







汉语拼音:biǎo tài







  1. 表示态度。

    夏衍 《巨星永放光芒》:“要求别人表态,一定要替对方设身处地地想一想。” 巴金 《毒草病》:“你得少开会,少写表态文章。”



  1. The Chinese may be a little more polite in Washington this week. But the substance of what they say is likely to be just as unyielding.


  2. But it was a muted statement, tempered a day later by an insistence that he was taking no position on the wisdom of the Manhattan mosque.


  3. But he also made it clear that he was ready to hunt all the "rats" to eliminate anyone who participated.


  4. But he took two weeks to get round to pronouncing on the matter.


  5. Often the only political sta-tement they were prepared to make was to declare support for the Dalai Lama.


  6. Mr Obama alluded to his hope that China's exchange rate might become more market-driven, but there was no hint of agreement.


  7. The US is thought to be favourable, although Ms Lagarde did not win an immediate endorsement from Washington.


  8. On the subject of Iran, he made it plain, though, that his patience was limited by the end of this year.


  9. But the pace of that appreciation has been very slow so far, with the renminbi rising only 0. 8 percent against the U. S. dollar since then.


  1. 他没有表态。

    He didn't say which side he was on.

  2. 他不肯表态。

    He refused to commit himself.

  3. 假设性和表态性

    hypothetical past and aititudinal past

  4. 目前我想暂不表态。

    I want to keep my options open for the moment.

  5. 他们保持中立,拒绝表态。

    They are sitting on the fence and refusing to commit themselves.

  6. 他明确表态说, 他支持我们。

    He made it clear that he stood behind us.

  7. 他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。

    He was very cautious about committing himself to anything.

  8. 目前我们对此暂不表态

    We're gonna reserve judgment on that for right now.

  9. 他回避任何决定性的表态。

    He avoided any decisive position.

  10. 他拒绝对这个问题明确表态。

    He refused to be pinned down on the question.

  11. 他不愿在任何问题上表态。

    He couldn't commit himself on any issue.

  12. 他只是嗯嗯呃呃, 最后还是拒绝表态。

    He just hummed and hahed, and finally refused to commit himself.

  13. 不肯对自己的意图表态的政客。

    A politician coy about his intentions.

  14. 这是在表态呢,还是提出问题呢?

    Is that a statement or a question?

  15. 在这个阶段,我不能明确表态。

    I can not speak with any certainty at this stage.

  16. 不管怎样,她都不想明确表态。

    She didn't want to commit herself one way or the other.

  17. 这些表态的重要性可不容小觑。

    The importance of such gestures is hard to overestimate.

  18. 这些表态得重要性可不容小觑。

    The importance of such gestures is hard to overestimate.

  19. 要求部长对提出的新法案表态。

    The minister was asked to pronounce on the proposed new legislation.

  20. 管理部门一表态, 职工们便罢工了。

    As soon as the management make the offer, the staff come out.

  21. 麦克费尔医生不想明确表态。

    Dr.Macphail did not want to commit himself.

  22. 但他事隔两周才就此表态。

    But he took two weeks to get round to pronouncing on the matter.

  23. 他暂不表态,好作更多选择。

    He might keep his options open by taking a wider selection.

  24. 他暂不表态,好作更多选择。

    He might keep his options open by taking a wider selection.

  25. 工党需要拉拢的是未表态者。

    It was the uncommitted that Labour needed to reach.

  26. 他对具体的外交政策暂不表态。

    He held fire on specific foreign policy question.

  27. 这一表态称赞了过去一年的变革。

    The statement salutes the changes of the past year.

  28. 但我要说, 这个表态并不够好。

    But I have to say that is not a good enough answer.

  29. 这位议员支持官方有关教育的表态。

    The MP supported the official line on education.

  30. 共和党候选人最后也必将对此表态。

    Republican candidates would eventually have to take sides.


  1. 问:表态拼音怎么拼?表态的读音是什么?表态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:表态的读音是biǎotài,表态翻译成英文是 make one’s position known