


价值,价钱:币~。产~。贬~。升~。物和价相当,引申有意义或有价值:~百元。不~一文。~当。数学上指演算所得结果:数~。比~。函数~。遇到,逢着:相~。~遇。正~。当,轮到:当~。~班。~勤。~更(gēng )。~星。……





汉语拼音:zhí rì








  1. 在当值的那一天承应差事或担任某项工作。

    明 来集之 《铁氏女》:“今日轮该 铁布政 两个女儿值日,他却并不肯迎接官府的。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“﹝ 宝玉 ﹞刚到了 沁芳亭 ,只见园中后门上值日的婆子手里拿着一个字帖走来。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九五回:“知县也没甚説得,只好照他的办法。立刻出了票子,传了值日差役,去提和尚。” 赵树理 《三里湾》一:“村里今天该我值日,专署 何科长 来了,才派出饭去,还没找下房子住!”



  1. Two of the last week's on-duty parents did not show up, resulting in extra work and inconvenience for the other on-duty parents.


  2. he would gently place the first three, this film can be really loud, a few words on the duty of the children do go away.


  3. I'm on duty today , and i'm very glad to tell you some of my opinion.


  4. Although I am only in class, just as the team leader and team leader on duty, but I am still active and serious efforts to do a good job.


  5. You were on duty yesterday. You ought to have cleaned the office.


  6. Hell, everybody. Today is Friday and I'm on duty today. Please allow me to introduce my hobbies to you.


  7. Nobody was careful in Group Five. They locked the door without turning off the fan or closing the windows.


  8. But I am on duty this noon and I supervise five classes of students for self-learning at the last class time this afternoon.


  9. Someone can "own" the right to the remote control; the best seat can also go up for grabs, as can exemption from the washing-up rota.


  1. 今天你值日。

    You're on duty today.

  2. 今天是谁值日。

    Who's on duty today?

  3. 好,今天我值日。

    Good! I'm on duty today.

  4. 汤姆昨天做值日。

    Tom was on duty yesterday.

  5. 今天该我值日。

    Today it's my turn to be on duty.

  6. 今天中午我值日。

    I am on duty this noon.

  7. 今天我是值日生。

    I am the one on duty today.

  8. 今天哪个组做值日?

    Which group is on duty today?

  9. 要么你值日, 要么是我。

    Either you or I am going to be on duty.

  10. 轮到李磊值日了。

    It's Li Lei's turn to be on duty.

  11. 今天谁值日打扫教室?

    Whose turn is it to clean the classroom today?

  12. 李明和我今天值日。

    Li Ming and I are on duty today.

  13. 我每周五值日。

    I'm on duty every Friday.

  14. 今天轮到你值日吗?

    Is it your turn to be on duty today?

  15. 你知道今天谁值日吗?

    Do you know who's on duty today?

  16. 今天是你还是汤姆值日?

    Are you or Tom on duty today?

  17. 大家早上好!今天我值日。

    Good morning, everyone! I'm on duty today.

  18. 今天轮到你做值日了。

    It is your turn to be on duty today.

  19. 早上好王老师。是我值日。

    Good morning, miss wang. I am.

  20. 在我们班, 我们轮流做值日报告。

    In our class, we take turns to do the duty report.

  21. 现在王英和李雷在值日。

    Wang Ying and Li Lei are on duty now.

  22. 今天是星期一, 轮到我值日。

    It's Monday, and I'm on duty today.

  23. 今天我值日, 该轮到我打扫教室。

    I am on duty today, it's my turn to clean the classroom.

  24. 今天我值日, 还上了四节课。

    I am on duty and I also had four classes today.

  25. 在没轮到你值日时清洁浴缸。

    Scrub the bathtub when it's not your turn.

  26. 作为值日生的你要截住从天而降的水果。

    As the attendant stopped you from heaven fruit.

  27. 值夜班的人在下午6点接替值日班的人。

    The night watch relieved the day watch at 6 p.m.

  28. 那些学生没有理由拒绝在星期二值日。

    There is no excuse for the students to refuse to be on duty on Tuesday.

  29. 今天是你们值日,别躲了,快擦黑板。

    Today, so stop shirking and erase the blackboard!

  30. 配合程度是否有执行所安排的卫生值日。

    Coooperation Willingness in executing the housekeeping duties as arranged.


  1. 问:值日拼音怎么拼?值日的读音是什么?值日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值日的读音是zhírì,值日翻译成英文是 be on duty for the day

  2. 问:值日生拼音怎么拼?值日生的读音是什么?值日生翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值日生的读音是zhírìshēng,值日生翻译成英文是 The student who take his turn to be responsible f...

  3. 问:值日官拼音怎么拼?值日官的读音是什么?值日官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值日官的读音是zhí rì guān,值日官翻译成英文是 Officer of the Day

  4. 问:值日军官拼音怎么拼?值日军官的读音是什么?值日军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值日军官的读音是zhí rì jūn guān,值日军官翻译成英文是 Officer of the Day

  5. 问:值日校官拼音怎么拼?值日校官的读音是什么?值日校官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值日校官的读音是zhí rì xiào guān,值日校官翻译成英文是 Field Officer of the Day



词目: 值日 值日注音: zhí rì释义: 在当值的那一天承应差事或担任某项工作。英文:turn duty“值”是值班;“日”是当日需要处理的事务工作。基本解释[be on duty for the day] 在指定负责的那一天执行任务轮流值日详细解释在当值的那一天承应差事或担任某项工作。明 来集之 《铁氏女》:“今日轮该 铁布政 两个女儿值日,他却并不肯迎接官府的。”《红楼梦》第三七回:“﹝ 宝玉 ﹞刚到了 沁芳亭 ,只见园中后门上值日的婆子手里拿着一个字帖走来。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九五回:“知县也没甚说得,只好照他的办法。立刻出了票子,传了值日差役,去提和尚。” 赵树理 《三里湾》一:“村里今天该我值日,专署 何科长 来了,才派出饭去,还没找下房子住!”