







汉语拼音:zhēn bǎn







  1. 切鱼肉等用的垫板。

    元 关汉卿 《望江亭》第三折:“可将砧板、刀子来,我切鱠哩。”《醒世姻缘传》第四二回:“只闻的作起声来……或是椎帛的砧声乱响,或是像几把刀剁的砧板乱鸣。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·施二》:“昨见和尚斫驴脯,置厨下砧板上。” 田汉 《丽人行》第二幕:“我们都成了侵略者砧板上的肉。”



  1. The construction worker's daughter had managed to purchase a small cutting board and a used pair of khaki pants.


  2. FOR A FRESHER CUTTING BOARD: To freshen a wood cutting board, rub it with a lemon wedge after cleaning it. Takes away the food smells.


  3. Now it appears as though GM's often forgotten subsidiary, Holden, may be next on the chopping block block.


  4. Since the king only wishes the meat of one deer per day, let one be chosen by us each day to submit himself to the chopping block.


  5. Depending on your work set-up, you might like to include a little chopping board and a pocket knife in your work lunch arsenal.


  6. To properly prep a mango, first slice a bit off its bottom so the fruit stands upright on your cutting board.


  7. My dad has been doing a lot of woodworking, and he made us the cutting board for Christmas.


  8. You would think that retailers would be all too happy to see consumers let the cards waste away on cork boards and fridges nationwide.


  9. Clean and sanitize plastic cutting boards in a dishwasher or with soapy water, and then sanitize with straight vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.


  1. 厨房用砧板

    cutting board for the kitchen.

  2. 砧板和锋利的去皮刀

    Cutting board and sharp paring knife

  3. 竹青砧板的研制开发

    Manufacture on surfce green bamboo chopping block

  4. 我妈给我的砧板很棒。

    This cutting board my mother gave me is excellent.

  5. 我妈给我得砧板很棒。

    This cutting board my mother gave me is excellent.

  6. 使用木制或竹制的砧板

    Use a wooden or bamboo chopping board

  7. 易裂的木头不易做砧板。

    Fissile wood is not good for making cutting boards.

  8. 竹青砧板生产工艺与设备

    Technology and Equipment for Surf Green Chopping Block Manufacture

  9. 我比较喜欢的是竹制的砧板。

    My preferred option is a bamboo chopping board.

  10. 砧板用完后用肥皂和水清洗。

    Wash your cutting boards with soap and water after using.

  11. 白色部分是由一个塑料砧板。

    The white parts are made from a plastic cutting board.

  12. 竹砧板挤压成型机的设计

    Design of the Extruder for Chopping Block

  13. 难怪你厨房得砧板有一股异味。

    No wonder your kitchen board smells!

  14. 难怪你厨房的砧板有一股异味。

    No wonder your kitchen board smells!

  15. 使用清洁砧板及器皿处理新鲜农产品。

    Use clean cutting boards and utensils when handling fresh produce.

  16. 收集现代砧板设计, 享受备料的乐趣。

    Collection of modern cutting boards designed to make food preparation more efficient and enjoyable.

  17. 不要将木制砧板放入洗碗机中。

    Dont put wooden cutting boards in the dishwasher.

  18. 因此教育成了砧板上的鱼肉任人宰割。

    As a result, education is on the chopping block.

  19. 多年来他们都把这个树桩当作砧板。

    They had used that stump for many years as a chopping block.

  20. 切生肉的砧板和刀, 不要切熟的食物

    Use separate knives and cutting boards for raw meat and cooked food

  21. 砧板盒,用来安放双面平行的实验样品。

    P. Box Anvil, used to secure parallel specimens.

  22. 女儿买回来一块小砧板,一条二手卡其裤。

    The construction workers daughter had managed to purchase a small cutting board and a used pair of khaki pants.

  23. 一名肉类柜台营业员正在砧板上斩开猪肉。

    A butcher chops up a pig carcass on a block. Mr.

  24. 设计者在砧板对待自己的工作就像一个游戏。

    The designers at The Chopping Block treat their work like a game.

  25. 他们在房子里放了一个树桩,当成杀牛的砧板。

    They kept a big stump in the house as a chopping block to kill cows on.

  26. 等红椒完全变软了,取出放到干净的砧板上。

    Remove from the pan to copping board until completely soft.

  27. 别把你煮过的肉置于放过生肉的盘子或者砧板上。

    Do NOT place your cooked meat on the same plate or cutting board that you used for the raw meat.

  28. 为了装进烤炉,随后杀死的鹿被带到砧板上屠宰。

    The body would then be brought to the chopping block to be butchered for the oven.

  29. 我呢,把菜刀和砧板洗干净,就开始切表姐洗好的菜。

    I do, chopper and chopping block, began to wash washing dishes cut cousin.

  30. 生和熟的食物要分开处理,切勿使用同一砧板和刀。

    Prepare raw food and cooked food separately, using separate knives and chopping boards for each.


  1. 问:砧板拼音怎么拼?砧板的读音是什么?砧板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:砧板的读音是zhēnbǎn,砧板翻译成英文是 cutting board



砧板Cutting board;Chopping boardzhēn bǎn捶、切、剁、砸东西时垫在底下的器物,一般用在烹调上元 关汉卿 《望江亭》第三折:“可将砧板、刀子来,我切鱠哩。”《醒世姻缘传》第四二回:“只闻的作起声来……或是椎帛的砧声乱响,或是像几把刀剁的砧板乱鸣。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·施二》:“昨见和尚斫驴脯,置厨下砧板上。”田汉 《丽人行》第二幕:“我们都成了侵略者砧板上的肉。”在餐饮店或酒店里,砧板也被称作是一种职务,是负责切食物的,也有叫“切墩”的。