




正,不歪斜:~正(a.事物不歪斜;b.正派,正确;c.使端正)。~丽。~然。~庄。~秀。~静。~坐。正派,正直:~方。~直。~重(zhòng )。品行不~。事物的一头:~的(dì)(a.事情的经过,底细;b.的确,果然;c.究竟。均亦称“端……



汉语拼音:shì duān







  1. 事情的原由;事情的真相。

    《史记·周本纪》:“不若令卒为 周 城,以匿事端。” 宋 范仲淹 《与韩魏公书》:“早来略陈事端,众必不晓不信,明公试为详酌。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十四:“露出事端,彼此不便。”

  2. 纠纷;乱子。

    《晋书·后妃传上·文明王皇后》:“ 会 ( 钟会 )见利忘义,好为事端,宠过必乱,不可大任。” 元 马致远 《陈抟高卧》第一折:“每纵酒路见不平,拔刀相助,颇生事端。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致沉雁冰》:“因为先前为了这一类职衔,吃苦不少,而且甚至于由此发生事端,所以现在要回避了。”

  3. 事情,事体。

    清 李鸿章 《复醇亲王论铁路》:“惟是事端宏大,创始宜慎。”



  1. The GDP is often precisely wrong in that it's not measuring progress, just the making of stuff.


  2. He accused some of the hidden forces behind the military and peoples trying to stir up trouble.


  3. The dark Ones do however have an obstinate desire to carry on even although they know it will bring their demise.


  4. Do you think we would have overlooked perhaps the fact that there would be the 'lower energies to contend with?


  5. Oh no, she says pointing the butter knife at me as if I'm starting trouble, no sir.


  6. These people are trying to create trouble, and may be they worried about Dr. Hiew contesting in Sandakan.


  7. Further, taking into account the recent League of frequent incidents, more than Theravada recession and more able to understand.


  8. Then on Monday, 21 miners were trapped underground by an explosion at a major mine in northern Turkey; the rescue effort is still ongoing.


  9. she ' s ridiculous . i don ' t know what her problem with argonians is , but she ' s always trying to start something.


  1. 他故意制造事端。

    He created disturbances on purpose.

  2. 家规再严,事端难免。

    Accident will happen in the best regulate families.

  3. 沿途搭车会滋生事端。

    You're opening the door to trouble by hitchhiking.

  4. 她能无故挑起事端。

    She could create a fight out of anything.

  5. 闲散制造事端安逸产生劳苦。

    Trouble springs from IdlenessToil from Ease

  6. 我觉得她就是在制造事端。

    I think she's a drama queen.

  7. 他在杂货店挑起打斗事端。

    He started a fight in the general store.

  8. 但总要有人挑起事端。

    But somebody has to plant the seed.

  9. 有时挑起事端,斗殴、攻击别人。

    Carry a disturbance sometimes, others of affray, attack.

  10. 他们制造事端残醋迫害华侨。

    They created incidents and committed outrages against Chse nationals.

  11. 他们制造事端残醋迫害华侨。

    They created incidents and committed outrages against Chinese nationals.

  12. 有罪的是那些制造事端的罪恶。

    The guilty is those evil of be made.

  13. 我就说他们会先挑起事端。

    I told you they would draw first blood.

  14. 你能假人之手制造国际事端。

    You can create an international incident by proxy.

  15. 我起初认为杰伊一直在挑起事端。

    I thought at first that Jay had been stirring things up.

  16. 你起的事端,年轻人,你就得一包到底。

    When you start something, young man, you see it through.

  17. 她事事都想占上风, 以致家庭出了事端。

    Her desire to dominate over others has caused trouble in her family.

  18. 她事事都想占上风, 以致家庭出事端。

    Her desire to dominate has caused trouble in her family.

  19. 理查森先生过火的社交生活容易招惹事端。

    Mr Richardson is too gregarious for his own good.

  20. 街头殴斗可能是一个更严重事端的前奏。

    The fighting in the streets may be a prelude to more serious trouble.

  21. 街头殴斗可能是一个更严重事端得前奏。

    The fighting in the streets may be a prelude to more serious trouble.

  22. 邻接客户端和信息办事端的通信通道。

    The channel of communication between a client and the Message Server.

  23. 在工人中挑起事端,煽起动乱,激起不满情绪等。

    stir up trouble, unrest, discontent, etc among the workers

  24. 派蒂感到犹疑, 因为这也许会引致其它的事端。

    Patty is hesitant because it may lead to other things.

  25. 警察赶走了人群,以防聚集太多而滋生事端。

    The police moved the crowd on before it could get big enough to threat law and order.

  26. 百度还指责是竞争对手挑起了这场事端。

    Baidu also is accused of competitors to stir up trouble in this.

  27. 新芬党则指责对方挑起事端,违反和平协议。

    Sinn Fein is accused each other of provoking incidents, in violation of the peace agreement.

  28. 事实上是,只要我不生事端,没人管我做什么。

    The fact is, nobody cares what I do as long as I don't cause trouble.

  29. 日方挑起事端,又错上加错,导致事态进一步升级。

    provoked the situation and doubled its mistakes, causing further escalation.

  30. 防止卷入办公室纠纷的最佳办法是不要挑起事端。

    The best way to stay out of trouble at the office is not to make waves.


  1. 问:事端拼音怎么拼?事端的读音是什么?事端翻译成英文是什么?

    答:事端的读音是shìduān,事端翻译成英文是 incident




【读音】shì duān



【示例】《晋书·后妃传上·文明王皇后》:“ 会(钟会)见利忘义,好为事端,宠过必乱,不可大任。” 元·马致远《陈抟高卧》第一折:“每纵酒路见不平,拔刀相助,颇生事端。”《东周列国志》第九十三回:“赵胜对曰:‘王昔日已误矣!今君臣之分已定,复生事端,恐有争变!’” 鲁迅《书信集·致沉雁冰》:“因为先前为了这一类职衔,吃苦不少,而且甚至于由此发生事端,所以现在要回避了。”