











汉语拼音:shí guāng fēi shì







  1. Life is so short, so fast the lone hours fly, we ought to be together, you and I.


  2. Not allowed to doze off, flew to the other side of the sea, notes, records that the time flies moment.


  3. How time flies! I have been a member of Class 1 Grade 1 for a year.


  4. Clive: How time flies! We have been lovers for nearly a year. We hit it off instantly.


  5. Time flies, Simba has grown into a healthy, smart little lion, and could be his uncle Scar but have not given up his grudges.


  6. See time flies, I pray that tomorrow, would like each of us a little dream, are able to gradually achieve!


  7. when we visited her then , the hours would go zipping by , and all too soon it would be time to leave.


  8. Time elapse so quickly, but my love for you grows fonder. I want to tell you on this special day that your love makes my life complete.


  9. Good morning. Sir. How time flies. Now we have to leave for xian.


  1. 时光飞逝摧人心。

    Time can break your heart, have you begging. Please.

  2. 时光飞逝,学艺无穷。

    Art is long, and time is fleeting.

  3. 时光飞逝, 万物衍变。

    World changes and evolves as time go by.

  4. 智艺无穷时光飞逝

    Art is long and Time is fleeting

  5. 时光飞逝,朋友四海为家。

    Time flies, and friends are scattered around.

  6. 艺术长青, 而时光飞逝,

    Art is long, and Time is fleeting

  7. 时光飞逝, 转眼又是一年。

    Time flies and another year goes by.

  8. 时光飞逝,转眼又是一年。

    Time flies and another year goes by.

  9. 时光飞逝, 而我们却无法阻止。

    Time advances forward and we cannot stop it.

  10. 时光飞逝,而我们却无法阻止。

    Time advances forward and we cannot stop it.

  11. 时光飞逝,转眼间两年过去了。

    Time flies, two years has passed.

  12. 时光飞逝,今天又是我的生日。

    Time flies. Today comes my birthday.

  13. 丈夫都到哪里去了, 时光飞逝?

    Where have all the husbands gone, long time passing?

  14. 时光飞逝!谁能定义自己得未来?

    Who is able a definition to his future?

  15. 纵使时光飞逝, 你我友情天长地久。

    No matter how fast time flies, our friendship stands forever.

  16. 时光飞逝!谁能定义自己的未来?

    Who is able a definition to his future ?

  17. 随着时光飞逝,他得头发变白了。

    As time goes by, his hair is turning gray.

  18. 随着时光飞逝,他的头发变白了。

    As time goes by, his hair is turning gray.

  19. 时光飞逝, 美国发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    The years and changes accumulate.

  20. 时光飞逝,美国发生了翻天覆地得变化。

    The years and changes accumulate.

  21. 纵然时光飞逝, 你我得友情地久天长!

    No matter how fast time flies, our friendship stands for ever.

  22. 纵然时光飞逝,你我的友情地久天长!

    No matter how fast time flies, our friendship stands for ever.

  23. 纵然时光飞逝, 我得爱不会老去

    For so many year have gone though I older but a year

  24. 纵然时光飞逝, 我的爱不会老去

    For so many year have gone though I older but a year

  25. 时光飞逝,年轻得女孩们都去哪儿了?

    Long time ago. Where have all the young girls gone?

  26. 时光飞逝,年轻的女孩们都去哪儿了?

    Long time ago. Where have all the young girls gone ?

  27. 时光飞逝,现在并不是犹豫不决得时候。

    Time is slipping away and now is not the moment for indecision.

  28. 时光飞逝,现在并不是犹豫不决的时候。

    Time is slipping away and now is not the moment for indecision.

  29. 又是一年过去了, 时光飞逝, 光阴如梭。

    One year, As the years went on.How time flies.

  30. 一般用在开头, 时光飞逝的英语大家提供点。

    Time passed by in the wink of the eye.