






1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:biàn shēng bù cè







  • 【解释】:变:有重大影响的突然变化;不测:意外。变故发生于突然之间。
  • 【出自】:清·曹雪芹《红楼梦》第四十四回:“变生不测凤姐泼醋,喜出望外平儿理妆。”
  • 【示例】:江西省议会及总商会,恐~屡电到鄂,请黎莅任。
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作宾语;指意外发生变故


  1. Things could have gone wrong in any of these areas.


  1. 他险遭不测。

    He had a narrow escape.

  2. 万一他遭遇不测

    and if something happens.

  3. 起航之後即遭不测。

    Misfortune struck early in the voyage.

  4. 起航之后即遭不测。

    Misfortune struck early in the voyage.

  5. 你得随时预防不测。

    You had to be ready for any emergency.

  6. 要采取措施, 以防不测。

    You should make provision for things going wrong.

  7. 你要采取措施,以防不测。

    You should make provision for things going wrong.

  8. 国王在这儿呢。已经遭逢不测。

    The king is here and in danger.

  9. 我得做好准备以防不测。

    I have to be prepared in case of an emergency.

  10. 从长远看, 应该存钱以备不测。

    In the long run, one should save money for emergencies.

  11. 他拿了一根大棒子以防不测。

    He armed himself with a big stick.

  12. 我们必须筹措一笔储备基金以应不测。

    We must build up a reserve fund to meet emergency.

  13. 没想到路上居然设有埋伏,他险遭不测。

    Never expecting an ambush on the road, he had a narrow escape.

  14. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。

    I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents.

  15. 因此, 出行前必须对驾驶证照进行检查, 以防不测。

    So, before you go on driving licenses to check, in case of accidents.

  16. 北京10大公园将于近日起进行入园安检,以备不测。

    Park visitors in Beijing will be frisked at 10 parks to avoid possible safety risk.

  17. 沿途很多商店的门窗都用木板封上了,以防不测。

    Many shops along the route have been boarded up in case of trouble.

  18. 虽然那天阳光明媚, 我父亲还是带上了雨伞以防不测。

    Although the sun was shining the other day, my father took the umbrella with him to be on the safe side.

  19. 我们得狗在树下挖了个洞, 把肉骨头放进去, 以防不测。

    Our dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in It'safekeeping.

  20. 我们的狗在树下挖了个洞, 把肉骨头放进去, 以防不测。

    Our dog dug a hole under the tree and put the bone in It'safekeeping.

  21. 君王之心也测不透。

    So the mind of kings is unsearchable.

  22. 尺寸太小以至于测不出。

    The size is too small to be measured.

  23. 纸不透明度测定法

    testing method for opacity of paper

  24. 空气层的阻抗非常的大,测不出差别。

    This is because the resistance is so great that alayer of air makes no appreciable difference.

  25. 天之高, 地之厚, 君王之心也测不透。

    The heaven for height, and the earth for depth, and the heart of kings is unsearchable.

  26. 人不知天有多高,地有多厚,君王的心也照样测不透。

    As the heavens are high and the earth is deep, so the hearts of kings are unsearchable.

  27. 真正的基督教信仰不是高深莫测,而是简单易懂。

    Authentic Christianity is not sophisticated but simple. R. T.

  28. 在实际应用时, 测量仪器并不能直接测定伦琴数。

    In actual practice, measuring instruments do not directly determine the number of roentgens.

  29. 他神秘莫测,不告诉我他想干什麽。

    He was being very mysterious, and wouldn't tell me what he was up to.

  30. 这些位置的轨道不存在并且电子肯定也不会被测到。

    Those are also the places where the orbital goes to zero and the electron is sure not to be found.

