







汉语拼音:wā dòng







  1. John explained that he couldn't raise his arm above his head. John told him that he had an accident to home while digging in the garden.


  2. During the crisis, pundits talked as if consumers would return to depression-era habits, and just hoard all the essentials.


  3. I noticed that she was frantically digging holes and bringing the apples to the surface so they could be seen above the snow.


  4. Going to the garage, he fetched a spade and began digging in the garden. He had to finish before she got home.


  5. Earthworms burrow and bring rock particles to the surface to be acted upon by heat, cold, air and water.


  6. Underground, thousands of tiny creatures are allowed to do what comes naturally: they burrow, eat, digest, live, breed, die and decompose.


  7. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where thieves do not dig through nor steal.


  8. As Keynes remarked, it is of benefit at a time of unemployment to spend money on "digging holes in the ground" .


  9. Later, you dig a hole beneath the boulder and lift out a pair of Surefooted Boots.


  1. 挖洞,挖空

    To dig or hollow out.

  2. 在围墙上挖洞

    make a breach in the fence

  3. 在沙地上挖洞

    scoop a hole in the sand

  4. 士兵们在墙下挖洞。

    The soldiers undermined the wall.

  5. 狗正在用爪子挖洞。

    The dog is clawing a hole.

  6. 十大挖洞专家排行榜

    The Top Ten Most Extreme Diggers

  7. 孩子们在沙子里挖洞。

    The children are scraping holes in the sand.

  8. 用铲子在沙子上挖洞。

    Scoop a hole in the sand.

  9. 我没想去游泳,我想去挖洞!

    I wasn't gonna swim, I was gonna dig a hole!

  10. 这人经常在地上挖洞。

    This man is habitually engaged in digging a hole.

  11. 而我又挖洞挖的累了。

    And I was tired from digging the huge hole!

  12. 挖洞来过我的小木屋

    Do a burrow into my cabin

  13. 有足够多的雪来挖洞

    Lots of snow in which to dig a den.

  14. 我在为我的新树苗挖洞。

    I was digging a hole for my new tree.

  15. 为居住或躲藏而挖洞或地道。

    To dig a hole or tunnel for habitation or refuge.

  16. 它们会在你的肝里挖洞。

    They burrow into your liver.

  17. 用挖洞器一类的东西来挖洞。

    Make a hole with a dibble or as if with a dibble.

  18. 搞把小石锤儿, 开始挖洞。

    Get a rock hammer and start digging.

  19. 我们的工作不是在地上挖洞。

    Our job is not only to poke the holes in the ground.

  20. 我们得工作不是在地上挖洞。

    Our job is not only to poke the holes in the ground.

  21. 我可以像土拨鼠一样疯狂挖洞!

    I'll dig a psychotic rodent if I have to.

  22. 孩子们在沙滩上用小铲子挖洞。

    The child scooped holes in the sand.

  23. 鼹鼠的前足非常有力,擅长挖洞。

    Moles have powerful forefeet for digging.

  24. 象挖洞或打隧道一样移动或前进。

    To move or progress by or as if by digging or tunneling.

  25. 然后,他开始挖洞,一边挖一边和我们聊天。

    Then, he'd start digging and talking.

  26. 发达的足被用作爬行和挖洞。

    A large muscular foot is used for creeping and burrowing.

  27. 在完成了挖洞后埋葬了他的人。

    That Blackbeard executed his burial crews after they were done digging.

  28. 当前挖洞入室盗窃案件的痕迹勘验

    Mark Examination on the Spot in Theft Case Characterized by Entering House by Digging Hole

  29. 这动物挖洞比任何猫或狗都快。

    This animal can dig faster than any cat or dog.

  30. 姐姐在沙滩上挖洞,并让我进去。

    My sister dug a hole on the sand and let me lie down.


  1. 问:挖洞拼音怎么拼?挖洞的读音是什么?挖洞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挖洞的读音是wā dòng,挖洞翻译成英文是 dig a hole

  2. 问:挖洞器拼音怎么拼?挖洞器的读音是什么?挖洞器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挖洞器的读音是,挖洞器翻译成英文是 dibble

  3. 问:挖洞钻拼音怎么拼?挖洞钻的读音是什么?挖洞钻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挖洞钻的读音是,挖洞钻翻译成英文是 dibber

  4. 问:挖洞设备拼音怎么拼?挖洞设备的读音是什么?挖洞设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挖洞设备的读音是wā dòng shè bèi,挖洞设备翻译成英文是 boring tool



挖洞 (wā dòng)打地洞,挖地洞。
