 故人西辞黄鹤楼。

    My friend has left the west where towers Yellow Crane.

  8. 唱着据说是故人喜爱的颂歌

    And sing a hymn said to have been favored

  9. 几架飞机被故人的炮火击落。

    Several planes were shot down by enemy fire.

  10. 故人故情怀故宴,相望相思不相见。

    Therefore, it is feeling dead person dinner, Acacia did not meet the sea.

  11. 所遇之人 都如故人一般熟悉

    Everyone I met, I felt I knew them for as long as I could remember.

  12. 感此怀故人,中宵劳梦想。

    And so I think of you, old friend, O troubler of my midnight dreams!

  13. 重睹故人,他激动得流下了眼泪。

    When he saw his old friend again, he was so excited that he burst into tears.

  14. 重睹故人,他激动得流下了眼泪。

    When he saw his old friend again, he was so excited that he burst into tears.

  15. 雁过故人无信息, 酒醒残梦寄凄凉。

    Yan had no information on the enemy, sober Canmeng send bleak.

  16. 因为他要去见他很久没见面的故人。

    Because he is going to see people he doesn't see a long time.

  17. 久居他乡遇到故人,他心中倍感亲切。

    He felt extremely excited to meet his old friends after living in a foreign country for a long time.

  18. 落寞时读书,便如面对一位不期而遇的故人。

    Lonely, when reading, just like a peek into the face of a dead person.

  19. 是我的故人。是一千年前,属于我的最简朴的爱情。

    An old friend, is my prosaic love in past life a thousand years ago.

  20. 我是说,我们来这里是为了悼念故人而非寻欢作乐。

    I mean, we're here to grieve, not cruise.

  21. 打个蛋和米饭还有朗姆酒一起供奉给故人。

    Break an egg and offer it to the deceased with some rice and rum.

  22. 黄鹤断矶头,故人今在否?旧江山浑是新愁。

    The old land is drowned in sorrow new.

  23. 我忘了是故人迁入新居,而且你也在此守候。

    I forget that there abides the old in the new, and that there also thou abidest.

  24. 处理故人骨灰全新技术方法,归属于丧葬类技术领域。

    The invention discloses a brand new technical method for treating bone ash of deceased persons, which belongs to the field of funeral technologies.

  25. 会常常写一心情在这里,因为,我想,也许故人会看见。

    But I know, say goobye to my best love. I will found my new life.

  26. 老房子拆了,故人四散,记忆里的细节越来越似是而非。

    Old building was torn open, old friend broadcast, the detail in memory is more and more specious.

  27. 国王查尔斯二世藏在橡树里以躲避他的故人。

    King Charles ll hid from his enemies in an oak tree.

  28. 南去何故北望,总是浮云游子的意,落日故人的情最难忘。

    Why south goes north to look, always floating clouds decoys Italy, the setting sun dead persons sentiment is most unforgettable.


  1. 问:故人拼音怎么拼?故人的读音是什么?故人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:故人的读音是gùrén,故人翻译成英文是 old friend



《庄子·山木》:“夫子出於山,舍於故人之家。”《史记·范雎蔡泽列传》:“公之所以得无死者,以绨袍恋恋,有故人之意,故释公。” 唐·王维《送元二使安西》诗:“劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。” 明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》第四十四回:“行近黎阳津,遇一故人,名曰蹇他,乃新从秦国而来。”老舍《四世同堂》二二:“在往常,开学的日子正像家庭中的节日,大家可以会见一个暑天未见面的故人。”