







汉语拼音:shí quán







  1. 实际权力。

    明 徐渭 《陶宅战归序》:“大抵能言者多在下,不能察而用者多在上。在上者冒虗位,在下者无实权。” 章炳麟 《驳康有为论革命书》:“志士之任天下者,本无实权,不得以成败论之,而皇帝则不得不以成败论之。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二三:“其实维持会只是个不甚体面的古董铺,并没有任何实权。”



  1. 'Even though the new Parliament will have no real power, this shows that Egyptians are willing to be peaceful democrats, ' she said.

  2. The son of Sandy Weill, ex-head of Citibank, left his powerful job at the bank abruptly a few years ago and checked into drug rehab instead.

  3. Li Peng, the former premier, was the longtime ruler of the power sector, where two of his children rose to hold powerful jobs.

  4. That may be why it took so long to fill the job with an ambitious figure of substance, as President Obama seems to have done here.

  5. But Sun knew from the start that he would not be able to retain power when confronted by Yuan and stepped down voluntarily on April 1st.

  6. indeed many powerful financial participants regarded him as something of a crackpot.

  7. The king of that country is only a figure head without real authority.

  8. Behind the confusing veil of peoples' committees, the reality was that Libyans were denied any meaningful role in politics.

  9. The key to any purchase, however, would be persuading the presiding Schindler family to do a deal.


  1. 她没有实权。

    She has no real power.

  2. 国民党实权派

    the people in power of KMT.

  3. 宣政院实权

    real authority in the Xuanzheng Yuan.

  4. 家长委员会才握有实权

    The parents'council has all the power.

  5. 家长委员会才握有实权。

    The parents 'council has all the power.

  6. 君主政体实际已无实权。

    The monarch actually has no real power.

  7. 但是罗马有实权但是没有国王。

    But Rome had real power and yet no king.

  8. 那个皇帝实际上没有政治实权。

    The emperor was actually a political eunuch.

  9. 他们有实权派的朋友撑腰。

    And they have some powerful friends.

  10. 他是他们组织中的实权人物。

    He is the strong man in their organization.

  11. 这些政治家中,有些人并无实权。

    Some of these politicians are just men of straw.

  12. 在会谈中他的话表明他毫无实权。

    What he said in the talk showed he was a man of straw.

  13. 绝对不要幻想那个头衔会有实权。

    Never imagine that rank confers genuine authority.

  14. 自此之后,军方一直掌握着实权。

    Thereafter, the military remained the locus of real power.

  15. 例如, 女王是国家首脑, 但她没有实权。

    For example, the queen is the head of state, but she has no real power.

  16. 实权是在首相和他的内阁手中。

    The virtual power lies in the hands of the prime minister and his cabinet.

  17. 挂名首脑,傀儡没有实权的名义上的领导傀儡

    A nominal leader lacking in real authority a figurehead.

  18. 首相是奥地利政府最有实权的人。

    The chancellor is the most powerful man in the Austrian government.

  19. 由于这个职员没有实权, 他只好权宜行事。

    Because he had no real authority, the clerk acted in an officious way.

  20. 他空有高官的派头却并无实权。

    He have the trappings of high office but no real power.

  21. 少年属于少数族裔, 警察则握有实权。

    Yet one of these groups is a minority, while the other wields real power.

  22. 我们只是站在学者和实权人物的边上。

    We just stand on the sidelines beside the academics and carp.

  23. 做一个部门的主管而无实权是反常的。

    A position as head of a department, but with no real authority, is anomalous.

  24. 傀儡名义上为正式领袖但无实权的人

    A person given a position of nominal leadership but having no actual authority.

  25. 他们对这个世界的实权之争注定要失败。

    Their grab for real power in this world was doomed to failure.

  26. 这样一来,就更有利于博尔曼操纵实权了。

    Thus actual power had shifted still more in Bormann's favor.

  27. 名义上他是领导者,但实际上是别人掌握实权。

    He was nominally the leader, but others actually wielded the power.

  28. 他是一个没有实权的统治者,只是徒有虚名而已。

    He is a ruler without power, a mere fly on the wheel.

  29. 他已长时间担任没有实权的职业性挂名负责人。

    He has had a long career as a professional frontman with no power.

  30. 慈禧是光绪皇帝的母后,掌握着国家实权。

    Cixi is Emperor Guangxu's mother. She holds the real power of the country.


  1. 问:实权拼音怎么拼?实权的读音是什么?实权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实权的读音是shíquán,实权翻译成英文是 real power



拼音:shíquán词性:名词英文:[real power]  基本解释[real power] 实际权力这是一个有实权的职位详细解释实际权力。明 徐渭 《陶宅战归序》:“大抵能言者多在下,不能察而用者多在上。在上者冒虗位,在下者无实权。” 章炳麟 《驳康有为论革命书》:“志士之任天下者,本无实权,不得以成败论之,而皇帝则不得不以成败论之。” 老舍 《四世同堂》二三:“其实维持会只是个不甚体面的古董铺,并没有任何实权。”