




1. 舍 [shè]舍 [shè]居住的房子:宿~。旅~。校~。居住,休息:~于山麓。谦辞,多指亲属中比自己年纪小或辈分低的:~弟。~侄。~亲。古代行军一宿或三十里为一舍:退避三~(喻对人让步)。姓。……



汉语拼音:hóng shè




校舍。亦借指学校。《宋书·臧焘徐广傅隆传赞》:“艺重当时,所居一旦成市,黌舍暂启,著録或至万人。”宋 范成大《送子文杂言》诗:“城东黌舍有佳人,邂逅使我加餐食。”明 谢肇淛《五杂俎·人部四》:“今之释教,殆遍天下。琳宇梵宫,盛於黌舍;唪诵呪唄,嚣於弦歌。”郭沫若《东风集·<咏福建·咏厦门高集海堤>》:“金门 晴靄外,黌舍碧波中。”



  1. 校舍。亦借指学校。

    《宋书·臧焘徐广傅隆传赞》:“艺重当时,所居一旦成市,黌舍暂启,著録或至万人。” 宋 范成大 《送子文杂言》诗:“城东黌舍有佳人,邂逅使我加餐食。” 明 谢肇淛 《五杂俎·人部四》:“今之释教,殆遍天下。琳宇梵宫,盛於黌舍;唪诵呪唄,嚣於弦歌。” 郭沫若 《东风集·<咏福建·咏厦门高集海堤>》:“ 金门 晴靄外,黌舍碧波中。”



  1. There was a big wooden sign with blue letters that said the name of the school when it was built in 1908, but it was only open a few years.


  2. the next day, last day of school, my sister and i went join the end-of-semester events. simple but warm.


  3. Students of our school are encouraged to do independent thellonking and not to be restricted by the teacher's points of view.


  4. I've had many lessons in my school life. Among them the one given by an American young man is the most unforgettable.


  5. It is an offence for private schools to make false claims or intentionally mislead students in their advertisements.


  6. The school opens the sound, the body, the beautiful classroom, are only one form, not its practical significance.


  7. Check whether a course offered by a private school is permitted by the Council for Private Education.


  8. Management process in schools to encourage advanced spur lagging behind, a student does not give up.


  9. Consequently, another institution suffering from an acute crisis is The Design School also under the fire of University standards.


  1. 并取得了黉舍三等奖学金。

    Besides, access to the school third scholarship.

  2. 他脱离黉舍了, 可能是他抱病了。

    He is away from school. He might be sick.

  3. 我们会在黉舍植树并拍照纪念。

    We will plant trees in our school and take photos for memory.

  4. 当前我正在一个培训黉舍进修财务学。

    And I am currently studying finance in a training school.

  5. 本人第一个上的黉舍是一所国小。

    The first school I attended was a primary school.

  6. 本人第一个上得黉舍是一所国小。

    The first school I attended was a primary school.

  7. 在黉舍我学语文、数学、英语和其它科目。

    At school, I study Chinese, maths, English and other subjects.

  8. 我明天去黉舍给你领一张申请表。

    I will pick up an application form for you at school tomorrow.

  9. 阿谁黉舍的四分子三的西席是女教员。

    Three fourths of the teachers in this school are women teachers.

  10. 没有需要仓促忙忙上黉舍, 因为时候还足够呢。

    There is no hurry in running to school for time is still enough.

  11. 汽车站离我们黉舍没有远, 走一会女便到。

    The bus stop is a short walk from our school.

  12. 我们知讲我们黉舍的做业一样平常是步杌的。

    We know that our school lessons are usually not sufficient.

  13. 一辆黉舍通勤车卷入了同一辆油罐车的相撞之中。

    A school bus has been involved in a collision with a tanker.

  14. 来日诰日下战书咱们黉舍将有一场足球赛。

    There is going to be a football match in our school tomorrow afternoon.

  15. 早几天一位教师诗人参不美观了我们黉舍。

    A teacher and poet visited our school the other day.

  16. 脱离父母上寄宿黉舍的学生将会培养他们的独立性。

    Students aboarding school would cultivate their independence as apart from their parents.

  17. 修设花了两幼年的黉舍是为残徐儿童而设的。

    The school, having been built for two years, is intended for the disabled children.

  18. 当东浩想避雨时,他看见第二间黉舍地女孩。

    While trying to avoid the rain, he meets another school girl.

  19. 她搬进了黉舍宿舍, 在法令系藏书楼找了个业余工作。

    She moved into the university dormitory and got a job at the Law Library.

  20. 为了检验他里临公众的怯气, 他减进了黉舍的辩讲角逐。

    To test his public mettle, he then entered debate contests in school.

  21. 孙淑伟在黉舍努力学习, 耐劳练习, 五年以后进入了国家队。

    Sun Shuwei studied hard at school and trained hard for five years before he came to the national team.

  22. 假如比来被汲引或分派了新的事变,确定要让黉舍知道。

    Make sure to inform the school of any recent promotions or new work assignments.