


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……


1. 挟 [xié]2. 挟 [jiā]挟 [xié]用胳膊夹着:~持。~山超海(喻不可能做到的事)。倚仗势力或抓住人的弱点强迫人服从:要(yāo )~。~制。~势(仗势)。心里怀着(怨恨等):~恨。~怨。~嫌。挟 [jiā]古同“夹”,从……



汉语拼音:yāo xié








要挟 [yāo xié]
  1. 利用对方的弱点,仗恃自己的势力,胁迫对方满足自己的要求。

    明 蒋一葵 《长安客话·女直》:“腥膻野性,或乘虚而零窃,或纠众而跳梁,或执词而要挟。” 清 林则徐 《会谕义律》:“伊欲要挟而求,岂本大臣、本部堂反不能宽间以待乎?” 邹鲁 《四川光复》:“且贷款筑路,外人要挟万端,国权更将不保。” 巴金 《灭亡》第九章:“然而 袁润身 爱她,又是那样情急, 袁润身 又拿自杀的话来要挟她,难保她不会软化的。”



  1. The old man to do so is to let the hero was not airport officials hostage, can freely into New York.


  2. If I capture her and escort her in chains to Lorekeep for "questioning, " the old fool will have no choice but to come and attack me.


  3. Last winter Gazprom appeared to blackmail Ukraine's new pro-Western government by cutting off the country's gas amid a dispute over prices.


  4. In fact, during less tolerant eras, a homosexual honey trap with a goal of blackmail could be just as effective as using women as bait.


  5. Did she know a terrible secret from his past, which she had threatened to tell?


  6. "The goal is to use the threat of regulation to prevent us from having to make regulations, which would take more time anyway, " he said.


  7. Ms Sigurdardottir may be able to use the threat of a failed referendum to exact more palatable terms from Britain and the Netherlands.


  8. The YiNing she got to the new moon, quarterly bonus crescent too few, coerce YiNing her things to niu niu all understand.


  9. Tobin Keller: My job is not to look after you, but to look after the man whose been threatened, if there was a threat.


  1. 以开除要挟雇员

    threaten an employee with dismissal

  2. 布里被山姆要挟。

    Bree was blackmailed by sam.

  3. 布里被山姆要挟。

    Bree was blackmailed by sam.

  4. 用死来要挟我们

    threaten us with death

  5. 对小国进行要挟

    use coercion against small nations

  6. 要死就死,要挟谁?吓谁?

    If I want to die, I'll die. Whom would I want to threaten or frighten ?

  7. 他们用起诉来要挟我们。

    They have threatened us with legal action.

  8. 反叛者以恐吓手段要挟。

    The rebels backed up their demands with threats.

  9. 赞助商以不付款为要挟。

    The sponsor threatened not to pay up.

  10. 以逮捕为要挟向农民敲诈勒索

    Shake down peasants by pretending to arrest them

  11. 你也许会以辞职来要挟他。

    You'll probably threaten to resign.

  12. 他以我过去的记录来要挟我。

    He's holding my past record over me.

  13. 我的秘书以辞职相要挟。

    My secretary has threatened to leave.

  14. 她是在拿什么事要挟你吗?

    Was she threatening you with something?

  15. 罢工者拒绝了要挟复工的条件。

    The strikers refused to be blackmailed into returning to work.

  16. 罢工者拒绝了要挟复工得条件。

    The strikers refused to be blackmailed into returning to work.

  17. 你不能再以我来要挟她了。

    You can't pawn me off on her anymore.

  18. 这个老板动不动就以开除要挟雇员。

    The boss was ready to threaten the employees with dismissal.

  19. 我的继父要挟我和我妈一起生活。

    My stepfather blackmailed me into living with my mom.

  20. 流域环境恶化是环保合约要挟的结果

    Environmental Worsening in Watershed is a Result Threatened by the Protection Contract

  21. 那就是胁持你最爱的人来要挟你。

    Is having them threaten the person you love most.

  22. 用要挟理论分析西部开发中的环境立法

    Analysion on Environmental Legislation during the West Developwent by Threaten Theory

  23. 是的,她是在要挟要把我们折磨至死。

    Yes, she's threatening to make us miserable till we cave.

  24. 首相说过他的政府不会受叛军的要挟。

    The prime minister has said his government will not be blackmailed by the rebels.

  25. 她以公开他们的私情要挟他很多年。

    She blackmailed him for years by threatening to tell the newspapers about their affair.

  26. 正在剧院里, 我要挟要以退避来看待条约。

    In the theater I threatened to treat the treaty with retreat.

  27. 我得房东要挟说要把每周租金提高10英镑。

    My landlords threatening to put the rent up by8 a week.

  28. 我的房东要挟说要把每周租金提高10英镑。

    My landlords threatening to put the rent up by10 a week.

  29. 这次他掳去李妻作为要挟, 李洛夫如何应付?

    The Abduction of his wife a hostage to Lee, Lee Love on how to deal with ?

  30. 她以公开他们的恋情要挟了他很多年。

    She blackmailed him for years by threatening to tell the newspapers about their affair.


  1. 问:要挟拼音怎么拼?要挟的读音是什么?要挟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:要挟的读音是yāoxié,要挟翻译成英文是 threaten