







汉语拼音:qù zhù






  1. 犹去留。

    汉 蔡琰 《胡笳十八拍》:“十有二拍兮哀乐均,去住两情兮难具陈。” 唐 司空曙 《峡口送友人》诗:“峡口花飞欲尽春,天涯去住泪霑巾。” 庞树柏 《鹣鹣引为邑中贞烈严毛氏作》:“此心似磐石,去住终难移。”



  1. A home is a place where one belongs to. Where he fits in, and where he has a right to be, because in a peculiar sense it is his own.


  2. When you start to get tired of the busy urban life, (it would be) better to spend a week at the beach.


  3. As a matter of course Ayrton shared the common lot in every respect, and there was no longer any talk of his going to live at the corral.


  4. Then Jephthah fled from his brethren, and dwelt in the land of Tob: and there were gathered vain men to Jephthah, and went out with him.


  5. She said she had not and, upon hearing what I had found, insisted that we stay in hotel for the night.


  6. I'm already on Meik's guest list and will probably stay with him in his van.


  7. He could marry her and take her down with him to dwell in the grass-walled castle in the Marquesas.


  8. It might have been when you moved out or when you realized that you could beat your dad at table tennis.


  9. He convinced me to stay my last night at his new place in San Bruno, just outside the city.


  1. 你要上哪去住?

    Where you going to live?

  2. 我想搬到宿舍去住。

    I want to move into the dorms.

  3. 您来住我的房子,我去住您的。

    You have my house, and I have yours.

  4. 他们搬到国外去住了。

    They have gone to live overseas.

  5. 到我的小屋去住吧。

    Come to this cottage of mine.

  6. 我只想出去住几周而已

    I just need to get away for a few weeks.

  7. 我只想出去住几周而已。

    I just need to get away for a few weeks.

  8. 她常考虑搬到伦敦去住。

    She had often considered moving to London.

  9. 她常考虑搬到伦敦去住。

    She had often considered moving to London.

  10. 你们得搬到别的地方去住。

    You're gonna have to live somewhere else.

  11. 她过去常想搬到伦敦去住。

    She had often considered moving to London.

  12. 她要搭飞机到她姨妈家里去住。

    Shes flying to her aunts house to live.

  13. 既然我都付钱了,为什么不去住

    So I'm already paying for it.

  14. 那就是他们送你去住读的原因?

    Is that why they sent you to a boarding school?

  15. 我年前就搬到纽约去住了。

    I've moved to New York in years earlier.

  16. 我们决定搬到温暖得地方去住。

    They have decided to remove from here to a warm climate.

  17. 我们决定搬到温暖的地方去住。

    They have decided to remove from here to a warm climate.

  18. 我旧年住过,今年八月又再去住过。

    Amari Orchid Ocean Tower is the best.

  19. 谢谢,不过不用了 我们去住旅馆吧。

    Oh, thanks. No, that's okay. We'll stay at a motel.

  20. 我们怎麽不搬到本地旅馆去住呢

    Why don't we adjourn to the local hostelry

  21. 我们怎么不搬到本地旅馆去住呢

    Why don t we adjourn to the local hostelry

  22. 离婚后她搬到她母亲的故居去住。

    After the divorce she moved to her mother's old home.

  23. 凯先生夫妇已经搬到农村去住了。

    Mr. and Mrs. Kay have gone to live in the country.

  24. 他们变卖了一切,然后到康沃尔去住。

    They sold up and went to live in Cornwall.

  25. 我劝您到夏威夷去住两星期。

    I would advise you to spend a couple of weeks in Hawaii.

  26. 我们是到那里去拜访,还是要到那里去住下来?

    Are we going there to visit, or are going there to stay ?

  27. 我们决定轻松快活一下, 去住最好的饭店。

    We decided to spread ourselves and stay in the best hotel.

  28. 耶弗他就逃离他的弟兄们,去住在陀伯地。

    So Jephthah fled from his brothers and dwelt in the land of Tob.

  29. 我母亲想卖掉房子搬到养老院去住。

    My mother is considering selling her house and moving into a nursing home.

  30. 你愿意和我到另一个国家去住吗?

    Jay would you like to live with me in another country?