


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kàn gāo






  1. 预测市场价格上涨。

    茅盾 《赵先生想不通》:“凡是能够叫市场人心‘看高’的消息,--也不妨说是谣言,他 赵先生 总听着不受用。”



  1. And over the long term, high market prices are a crucial part of the process of structural demand reduction.


  2. But perhaps you'd like to see it in hi-res on a huge screen? Maybe in 3D?


  3. High volume applications can be bad from the perspective of their high CPU and memory requirements.


  4. High food prices might even be considered a good thing from the standpoint of overall global economic efficiency.


  5. from a risk point of view, high-level personnel of the Flexible Flow reduced the risk of brain drain.


  6. At first glance, gaobao (KBA) China's conference room and there is nothing special in every single way: design simple, quiet atmosphere.


  7. Although high yourself, don't also degrade the others, attitude decides everything.


  8. It's cheaper in the long run because it won't need to be fixed as often or replaced as soon.


  9. The others look high, look down upon themselves; the collective Big, the personal look small.


  1. 继续看高一线。

    Continue to watch the high line.

  2. 请你查查看高先生这会儿是否有时间。

    Please check if Mr.Gao has time this moment.

  3. 如果你想成功, 那么眼光就要看高一些。

    If you want to succeed, set your sights higher.

  4. 经理的夫妇看一看高的,建造良好的瑞典人。

    A couple of the managers took one look at the tall, well built Swede.

  5. 谦虚些, 不要太高看自己的观点。

    Be humble, don't think too highly of your own point of view.

  6. 高看一眼动真情,厚爱一层送亲情

    Arousing passions by looking in a high angle and sending relatives feelings by deep love andconcern

  7. 大家都太高看我了, 事实上我太缺乏进取心了。

    People around think me higher, in fact, I have little ambition.

  8. 他这人只会自我吹捧,你可别高看了他。

    He just knows how to glorify himself, don't overestimate him.

  9. 不,我很少来,你太高看我了,其实我很简朴。

    I seldom come here. You think too highly of me. In fact I am a frugal man.

  10. 乔布的苦难使他更高看神, 更低看自己。

    Job's afflictions left him with higher conceptions of God and lowlier thoughts of himself.

  11. 有的人眼睛总盯着自己,所以长不高看不远。

    Some people stare at their eyes, the total so far to see Zhang Bugao.

  12. 所有产品按价格分类, 可以由低到高看或相反。

    All goods are sorted by price, you can view the product list by lowest price or highest price order.

  13. 你要高看自己,因为别人会根据你对自己的评价来看待你。

    Think highly of yourself, for the world takes you at your own estimate.

  14. 你要是以为所有的人都在看你,那你就太高看自己了。

    If you think all the others are watching you, you flatter yourself.

  15. 位于厚玻璃底下的字看起来高些。

    The words under thick glass look higher up.

  16. 你能不能蹲低一点让我看起来高一点?

    Would you crouch down a bIt'so that I look taller ?

  17. 从毛姆的小说创作看画家高更对其的影响

    On Gauguin's Influence Upon Maugham's Novels

  18. 现在, 贬值货币得代价看起来高得让人望而怯步。

    Now, the costs of devaluing appear prohibitively high.

  19. 有什么化妆方法可以使我的鼻子看起来高一些的

    Is there any way I can make my nose look higher with makeup

  20. 现在,贬值货币的代价看起来高得让人望而怯步。

    Now, the costs of devaluing appear prohibitively high.

  21. 如果你想看 凡高到底是怎样创造了这幅杰作

    And what if you want to see how Van Gogh actually created this masterpiece?

  22. 从河道截流的发展趋势来看,高水头截流已成为一种趋势。

    Higher water head closure has become a trend with the development of river way closure.

  23. 我总把他看得很高。

    I have always regarded him highly.

  24. 直纹墙纸使得天花板看起来更高。

    Vertical wallpapers make the ceiling look higher.

  25. 光看着草长高丝毫没有荣耀可言。

    There is no glory in watching the grass grow.

  26. 她穿高跟鞋, 好让自己看起来更高些。

    She wears high heels to make herself look taller.

  27. 她穿高跟鞋,好让自己看起来更高些。

    She wears high heels to make herself look taller.

  28. 神岂不是在高天吗?你看星宿何其高呢?

    Is not God as high as heaven? and see the stars, how high they are!

  29. 让自己陷入情网, 让自己跳出情网, 让自己看得更高更远。

    Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high.

  30. 让自己陷入情网, 让自己冲破樊篱, 让自己看得更高。

    Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights hight.


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