









汉语拼音:tú shū shì






  1. But I must ask you to read it here. You know I make a rule never to let any book go out of my library.


  2. The dark mahogany lacquer bookshelves in the library alone feature about 400 bulbs illuminating a history, art, and biography collection.


  3. A spacious, paneled library features gorgeous built-ins and a fireplace.


  4. The Oak-Panelled Drawing Room And Library Can Be Booked For Meetings Over Breakfast, Lunch And Dinner.


  5. The grounds include a kitchen garden, and the music room and library open directly on to verandahs where afternoon tea is served.


  6. But she read widely and well, and her library contained complete sets of Voltaire and other French masters.


  7. The professor recalled, his grandfather's well-stocked library had fed fat his childish thirst for knowledge.


  8. Yong Joon's fans are going to donate a basic computer library to Meilong Elementary School on behalf of Bae Yong Joon.


  9. Possession of the White House library 2700 books.


  1. 艾米去了图书室。

    Amy went to the library.

  2. 不,它是一间图书室。

    No, Its a library.

  3. 他不可能在图书室里。

    He can't be in the library.

  4. 我们有了自己的图书室。

    We have a library of our own.

  5. 这些词典不得带出图书室。

    These dictionaries are not to be taken away from the library.

  6. 布鲁克斯, 你在图书室多久了

    Brooks How long have you been librarian

  7. 他们从图书室里淘汰无用的书。

    They weeded out useless books from library.

  8. 正在建的那栋楼是我们的图书室。

    That building in building is our books room.

  9. 正在建得那栋楼是我们得图书室。

    That building in building is our books room.

  10. 其他的全部送给了英文系图书室。

    She carted the rest to the English department storeroom.

  11. 麦克尼尔开始筹建自己的班级图书室。

    Ms.McNeill started to build her classroom library.

  12. 麦克尼尔开始筹建自己得班级图书室。

    Ms. McNeill started to build her classroom library.

  13. 图书室的书中有相当一部分是新的。

    A great many of the books in the library are new.

  14. 它的意思是你应该在图书室保持安静。

    It means you should keep quiet in the library.

  15. 现在让我们一起到杰佛逊的图书室看看。

    Now we go on to Jefferson's library.

  16. 现在让我们一起到杰佛逊得图书室看看。

    Now we go on to Jefferson's library.

  17. 如果你能拥有一个花园,一个图书室,一切足矣。

    If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need.

  18. 你就不能从图书室给我捏几本出来?

    You couldn't pinch something out of the library for me ?

  19. 是一个图书室管理系统。是书上的一个实例程序。

    Is a library management system. Is an instance of the book program.

  20. 是一个图书室管理系统。是书上得一个实例程序。

    Is a library management system. Is an instance of the book program.

  21. 他并没有把他图书室里所有的书全部读完。

    He did not read every book in his library.

  22. 科研单位图书室在新形势下的生存与发展

    The Existence and Development of the Books Room of the Scientific Research Unit under the New Situation

  23. 图书室的书一团乱, 你能不能把他们排好?

    The books in the library are a mess. Can you put them in order?

  24. 他又往西翼看去,看见图书室也起了火。

    He looked along to the west wing, and saw that the library was a fire too.

  25. 都在布道台旁的图书室那儿找到可干的事情。

    found business up at the library, by the pulpit.

  26. 这具资料可能在档案里, 如果没有的话, 就在图书室里。

    The information can be found in our files or, failing that, in the main library.

  27. 阿尼耳先生家里的图书室被选定为最合适的约会处。

    The library of Mr. Arneel's home was fixed upon as the most suitable rendezvous.

  28. 阿尼耳先生家里得图书室被选定为最合适得约会处。

    The library of Mr. Arneel's home was fixed upon as the most suitable rendezvous.

  29. 我常常从楼上的图书室里拿来几卷随意翻读。

    I'd take a few volumes from the library upstairs and read them at random.

  30. 在图书室的一个书橱中, 她有一个小抽屉, 她常翻腾好半天。

    She had a small drawer in a cabinet in the library, which she would trifle over for hours.


  1. 问:图书室拼音怎么拼?图书室的读音是什么?图书室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:图书室的读音是,图书室翻译成英文是 library



túshūshì 保管或管理藏图书的一间房子或几间房子