


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……


1. 柔 [róu]柔 [róu]植物初生而嫩:~荑(初生嫩芽,喻女子白嫩的手)。软,不硬:~软。~韧。~嫩。~滑。软弱,与“刚”相对:~懦。~弱。刚~相济。温和:~顺。~和。~曼(柔和妩媚)。~情。……



汉语拼音:hé róu








  1. 宽和柔顺。

    《晏子春秋·问下二十》:“事君之伦,知虑足以安国……和柔足以怀众。”《史记·卫将军骠骑列传》:“大将军为人仁善退让,以和柔自媚於上。”《资治通鉴·唐太宗贞观十二年》:“ 世南 外和柔而内忠直。” 明 李贽 《<龙谿先生文录抄>序》:“先生少壮至老,一味和柔,大同无我。”

  2. 犹和软。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·音辞》:“南方水土和柔,其音清举而切诣。”

  3. 谓柔媚宜人。

    宋 叶适 《与英上游紫霄观短歌》:“景物已和柔,川原倍敷荣。” 宋 刘克庄 《八声甘州·雁》词:“归兴何妨待,风景和柔。” 清 黄鷟来 《雨中感怀》诗:“朱阳蔼江郭,首夏渐和柔。”



  1. Fred : Well, you know that Zed and Zoe have been having a bit of an up and down time recently? Well. . .


  2. The flash is aimed at the ceiling, wall or flash reflector, which disperses and softens the light, and bounces it back at the subject.


  3. Due to the characteristic of its highness and flexibility, the structures are sensitive to the action of wind.


  4. Back of the book can be processed into hard back, cavity back and flexible back, shapement and durable.


  5. General-purpose cleaning wipes, and Counting Towel Roll widely used in hotels, hotel.


  6. Entitled "Digital and Flexo, a Perfect Match" the event will focus on the compatibility of digital with traditional flexo printing.


  7. Hydrate, smooth and plump for a soft radiant complexion.


  8. At first, the author deduces the theory o f change rate of the first mode shape and difference of flexibility for damage detection.


  9. Tonight, Zoe and I make dinner, and only Zoe and I. Zoe.


  1. 我喜欢较柔和得蓝色。

    I like the soft shade of the blue .

  2. 看到这柔和得十月之夜。

    And seeing that it was a soft October night.

  3. 这时, 只留下柔和得晚风和无尽得大海。

    Then there was only the soft night wind and the timeless sea.

  4. 轴,苞,花梗和花萼具腺柔毛。

    Rachises, bracts, pedicels, and calyces glandular pilose.

  5. 斯蒂芬妮和柔依骗了我。

    Stephanie and Zoe lied to me.

  6. 而且瑜珈和柔术是很相似得。

    Also yoga is very similar to contortion.

  7. 而且瑜珈和柔术是很相似的。

    Also yoga is very similar to contortion.

  8. 与水化合, 抚平和柔亮肤色。

    Hydrate, smooth and plump for a soft radiant complexion.

  9. 平滑和柔化肌肤, 消除足部疲倦。

    Smoothen skin, relieve feet fatigue.

  10. 可以看到这些板,和柔性薄膜。

    You see these plates, and you see the compliant membrane.

  11. 今晚我和柔儿负责做饭, 只有我和柔儿。

    Tonight, Zoe and I make dinner and only Zoe and I.

  12. 其防冲能力和柔性都较好。

    Its protection effect and flexibility is good.

  13. 电缆和柔性软线中芯线的识别

    Identification of cores in cables and flexible cords

  14. 分为刚性防水套管和柔性防水套管两种。

    Divided into rigid waterproofing casing and flexible waterproofing casing two kinds.

  15. 挪威云杉和柔毛桦引进技术的探讨

    Introduction techniques of Picea abies and Betula pubescens

  16. 连续交缠和柔性缠结用新型空气交缠喷嘴

    New Air Interlacing Jet for Continuous Interlacing and Soft Tangling

  17. 亚齐和柔佛的争斗停息了一段时期。

    For a space there was a lull in the AchehJohore struggle.

  18. 因为我希望你和柔依在这方面比我强

    Because I want you and zoe to be better at this than I am

  19. 回应客户有关产品安全和柔量调整的质询。

    Respond to customer inquiries related to product safety and regulatory compliance.

  20. 在机制上, 要实施分类监管, 综合监管和柔性监管。

    In terms of mechanism reform, mode transformation requires classified supervision, integrated supervision and human supervision.

  21. 下一次我们将用震击器和柔性短节。

    We shall use the jar and flex joint next time.

  22. 弗莱德唔,你知道柴德和柔伊最近的状况时好时坏?

    Fred Well, you know that Zed and Zoe have been having a bit of an up and down time recently Well.

  23. 我和柔石最初的相见,不知道是何时,在那里。

    I forget when and where I first met Rou Shi.

  24. 嗨,唐。赫伯和柔丝的事我看是没指望了!

    Hi, Don. Herb and Rose are hopeless!

  25. 苏嗨,唐。赫伯和柔丝的事我看是没指望了!

    Sue Hi, Don. Herb and Rose are hopeless!

  26. 由于它具有高和柔的特点, 因此一般对风的作用比较敏感。

    Due to the characteristic of its highness and flexibility, the structures are sensitive to the action of wind.

  27. 让自己的心有了柔柔的疼痛和幸福的甜蜜。

    To drown my heart in the tender pain and sweet happiness.

  28. 和好面后要间断的揉,回,直到面团光滑筋柔。

    And after a good face continuous rubbing, back, tendons until smooth soft dough.

  29. 具有良好膨松性和比重轻的特点,使得面料轻,柔,暖。

    Has the good bulkiness and the proportion light characteristic, causes the lining to be light, supple, warm.

  30. 她周围的空气闻起来有一种红玫瑰和紫丁香的柔柔香气。

    The air around her smells soft as roses and lilac.