











汉语拼音:yí chuán jiù àn







  • 【解释】:就:凑近,靠近。改变原来主张,乘势凑上去办成某事。也比喻不招自来。
  • 【出自】:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第九十一回:“那薛蝌若有悔心,自然移船就岸。”
  • 【语法】:连动式;作谓语;比喻就范


  1. na.
  2. move one'

  3. s boat to get ashore;make progress easier;come of one'

  4. s own accord

  1. 轮船一到港口,他们就上了岸。

    They went on shore the moment the ship reached the harbor.

  2. 一旦上了岸,就不再祈祷。

    Once on shore, we pray no more.

  3. 那就等我们岸的时候好好看看吧。其实还是一的。

    Wait till we dock lean over the side, take a good look the same thing.

  4. 那就等我们岸得时候好好看看吧。其实还是一得。

    Wait till we dock lean over the side, take a good look the same thing.

  5. 不停地划呀, 孩子们!再加一把劲, 我们就要到岸了。

    Pull away, boys A little more effort, and we'll soon reach the shore.

  6. 就像拍岸的海浪,它们砰砰砰的拍着岸,就像心跳一样稳健。

    They go thump, thump, thump, steady as a heartbeat.

  7. 他们上了岸,就看见那里有炭火,上面有鱼,又有饼。

    When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.

  8. 他们把两只船拢了岸,就撇下所有的跟从了耶稣。

    So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him.

  9. 他很娴熟地就靠上了岸,这对他来说只是雕虫小技而已。

    He hit the landing on the other side neatly, for this was a familiar bit of work to him.

  10. 老练的桨手篙一撑, 船就似箭般离了岸。

    The practised oar pushed out and the boat left the tank like an arrow.

  11. 老练得桨手篙一撑,船就似箭般离了岸。

    The practised oar pushed out and the boat left the tank like an arrow.

  12. 老练得桨手将篙一撑,船就似箭一般离开了岸。

    The practised oar pushed off and the boat left the like an arrow.

  13. 老练的桨手将篙一撑,船就似箭一般离开了岸。

    The practised oar pushed off and the boat left the like an arrow.

  14. 他一上岸就把小船系在了一棵树上。

    He hitched his boat to a tree when he landed.

  15. 他一上岸就被一些友好的人们围住了。

    As soon as he stepped ashore, he found himself surrounded by friendly people.

  16. 太阳已经落山了,我一上岸就直奔寨子而去。

    The sun had now and,once on dry land, I began to walk to the stockade.

  17. 他们能平安抵达,于是一上岸就到庙里致谢。

    Once they landed, they visited the temples to offer their thanks for a safe journey.

  18. 当你面对河水所流的方向时,河的左岸就在你的左边。

    The left bank of a river is on your left as you face the direction in which it flows.

  19. 如果你们想到岸的话,就得使尽全身力气不停地划。

    If you want to reach the shore, you shall have to pull on.

  20. 既然我已上岸, 就由我自己来做。

    Now that I've ashore, I might as well do it myself.

  21. 我就不许上岸了?

    Must I not go ashore?

  22. 涨潮前,孩子们就上岸了。

    The children got ashore before the tide came in.

  23. 鱼尚未上岸,就先别高兴。

    Don't bless the fish till it gets to the land.

  24. 我们把船拴好, 就上岸了。

    We tied up our boat and went on shore.

  25. 船一靠港我们就上岸了。

    We went ashore when the boat reached the port.

  26. 他们用力划船, 很快就到了岸边。

    They pulled hard and reached the shore quickly.

  27. 这就是我们在河的左岸所建造的

    So that's what we are building from the left side of the river.

  28. 他们扎完了绳梯的横索就上岸了。

    They finished rattling down and went ashore.

  29. 我们涉水上岸之前天色就已经暗了。

    The dusk fell before we waded ashore.

  30. 没有那块木板,我们就到不了岸边。

    We would never have reached the shore without that plank.