




1. 渐 [jiàn]2. 渐 [jiān]渐 [jiàn]慢慢地,一点一点地:逐~。~进。~~。~次。~悟。~冉(逐渐)。防微杜~。加剧:疾大~。疏导:~九川。渐 [jiān]浸:~渍。~洳(浸湿)。~染。~仁摩谊(用仁义之道感化教育人)……



汉语拼音:dōng jiān







  1. 向东流入。

    《书·禹贡》:“东渐于海,西被于流沙。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·钧世》:“故水不发 崐山 ,则不能扬洪流以东渐。”

  2. 引申谓向东方流传。

    南朝 梁 简文帝 《大法颂》:“西踰月窟,东渐扶桑。” 林纾 《送文科毕业诸学士序》:“ 欧 风既东渐,然尚不为吾文之累,敝在俗士以古文为朽败。”



  1. At that time, the College as a window and a bridge on Western Learning is no doubt a subject worthy of study.


  2. Chinese modern history is a process of western academic ideas spread to China and China walk up to modernization ceaselessly.


  3. That ship was a whaler, strayed east, far east, from the mouth of the Mackenzie, and it was lying at anchor in Coronation Gulf.


  4. In late Qing dynasty, impacting the wave of 'West Learning', traditional children education stepped into the threshold of modern education.


  5. "The oriental spreading of western culture" had already become an irresistible trend.


  6. My Life in China and America is a window from which Yung Wing's social and educational thoughts as well as his contribution are revealed.


  7. The introduction of Western learning into China has a profound and pervasive influence on Chinese modern paintings.


  8. My plan for your ascendance embraces every creature in all dimensions of all worlds.


  9. In modern times, Chinese was in the period that cultural conflict merged and the east study the west gradually.


  1. 论20世纪西方哲学东渐

    A Brief Exposition of the Eastward Flowing of Western Philosophies in the20th Century

  2. 西学东渐与晚清社会2。

    The dissemination of Western learning and the late Qing society II.

  3. 早期驻外使节与西学东渐

    The Early Diplomatic Envoy and Propagating the Western Learning

  4. 交河塔林与密教东渐

    Stupas in Yarkhoto and the Spreading of the Tantrism from West to east

  5. 论西方社会契约理论的东渐

    Development of Contract Social Theory in China

  6. 萨珊王朝波斯乐器和它的东渐

    Persian Musical Instrument of Sassan Dynasty and Its Eastern Spread

  7. 阻碍西方科学技术东渐的若干因素

    The Obstacles of Science and Technology Coming from West to East

  8. 上海在西学东渐中的地位和作用

    The Status and Role of Shanghai during the Propagation of Western Science to the East

  9. 西学东渐与晚清科学小说浅论

    The Gradual Spread to China of Western Science and the Scientific Novel in late Qing

  10. 明清社会的审美趣味与西画东渐

    The Chinese Tastes and the Coming of Western Paining in Ming and Qing Dynasty

  11. 明清实学是西学东渐的思想土壤

    Solid Scholarship of Ming and Qing Dynasties Provides Ground of Thinking for Eastward Development of Western Learning

  12. 晚清西学东渐与海外汉学研究述论

    On West Learning Spreading for the East and Sinology Research Overseas in the Late Qing Dynasty

  13. 在西法东渐时, 我国并未采纳该制度。

    In the progress of moving western laws to east, China does not use this system.

  14. 西方商风东渐与近代上海商业文化的产生

    The Development of Trade from Western to Chinese and Produce of Trade Culture in Modern Shanghai

  15. 试析西画东渐第一途径无法逾越的历史障碍

    Insurmountable Historical Obstacles of the First Path for the Spreading of Western Painting into China

  16. 又受到佛教东渐和各周边民族风俗的直接影响。

    The dunhuang's burial customs is directly influenced by Buddhology and adjoining ethnical conversaion.

  17. 淄潍河流域商周文化东渐历史背景之考古学观察

    The Archeological observation on Historical Background of the Eastwards Influnce of shangzhou Culture on the zi wei Drainage Area.

  18. 这是作者多年研究西方哲学东渐课题的一篇总结性论文。

    This paper is a summary of many years of the author's study on the Eastward Flowing of Western philosophies.