


1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……





汉语拼音:lā tā






  1. 方言。闲谈。

    贺敬之 等《惯匪周子山》第二场:“哎,不要客气么,咱都是乡亲门户的,你到我这搭儿价就和在你自己家里一样,咱们随便拉它拉它。”



  1. He may try to grab at it and pull as he tests out his new limbs.


  2. What you are seeing is Kapala. It is the Tibet Buddhist ritual apparatus made of good Buddhist's skulls.


  3. But when the young earwigs tried to pull his mustache, he left the place searching for a manure pile.


  4. Cotyledons should pull in the end, about the size of the package when the hand to pull up, and its advantage is thin, tender, plump.


  5. I reached for sleep and drew it round me like a blanket muffling pain and thought together in the merciful dark.


  6. Then grab the top of each front tire and tug it back and forth.


  7. Tighten the muscles of the right finger and try to pull it away from the knuckle.


  8. While one pulled on its head and the other pulled on its tail, meanwhile the cow was milked by a lawyer.


  9. You can touch a hibernating animal, or even pull its tail, without causing it to move or wake up.


  1. 如果快速拉它,底部这条断裂。

    And if I pull very fast, you see the bottom one breaks.

  2. 当我们拉它出来时,就是剩下这些。

    This is what was left of it when they pulled it out.

  3. 回到了你的心和拉它拿走。

    Back up your heart and pull it away.

  4. 比利拉了拉它的尾巴。斑点狗尖叫了起来。

    Billy pulled on its tail. Spotty yelped.

  5. 比利拉了拉它得尾巴。斑点狗尖叫了起来。

    Billy pulled on its tail. Spotty yelped.

  6. 牛掉进壕沟时要赶快拉它上来, 好人要善待。

    When the ox is in the ditch, pull him out.

  7. 因此,我们不能只拖船和拉它,否则将打破。

    So we cannot just tug and pull at it, or else it would break.

  8. 无论他多久再拉它,不幸地,顶尖的工作是六月。

    No matter how often he redrew it, unfortunately, the top task was Jun.

  9. 无论他多久再拉它,不幸地,顶尖得工作是六月。

    No matter how often he redrew it, unfortunately, the top task was Jun.

  10. 然后抓住每个前轮的顶端而且来回地用力拉它。

    Then grab the top of each front tire and tug it back and forth.

  11. 小狗也懂事的把后腿蹬直,帮助营救人员拉它出来。

    The dog helped the officers by stiffening his hind legs as they pulled him out.

  12. 你们中间谁有驴或牛在安息日掉在井里不立时拉它上呢

    Would you pull an ass out of a pit on the sabbath

  13. 把它拉紧。松手!

    Wind her up and. let her go!

  14. 这一回我要把它拉过来。

    This time I'll pull him over.

  15. 老人竭尽全力把它拉得近些。

    The old man pulled on him all that he could to bring him closer.

  16. 如果台布起皱了, 就将它拉直。

    If the tablecloth ruckles up, pull It'straight.

  17. 她抓着他的衣服把它拉回来。

    She grabbed at his clothes to pull him back.

  18. 她抓着他的衣服把它拉回来。

    She grabbed at his clothes to pull him back.

  19. 抓住布料的一端,把它拉过一肩。

    Take one end of the wrap and drape it over your shoulder.

  20. 可是我必须把它拉得极近, 极近, 极近, 他想。

    But I must get him close, colse, close, he thought.

  21. 这么好的马, 用它拉沉重的盐太可惜了。

    It is such a shame to use such a fine beast to lug salt.

  22. 我的头巾掉下来了, 所以我又把它拉上去。

    My headscarf had fallen down, so I pulled it up.

  23. 我得头巾掉下来了,所以我又把它拉上去。

    My headscarf had fallen down, so I pulled it up.

  24. 我,牛说,因为我能够把它拉响,我来鸣响丧钟。

    I, said the Bull, Because I can pull, Ill toll the bell.

  25. 这扇门卡住了, 她必须使劲把它拉出来。

    The door was stuck so she had to yank it open.

  26. 谁来鸣响丧钟?我, 牛说, 因为我能够把它拉响, 我来鸣响丧钟。

    I, said the Bull, Because I can pull, I'll bell.

  27. 他转了四圈,打了一个活结,然后把它拉紧。

    He tied a clinch knot with four turns and pulled it tight.

  28. 他转了四圈,打了一个活结,然后把它拉紧。

    He tied a clinch knot with four turns and pulled it tight.

  29. 需要一个人的力气 一个团队的努力才能把它拉起来

    It takes a human effort, a team effort, to bring the fish in.

  30. 吊钩到了水里,那人就试着去把它拉上来。

    The hook reached the water, and the man tried to pull up the hook.