








长度小,与“长(cháng )”相对:~期。~暂。~促。~途。~命。~讯。~浅。~兵相接。~小精悍。缺少,欠:~少。~缺。缺点:~处。护~。取长补~。……



汉语拼音:rén qióng zhì duǎn








  • 【解释】:穷:困厄;短:短小。人的处境困厄,志向也就小了。
  • 【出自】:清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四十一回:“所谓人穷志短,我那里敢和他较量,只索避了。”


  1. Chi short people are poor, if not money, may be old, they look at the face alive, this is not the dignity of old age.


  1. 人穷志不穷。

    One may be poor but never ceases to be ambitious.

  2. 他们人穷志不穷。

    They are poor but proud.

  3. 禁止内部人短线交易立法若干问题研究

    Research on Some Legislative Issues of Prohibiting Insiders from the Short Swing Trading

  4. 游民得平均预期寿命比定居群体得人短11至15年。

    The average life expectancy of travellers is between11 and15 years below that of the settled community.

  5. 游民的平均预期寿命比定居群体的人短11至15年。

    The average life expectancy of travellers is between11 and15 years below that of the settled community.

  6. 人各有所短。

    Each man has his limitations.

  7. 粘胶人造丝短纤维

    staple fibre viscose rayon

  8. 心胸狭小的人道人长短。

    small minds discuss people.

  9. 她最爱背地里说人长短。

    She is too fond of gossip.

  10. 无视人之短,无说人之长。

    Blench peoples shortcoming, and dont publicity their eminency.

  11. 我给每个人发短信了

    I texted everyone.

  12. 有的人行程长, 有的人行程短。

    Some people have longer journeys, while others have shorter ones.

  13. 有得人行程长, 有得人行程短。

    Some people have longer journeys, while others have shorter ones.

  14. 我去给所有我认识的人发短信

    I'm gonna go text every person I've ever known.

  15. 我的裙子太长, 因此请人改短了。

    My skirts were too long, so I had them taken up.

  16. 我得裙子太长,因此请人改短了。

    My skirts were too long, so I had them taken up.

  17. 她的衣服太长, 要请人改短一点。

    Her dress is too long. She mush have It'shortened.

  18. 台上的人再长的发言也嫌短,台下的人再短的发言也嫌长。

    Speeches cannot be made long enough for the speakers, nor short enough for the hearers.

  19. 千万不能做的就是以人之短, 补己之长。

    Must not become short with people, mend the own head.

  20. 有效得管理者在用人所长得同时, 必须容忍人之所短。

    The effectiveness executive knows that to get strength has to put up with weakness.

  21. 有效的管理者在用人所长的同时,必须容忍人之所短。

    The effectiveness executive knows that to get strength has to put up with weakness.

  22. 人穷未必志短。

    A ragged coat may cover an honest man.

  23. 两人生命虽短,但生命仍然圆满。

    Writers Cannot bear the face that poet John Keats died at 26.

  24. 闷死人,经常短话长说,最爱想当年。

    She takes forever to say anything, and loves to think back to the old days.

  25. 他是个爱问长问短的人。

    He is a rubberneck.

  26. 手长衫袖短, 人穷颜色低

    When the arm is long, the sleeve seems short

  27. 人在这么短的时间中能做成多少事呢

    How many things can a man accomplish in such a short period

  28. 与大部分工业化国家相比, 美国人休假时间短, 休假次数少。

    Americans take shorter and fewer vacations than people in most other industrialized countries.

  29. 人之一生何其短,不悔朝夕易过,只悲分秒难熬。

    Person's life is too short, not regret the day too, only sad moment.

  30. 这个办公室里爱说长道短的人太多了。

    There are too many gossipy people in this office.



词 目 人穷志短 发 音 rén qióng zhì duǎn 释 义 穷:困厄;短:短小。人的处境困厄,志向也就小了。 出 处 明·凌蒙初《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十五:“又道是人穷志短,李生听了这句话,便认为真。”清·吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四十一回:“所谓人穷志短,我那里敢和他较量,只索避了。” 用 法 作谓语、补语;指穷人的志向 示 例 杨朔 《红石山》:“人穷志短,爽性抹下脸,出去讨口饭吧!”