




1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……



汉语拼音:xiáng hé









  1. 吉祥和睦。

    清 赵翼 《静观》诗之九:“应兴储祥和,不復布戾悍。”《中共中央为抗战四周年纪念宣言》:“所望此等现象,迅速加以消除,回复抗战初期之状态,化戾气为祥和。”



  1. If no accident. She wanted to, she will become his wife. Two people spend the rest of her plain and peaceful.


  2. Moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near, and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness.


  3. Such happy and peace was no longer kept until Bill was sent to Port Moresby of Papua New Guinea for a year to work in a government office.


  4. The sun rose upon a quiet world and looked warmly down upon the peaceful village.


  5. Thailand is known as "The land of smiles" due to its friendly, easy-going nature.


  6. As long as it has no influence on keeping his stable, tranquil and peaceful heart, what life he leads is unimportant .


  7. Christ, before my eyes there shimmered such a golden peace that only a neurotic could dream of turning his head away.


  8. The outside world is so beautiful and leisure concept, together for a blue sky, white clouds of is such a quiet and peaceful.


  9. And when I was looking at this first dance, for instance, it occurred to me that there was a peace in it, you know?


  1. 他是个祥和的人。

    He was a peaceful man.

  2. 夜来月明,宁静祥和。

    The moon is bright at night, it is peaceful and auspicious.

  3. 夜来月明,宁静祥和。

    The moon is bright at night, it is peaceful and auspicious.

  4. 留给她的是安静祥和。

    Another violet tremor, everyone cowers.

  5. 真是一幅欢快祥和的美景。

    And the mood was jolly.

  6. 真是一幅欢快祥和的美景。

    And the mood was jolly.

  7. 太平盛世的乐音安谧祥和,

    Music and dance of the peaceful and prosperous times are tranquil and happy.

  8. 钦州,一方安静祥和的净土。

    Qinzhou is a quiet and peaceful city.

  9. 在安全, 祥和与舒适中遨游世界

    Flying in Safety and Comfort

  10. 究竟高佬祥和爬山狗是谁?

    Who really were Lanky Cheung and Mountain Dog?

  11. 山道弯弯, 青烟轻绕, 祥和宁静。

    Road curved, light blue smoke around, peaceful quiet.

  12. 你现在感受到平安,祥和以及宁静。

    You are now feeling peaceful and calm and tranquil.

  13. 村中的建筑物看来古老,却很祥和。

    The building in the village seems old, but very and auspicious.

  14. 原你的新年充满温馨, 祥和与幸福。

    May your New Year be filled with spacial moment, warmth.

  15. 生活在这里基本上是平静而祥和的。

    Life here is generally quiet and peaceful.

  16. 村中得建筑物看来古老, 却很祥和。

    The building in the village seems old, but very and auspicious.

  17. 他想象不出比这更祥和的景象。

    He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.

  18. 献上祥和与爱心,在圣诞以至永远!

    Dedicate up peaceful and benevolence, at Christmas with go to forever!

  19. 在这里,我可以找到平静,祥和,和温暖。

    I can find peaceness, harmony and warmness.

  20. 他实际上是个祥和并有爱心的人。

    He has peace and love at heart.

  21. 愿你的新年充塞温馨, 祥和与幸福。

    May your New Year be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness.

  22. 每一张笑脸都泛着祥和的气氛。

    Every smiling face is suffused with a peaceful atmosphere.

  23. 铁树开花,风虫为媒,传播祥和,传播幸福

    Cycads Come into Bloom, the Pollination is by both Wind and Insects, and Spread Luckiness and Happiness for the People

  24. 祝你新年与祥和、快乐和幸福常伴!

    May peace, joy and happiness find you in the New Year.

  25. 站在这祥和, 宁静的地方, 太惬意了!

    What a treat to be standing in the peace and tranquility here!

  26. 这给了他们一片祥和,然后继续前行

    This gave them the peace of mind to move forward.

  27. 坐下来感受弥漫其间的绝对宁静祥和。

    Take a pew and absorb the atmosphere of absolute peace and calm that permeates them.

  28. 祥和,繁荣,传统,并且富有浓厚的浪漫气息。

    peaceful, prosperous, and rich in romance and tradition.

  29. 所到的酒镇总的来说都是宁静祥和的。

    The wine towns encountered are, on the whole, quiet and modest.

  30. 所琢玉器,常是图必有意,意必祥和。

    The resulting shapes and patterns were imparted with deep, and usually auspicious meanings.


  1. 问:祥和拼音怎么拼?祥和的读音是什么?祥和翻译成英文是什么?

    答:祥和的读音是xiánghé,祥和翻译成英文是 auspicious and harmonious




【读音】xiáng hé



