


1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……





汉语拼音:yào suǒ






  1. 要挟勒索;强行索取。

    明 何良俊 《四友斋丛说·史三》:“至於亡弃家业,空里巷而出,数百为羣,闯门要索,要索不遂,肆行刼夺。” 李大钊 《国民之薪胆》:“而自 青岛 战争伊始,迄于 日本 向我国提出要索条件。” 鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“加以 式列阿忒 佣兵见 裴伦 宽大,復多所要索,稍不满,輒欲背去。”



  1. The graduating students are not getting jobs and in turn have started suing the colleges to get back their staggeringly high tuition costs.


  1. 水循环要索

    water cycle factors.

  2. 我已经取消定单,所以我要索回钱。

    I have canceled my order, so I want to retrieve money.

  3. 可是参裘要杀艾尔方索。

    But Sancho would kill alfonso.

  4. 我们需要把电引入人民家中,而且要做得干净利索。

    We need to put electricity into people's homes and do cleanly.

  5. 旅馆得搬运工每搬一件行李要给20个比索。

    Hotel porters should be rewarded with 18 pesos per bag.

  6. 旅馆的搬运工每搬一件行李要给20个比索。

    Hotel porters should be rewarded with 20 pesos per bag.

  7. 旅馆的搬运工每搬一件行李要给20个比索。

    Hotel porters should be rewarded with 20 pesos per bag.

  8. 要想使弹簧有弹力, 就手工拉紧绳索。

    Tense the rope manually before tensing the spring.

  9. 迈克劳斯基是索拉索的保镖,你必须要了解,山尼。

    McCluskey has agreed to be The Turks bodyguard.

  10. 人生如高空走索。应专心一意往前看, 向前走, 不要回头空懊恼。

    Life is like walking on a tightrope. One should focus one's mind and look forward. Walk ahead and do not look back with empty remorse and anger.

  11. 写信要。函索

    Send away for.

  12. 我要去科瑞索克莱斯。

    I go to Chrysokeras.

  13. 不要只顾求索,而忘记付出。

    Don't just ask for something while forgetting to donate.

  14. 不要只顾求索,而忘记付出。

    Don't just ask for something while forgetting to donate.

  15. 我还要见弗朗索瓦,再见。

    I gotta meet Francois. See ya.

  16. 我还要见弗朗索瓦,再见。

    I gotta meet Francois. See ya.

  17. 索耶夫人每天呆要家里。

    Mrs. Sawyer stays at home every day.

  18. 提请求, 不要发号施令索尼必胜

    Made Requests Rather Than Orders

  19. 而且我们要去高加索山脉!

    But we were going to the caucasus!

  20. 但是索利斯先生就要坐牢了。

    But Mr. Solis is going to jail.

  21. 那就不要找索尼和三星。

    Then don't go with Sony and samsung.

  22. 不要使用这些主要尺寸吊索。

    Do not use these dimensions for the Main Sling template.

  23. 您要我们向贵公司索费吗?

    Would you like us to charge this to your company?

  24. 你为什么要和索利斯先生结婚。

    Why you married mr. solis.

  25. 你为什么要和索利斯先生结婚。

    Why you married Mr. Solis.

  26. 你为什么要和索利斯先生结婚。

    Why you married mr. solis.

  27. 索利斯太太,你要做出回应吗?

    Mrs. Solis, would you like to respond?

  28. 索米公司,有什么事要我效劳吗

    Somy Electornics. May help you?

  29. 一时间,莉莲?霍索恩似乎要大发雷霆了。

    For a moment it looked as if Lilian Hawthorne would explode.

  30. 双塔背索式混凝土悬索桥施工要点

    Concrete dual tower backstay suspension bridge