







汉语拼音:xiā máng







  1. 在黑暗中忙碌。亦指胡乱地忙碌。

    老舍 《四世同堂》十二:“她掩着怀,瞎摸合眼的走出去,现找劈柴升火烧水。乘着她在外边瞎忙, 瑞宣 把来意简单地告诉了老人。” 巴金 《灭亡》第七章:“我一天总是瞎忙!对不起,昨天累你们两位白跑了一趟。”



  1. This is all to have no the matter busy for nothing, you use time why not more meaningfully amount?


  2. I don't know what I have done these days. But it seemed I was always so busy that I had no time to write at all.


  3. Mr. CALMSKY always tends to run around in circles.


  4. I have messed about all day, and the result is nothing.


  5. At work, she always runs around like a chicken with its head cut off.


  6. Please, stop fussing - the food's cooking and there's nothing more to do until the guests arrive.


  7. I faffed and dithered, and ended up writing what I had to write in a mad, headlong dash.


  8. When you run across this problem, don't monkey around. Find some time to spend with those you love. After all, what could be more important?


  9. Every hurried footsteps, like fussing about, feel this way of life is seasonal the nose, would also stay.


  1. 瞎忙得团团转

    fuss up and down

  2. 你为什么这样瞎忙?

    Why are you in such a tarnation hurry?

  3. 她在瞎忙些什么

    What is she fussing about.

  4. 跳出瞎忙的迷宫。

    Jump out the maze ii.

  5. 跳出瞎忙得迷宫2。

    Jump out the maze II.

  6. 像只老狗一样瞎忙?

    Chasin'tail like some old dog.

  7. 她总是为食物瞎忙活。

    She's always fussing about her food.

  8. 她总是为食物瞎忙活。

    She's always fussing about her food.

  9. 我舅舅在厨房里瞎忙。

    My uncle tinkered about in the kitchen.

  10. 我整天瞎忙,却毫无结果。

    I have messed about all day, and the result is nothing.

  11. 我们瞎忙了整整一个上午。

    We spent the whole morning just messing about.

  12. 他让我瞎忙,不去想别的事情。

    He had me running round in circles and thought of nothing else.

  13. 他让我瞎忙,不去想别的事情。

    He had me running round in circles and thought of nothing else.

  14. 瞎忙活了几天,什么也没搞成。

    We fussed about for days but got nothing done.

  15. 别瞎忙活了, 找点有用的事干!

    Stop fussing around and find something useful to do!

  16. 他退休后, 不要做没有目标的瞎忙。

    After his retirement he will try not to run around in circles.

  17. 父母告诉孩子要坚定目标, 不可瞎忙一阵。

    The parents told their children to stay focused and not run around in circles.

  18. 你要是总瞎忙个没完,我们非迟到不可。

    If you keep fussing about, we're sure to be late.

  19. 那就是你瞎忙也可以搞明白一件事情。

    that you can figure things out by fooling around.

  20. 你工作起来总像只没头苍蝇似的到处瞎忙。

    Your work life consists of you running around like a headless chicken.

  21. 他看起来工作很紧张,其实不过是在瞎忙一气。

    He seemed to be working hard, but was just running round in circles.

  22. 玛丽告诉她的朋友们要坚定目标, 不可瞎忙一阵。

    Mary told her friends to stay focused and not run around in circles.

  23. 玛丽告诉她得朋友们要坚定目标,不可瞎忙一阵。

    Mary told her friends to stay focused and not run around in circles.

  24. 艾伦达顿要想找一本杂志, 让我瞎忙了一阵子。

    Alan Dutton had me running round in circles trying to find a journal.

  25. 这都是无事瞎忙, 你为何不把时间用得更有意义些?

    It's all fussing about nothing, why not spend the time more meaningful


  1. 问:瞎忙拼音怎么拼?瞎忙的读音是什么?瞎忙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瞎忙的读音是xiāmáng,瞎忙翻译成英文是 to bustle without plan or purpose