




1. 然 [rán]然 [rán]对,是:~否。不~。不以为~。以为对,答应,信守:~纳(以为对而采纳)。~诺(许诺,信守诺言)。这样,如此:当~。~后。~则。表示一种语气(a.表决定,犹焉,如“寡人愿有言~”;b.表比拟,犹言一般,如“如……



汉语拼音:mò rán








  1. 沉默不语貌。

    《战国策·齐策四》:“ 宣王 默然不説。” 唐 韩愈 《次石头驿寄江西王十中丞阁老》诗:“默然都不语,应识此时情。” 瞿秋白 《文艺杂著·那个城》:“沉沉的垂枝,一动不动覆着默然不语的大地。”



  1. Although she appeared to acquiesce to her employer's suggestions , I could tell she had reservations about the changes he wanted made .

  2. Exedore was silent for a long moment. "I. . . hardly know what to say, " he began. Rick had never seen the Zentraedi so, well, moved.

  3. Foreigners sit mutely, trying to follow what's being said.

  4. We may not always be talking, we may just be enjoying the fellowship of the other person even in silence.

  5. Quietly in faith we must commit ourselves and the outcome of the test to our faithful God who knows best and leave it all with Him.

  6. If eyes and thoughts were free, and that not speak.

  7. I would like for you to holding a cup of green tea, quiet look at you, happy eyes were intertwined, want you in silent dialogue.

  8. The answer smote him like a blow, and he stood still in the path, looking down at her.

  9. Silence again played a part now in a moment of reflection rather than the uncomfortable feeling that I had insulted someone.


  1. 儿子默然不语。

    His son kept silent.

  2. 惊愕得一片默然

    an amazed silence

  3. 二人默然对坐。

    The two sat face to face in silence.

  4. 容忍, 当其变成默然。

    Tolerance, if it becomes indifference.

  5. 容忍,当其变成默然。

    Tolerance,if it becomes indifference.

  6. 长老比丘等默然应诺。

    The senior monks acquiesced by silence.

  7. 孤窗梧桐默然相对

    The lonely window and the phoenix tree faces to each other silently

  8. 他们默然同意那个决议。

    They acquiesced in the decision.

  9. 我得心默然向着神。

    My soul is silent unto God.

  10. 两人默然相对而坐

    sit face to face without saying a word

  11. 我们敬畏地默然观看着。

    We watched in awed silence.

  12. 他们情绪低沉,默然不语。

    They were subdued and silent.

  13. 僧团已赞成, 以默然故

    Sangha therefore it is silent

  14. 我的心默然向着神。

    My soul is silent unto God.

  15. 保罗心情阴郁, 默然无语。

    Paul was in a quiet and sombre mood.

  16. 我默然, 无聊的叹一口气, 四下里望着。

    I didn't say any more, but sighed and felt bored.

  17. 我默然, 无聊得叹一口气, 四下里望着。

    I didn't say any more, but sighed and felt bored.

  18. 万物的和谐之美, 无法超越, 默然存在。

    The harmonious beauty exists beyond compare in silence.

  19. 众人见状,都默然不语,陷入沉思中。

    After witnessing what happened, everyone was speechless and lost in thought.

  20. 他说他决不会默然同意这样的计划。

    He said he would never acquiesced in such a plan.

  21. 我默然, 满心得高兴都消失了, 我觉得惭愧。

    I was silenced, my feeling of contentment vanished and I felt ashamed.

  22. 我默然,满心的高兴都消失了,我觉得惭愧。

    I was silenced, my feeling of contentment vanished and I felt ashamed.

  23. 类似的时刻还有一些,很少的一些让人默然的时刻。

    There were other moments like that, very few moments of silence.

  24. 因我所遭遇的是出于你,我就默然不语。

    I was quiet, and kept my mouth shut; because you had done it.

  25. 这里只有一种语言, 那就是心灵的语言或默然的语言。

    There is only one Language, The Language of HEART or the Language of SILENCE.

  26. 好例子就像教堂的钟声一样让人默然遵裚。

    A good example is like a bell that to church.

  27. 他刚说出这些个话,各人就默然沉静下来。

    Directly he uttered these words there was a dead silence.

  28. 好例子就像教堂的钟声一样让人默然遵循。

    A burglar steals from the people while a church bell peals from the steeple.

  29. 更不用说一直盯着她默然不语的二少爷了。

    Say nought of have been staring at her quietly two young masters of language was not.

  30. 我只能默然,把这痛与恨的纠缠留在笔端。

    I only could fall silent, keep the sad and hateful entanglement on paper.


  1. 问:默然拼音怎么拼?默然的读音是什么?默然翻译成英文是什么?

    答:默然的读音是mòrán,默然翻译成英文是 speechless; silent




【拼音】mò rán

