


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……





汉语拼音:tóu děng








  1. 等级最高的。

    《水浒传》第十九回:“那头等大船也有十数隻,却被他火船推来,钻在大船队里一烧。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第五十回:“我们这元和船,上水一点鐘走十二英里,在 长江 船里,也算头等的快船了。”沪剧《罗汉钱》第一幕第一场:“我上次曾经来做媒, 东王庄 王 家亲事算头等。”

  2. 指等级最高的车厢或舱房。

    朱自清 《白种人--上帝的骄子》:“去年暑假到 上海 ,在一路电车的头等里,见一个大西洋人带着一个小西洋人,相并地坐着。” 夏衍 《法西斯细菌》第二幕:“火车上真挤啊,二等三等的人都挤到头等来了。”



  1. Bill: Ah. . . economy. But I thought if I make a " pass " at you, then my boarding pass would pass for first class.


  2. If I were an Apple shareholder I'd be reassured to know that the company's top priority did not include helping out Chelsea.


  3. When the holidays come, exercise is often the first thing to go, even though it belongs at the top of your priority list.


  4. He did not get an immediate reply but he was elevated to the rank of marquis, first class, a reward for his perceived loyalty to the Qing.


  5. How much is the fare for two first-class tickets to Paris?


  6. If he wins, he would assume the top job in government, and may well turn out to be precisely what Japan needs right now.


  7. He won first prize in a lottery enough to keep him in beer for a year.


  8. The financial crisis makes clear how much the interests of foreign lenders have become a top concern in Washington.


  9. Mr. Lin gnawed his lips. He vowed he would raise his prices the next day. He would charge first grade prices for second-rate merchandise.


  1. 头等的, 第一流的

    of the first rate

  2. 头等重要任务

    a task of primary importance.

  3. 头等重要大事

    a matter of primary importance.

  4. 头等还是二等?

    First or second?

  5. 她得了头等奖。

    She won first prize.

  6. 世界头等大国

    a world power of the first order.

  7. 爱情头等舱

    First Class Cabin Of Love.

  8. 质量是头等大事

    Quality is our top priority

  9. 头等重要的事情

    a matter of prime importance

  10. 是的, 是头等快车。

    It is a first class express train.

  11. 是的,是头等快车。

    It is a first class express train.

  12. 是得,是头等快车。

    It is a first class express train.

  13. 一流, 一级, 头等, 上乘

    first chop

  14. 头等车厢在前面。

    The first class carriages are in front.

  15. 我得了头等奖学金。

    I just won the top scholarship.

  16. 他赢了头等奖。

    He took the first prize.

  17. 这是头等车厢吗?

    Is this the first class car?

  18. 头等奖是什么?

    What's first prize?

  19. 头等奖是什么?

    What's first prize?

  20. 我获得了头等奖。

    I carried off the first prize.

  21. 头等票已经没了。

    The first stall has been full already.

  22. 头等舱更宽敞。

    There is more room in first class.

  23. 性格是头等重要的。

    Character is of sovereign importance.

  24. 头等舱还是公务舱?

    First class or business class ?

  25. 头等舱有些反常。

    ALBERTA GREEN There was a anomaly in first class.

  26. 要头等还是二等票?

    First class or second class ?

  27. 他的设计得头等奖。

    His design took the first prize.

  28. 这是件头等的衬衣。

    It's a shirt that bangs the bush.

  29. 学生们竞相争取头等奖。

    The students vied with one another for the first trophy.

  30. 占据头等重要的位置

    to have/ take pride of place


  1. 问:头等拼音怎么拼?头等的读音是什么?头等翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等的读音是tóuděng,头等翻译成英文是 first class

  2. 问:头等舱拼音怎么拼?头等舱的读音是什么?头等舱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等舱的读音是tóuděngcāng,头等舱翻译成英文是 first-class cabin

  3. 问:头等大事拼音怎么拼?头等大事的读音是什么?头等大事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等大事的读音是Tóuděngdàshì,头等大事翻译成英文是 the name of the game

  4. 问:头等的拼音怎么拼?头等的的读音是什么?头等的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等的的读音是,头等的翻译成英文是 A-one

  5. 问:头等货拼音怎么拼?头等货的读音是什么?头等货翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等货的读音是tóu děng huò,头等货翻译成英文是 first rater

  6. 问:头等汇票拼音怎么拼?头等汇票的读音是什么?头等汇票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等汇票的读音是tóu děng huì piào,头等汇票翻译成英文是 first-class bill

  7. 问:头等证券拼音怎么拼?头等证券的读音是什么?头等证券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等证券的读音是tóu děng zhèng quàn,头等证券翻译成英文是 first-class paper

  8. 问:头等修理状况拼音怎么拼?头等修理状况的读音是什么?头等修理状况翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等修理状况的读音是tóu děng xiū lǐ zhuàng kuàng,头等修理状况翻译成英文是 first-class state of repair

  9. 问:头等舱 (航空)拼音怎么拼?头等舱 (航空)的读音是什么?头等舱 (航空)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头等舱 (航空)的读音是,头等舱 (航空)翻译成英文是 First class




【读音】tóu děng

【释义】 一流的;最重要的;最高等级的。

