







汉语拼音:shā táng






  1. 甘蔗煎熬而成的颗粒状的糖。又称沙糖。亦泛指糖。

    元 关汉卿 《救风尘》第二折:“着那厮通身酥、遍体麻,将他鼻凹儿抹上一块砂糖。”参见“ 沙糖 ”。



  1. Mix bonito sauce, cold boiled water, soy sauce, white vinegar and sugar, dark soy sauce and keep in chiller until ready to use.


  2. It is OK to put a bit of sugar, three grapes, dried ginger and champagne.


  3. Each shot has no calories, carbohydrates or sugar, and is fortified with gingko biloba and vitamins.


  4. Sugar was one of the most important products in Taiwan during Japanese colonial period.


  5. Drink up the taste a bit like Kudingcha, if they feel pain, you can add a little sugar.


  6. According to orthogonal test, the best recipe of the functional beverage was that concentrated solution was 8%, sugar was 5%.


  7. Beat butter with salt and sugar until light and fluffy. Add vanilla essence and eggs one at a time. Beat until combined after each addition.


  8. A small candy made of sweetened, colored, and flavored gum Arabic or gelatin and coated with coarse granulated sugar.


  9. This new formula does not contain any artificial colors, flavors, sugars, sweeteners, fructose, honey, sorbitol, alcohol, or preservatives.


  1. 特级白砂糖

    superior white crystal sugar.

  2. 磨成粉的砂糖

    crushed grain sugar.

  3. 玛丽要一磅砂糖。

    Mary wants a pound of sugar.

  4. 往蛋糕上撒砂糖

    to strew a cake with granulated sugar

  5. 用胡椒, 盐和砂糖调味。

    Salt and pepper and sugar to taste.

  6. 中火搅拌,直到砂糖溶解。

    Whisk it over medium heat until the sugar dissolves.

  7. 我们可以用蜂蜜代替砂糖。

    We can use honey to substitute the sugar.

  8. 牛油和砂糖打至松发。

    Cream the butter and sugar until fluffy and light.

  9. 将葡萄糖, 砂糖, 清水一同煮沸。

    Boil glucose, water and sugar together.

  10. 你认为砂糖可以替代蜂蜜吗??

    Can you think sugar will substitute for honey ?

  11. 撒在蛋糕上的白砂糖

    the white sugar salted on the cake

  12. 砂糖橘优质高产关键栽培技术

    Key Cultivation Technique of Sweet and Goodquality Tangerine.

  13. 加入砂糖及糯米粉搓成粉团。

    Add sugar and glutinous rice flour to form dough.

  14. 白砂糖的色值与产品质量

    Color and quality of white granulated sugar

  15. 面粉, 砂糖和食盐都是生活必须品。

    Flour, sugar, and salt are staples.

  16. 在上面洒些椰丝和黄砂糖。

    Decorate tops of muffins with coconut shreds and brown sugar.

  17. 降低咸水蔗白砂糖灰分初探

    Preliminary Studies on the Reduction of Ash in the White Granulated Sugar from Saline Water Sugarcane

  18. 把植物牛油和砂糖用小火融化。

    Melt the margarine together with sugar in a small pot over the low heat.

  19. 配料栗子粒,白砂糖,纯净水,食用植物油。

    Ingredients chestnut, sugar, water, edible vegetable oil.

  20. 奶油加入砂糖, 打发成比较浓稠质地即可。

    Place the heavy cream and sugar in a mixing bowl, whipping until thick.

  21. 煮热砂糖及淡忌廉。同时煮热柚子汁及柚子皮。

    Cook the sugar and cream. Heat the yuzu juice and yuzu zest.

  22. 将100克蛋黄与80克砂糖打发成浓稠状蛋黄糊。

    Whisk egg yolk and80 gm of sugar till thick and creamy consistency.

  23. 你把终身许配我, 给你称斤白砂糖。

    You put the lifelong espoused to me, give you say jins of sugar.

  24. 服用时以汁代茶,并加少许砂糖调味。

    When taking, take the place of with juiceTea, add touch saccharic flavor.

  25. 面粉,酵母粉和砂糖混合放入搅拌盆内。

    Combine together flour, dry yeast, and sugar in a mixing bowl.

  26. 面粉过筛,加入50克砂糖,小苏打和盐,混合均匀。

    Mix the sieved flour, 50 grams of sugar, baking soda and salt in a bowl.

  27. 正在用调羹搅拌着砂糖的她,停下手来。

    Her spoon ceased to stir up the sugar.

  28. 把牛奶,奶油,砂糖倒入一个小平底锅中。

    Combine the milk, cream, and sugar in a small saucepan.

  29. 将溶化的奶油, 砂糖, 蛋白放入大碗公中。

    Put the melted butter with sugar and egg white in a big bowl.

  30. 接着加入甜面酱,加饭酒,砂糖以及酱油略煮。

    Add in sweetened flour paste, rice wine, sugar and soya sauces Stir briefly.


  1. 问:砂糖拼音怎么拼?砂糖的读音是什么?砂糖翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂糖的读音是shātáng,砂糖翻译成英文是 granulated sugar

  2. 问:砂糖椰子拼音怎么拼?砂糖椰子的读音是什么?砂糖椰子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂糖椰子的读音是shātángyēzi,砂糖椰子翻译成英文是 Sugar Palm; Arenga pinnata

  3. 问:砂糖状的拼音怎么拼?砂糖状的的读音是什么?砂糖状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砂糖状的的读音是,砂糖状的翻译成英文是 saccharoidal